Create form
This controller is used to create a session with a specific template and role, input parameters and other configurations.
When pressing “Session” controller in the workflow the session settings panel will be opened at the right side.
General settings
Id | ID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system. |
Name | Default name “Session” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown inside of the controller in the workflow and with a unique value it is easy to distinguish it from others. |
Use session as defaults | Select the default to get the data from. In case the controller was added from “Append form” option the value will be automatically added and configured to the previous session result. It is very important to define the default when there is more than one entry to the session. For more information see “Inputs” section below. |
Description | Add the description of the session. |
Inputs settings
This screen is used to add input parameters to the session controller from the previous controllers or from the form.
Add input specification | Press “+” icon to add a new input parameter. |
Id | ID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller. |
Name | Name of the input parameter. |
Source | Source of the input parameter. Can be any of the previous controllers or the session result from the form. |
Type | Type of the input parameter. Default: Any |
Required | Required or not. Default: No |
Example of the input parameter from the Start event:
Example of the input from the previous session result:
Example of the input parameter from the Form Result of the client session:
Form settings
Template | Select the template from the list of existing templates to run in the current session. |
Role | Select the role (recipient) from the list that is automatically created based on the template definition. |
Is seal session | Select the check box if the session is seal. |
Document | Press “Choose file” button to attach the document to the session or the link button to select the reference. |
Input | Press “+” icon to add the fields for the template parameters. |
Key | Add the ID of the field controller in the template where the value will be inserted upon running the session. |
Value | Add the value that will be inserted to the template field or select it from the list of input parameters. |
Redirect URL | Add the redirect URL or select it from the list of input parameters. |
Archive URL | Add the archive URL or select it from the list of input parameters. |