Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Client applications Client forms Estimated reading: 7 minutes 199 views Client forms is a user interface that present to a client a list of forms that needs to be filled in an organized and secured fashion. Clients receives one link against they will need to identify and authorized for access. The interface is highly customizable and include rich function customization and looks configuration to match your brand. Why do I need this? Client forms is a great way to communicate with your clients, push new forms that needs to be filled, Client can see show how much time left to complete and all in a single link and one time authentication. Setting up client forms Login to projects page and locate “Client forms” and follow the tabs to set it up. Before modifying default colors and backgrounds make sure to read accessibility section below. Background settings This setting is optional. It affect the authorization pages only. It does not propagated in transactions page. SettingHelperBackground imageClient forms ius responsive and will adapt to any device automatically. We advise to pick an image with 4 (width):3(height) proportions, it scales better.In addition, we advise to upload an image smaller than 100 KB to expedite loading time for your clientBackground image settingThere are 3 CSS settings available for your disposal, check what works best for you when device is table, mobile or desktop.Alternative textMake sure to enter a meaningful name that represents the image, typically it would be a “background image of <my brand>” Color settings Button background color and button text color All buttons on transactions view and authorization page gets there attributes from the first two color pickers. including the shading below a transaction row. The image on the right is a result of a red background and white-gray text color as configured in the image below Remember to make sure to pick colors that contrasts well. Text color Most of the texts in client forms view will pick on this color, including transactions text and hello text as can be seen in the image above. Authentication settings This tab includes a collection of settings to process the authentication stage and configuration of footer links Identification header, text, error and support text Configure texts for intro page. For accessibility compliance make sure your text are simple and direct Suppress leading zeros Client forms viewer collects all client’s transactions that share the same password, see require password for details. Occasionally the access password is a number, such as ID that has fluid representations to include or exclude leading zeros. As such when client insert the password it will not include leading zero and when the transaction is initiated from your core application it does include it. Essentially, we might end up with mismatch when client enters “7673899” as password and your DB inject “07673899”. These will never match. This is where “Suppress leading zeros” become handy. It will suppress leading zeros to match. As such “000123” is equal to “123”. Note: Be aware on what data to use for password authentication. Make sure that “0123” and “123” are not different entities. In Activate OTP We encourage you to use this option. OTP will guarantee that clients can access their transactions can do so only after we have doubled checked their identity. To apply OTP to transactions, at least one transaction that match the password will need to have an OTP associated. If there are more that one OTP address then the viewer will list the propagated OTP destinations. Footer links By default Cellosign displays links to Accessibility, Privacy and terms of use pages. Use the switch to turn off any of the links. Alternatively. You may override the defaults to include links of your own. Make sure to add valid markup and texts. i.e.: Markup to open external web address: “https://yourdomain.com” To pop up phone app. “tel:0500001234” (For mobile apps) To display only the label please enter “#” in url Transactions settings Introduction text Enter here text that will appear before the list of transactions Show validity When activated the date and time on which a transaction will be expired is displayed below the transaction button. Aggregate Enable this option if you are using business models and wish to display collections of transactions associated with business case. In the example below we have two business case aggregations and two stand alone transactions: Loan 12345-67: Has 2 transactions and is expanded Loan 456778-90: Has 3 transactions and is collapsed “Change of banking information” and “Direct debit consent” are stand alone transaction Note that stand alone transactions are displayed only after business case aggregations. Show submitted transactions and document options These options are related with data model option which is not yet released. Popup Enter title and texts (or HTML markup). The popup will be displayed after each successful login. In case you are using HTML markup make sure to test the result on different browsers. Order of appearance OptionDescriptionExpirationDefault option for order is transaction expiration. Transactions that are first to expire will be displayed first by default.Template order numberOrder is arranged by template order of appearanceTemplate nameOrder is by template name: Note that evaluation is case sensitive. “z” (small letter) is prior to “A” (Capital) Note that aggregated transactions appear prior to standalone transactions Additional control on looks Template configuration offers the option to control the icon and the text of the button that opens up a transaction. Make sure to select a proper icon and a “call to action” text Client forms security We are investing great deal of efforts protecting your and your clients data. For some of the methods we are providing the coverage. others require your attention. Following is a list of protections we have for client forms Rate limit This feature is builtin and is not optional. Rate limit prevents a client from posting too many requests for access in a given time window. The conditions of lock and release can be modified from time to time o our discretion. Captcha This feature is builtin and is not optional. Google captcha to prevent brute force Password This is a preliminary condition to access client forms. We advise to use passwords that cannot be mined such as sequence numbers. Instead make sure that the password include checksum/parity and it needs to be captured as part of the password. OTP OTP option is at your discretion and we encourage to make use of it. Auto logout on idle On idle (No use of client forms view) client is automatically logged out after 5 minutes Auto logout if no transactions left on view When completing a transaction client is be redirected to main client form view. If there are no transaction he will be automatically logged out after 1 minute Poplast option When appending ?poplast=true parameter to client forms it will automatically open a form in condition that there is only one transaction in view. Note that transaction will be displayed after authentications and regardless if there is a popup message configured. Accessibility guideline As in any other interface builder, we are making our best efforts to bring you all the goodies for collecting data and create amazing interface for your clients that reflect your brands. However this also come with a responsibility on your side. Although we are try to protect you in whatever way we possibly can to avoid accessibility errors, there are couple of ground rules to pay attention to. Contrasts Make sure that colors setting has sufficient contrasts. A button with pale background and pale text is not accessible. same goes to background image. make sure to incorporate background and colors sets that has contrast. How much contrast? check out this tester. Messages and text Make sure your messages, errors and instructions are clear and not implied. for example “Open” is better than “Transaction” as a text on a button to open new transaction.