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Screen sharing

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 110 views

Cellosign system allows sending a template to the client and creating a common interface (client and agent) for filling out a common template. The interface allows the agent to view the values ​​entered by the client and the client to view the values ​​entered by the agent in real time. Each of them (agent, client) can add values according to the editing and viewing permissions given in the template.

The screen sharing option can be implemented in two ways, through the Show Agent interface or Processes interface.

In the Show Agent interface, the option exists by default and under the following conditions:

  • Agent has sent the template (a timer indicator will appear next to the target box for sending the template).
  • Client opened the link sent to him (a green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side in real time).

If both conditions are met, you can use the screen sharing option.

For more information about Show Agent interface read here.

In Processes interface the option exists in the actions screen under the specific transaction.

Press “+” next to the transaction that need to share:

After it press “Show Agent” button to open the transaction from the agent side:

Note: In Processes interface users with organization manager or project manager privileges can also open a client screen by pressing “Show Client” button and view or edit the template with client permissions.

For more information about Processes window read here.

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