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Estimated reading: 5 minutes 182 views

At the end a business process Cellosign produces number of files that can be shipped via email, API or directly to your storage.

Currently we support out of the box integrations for FTP/FTPs and Google drive.

Storage service can be deployed with “callback”, which means an API request will be executed from Cellosign to let you know that a storage call has been made. If you have decided to use storage integration, it is recommended to couple it with a callback webhook so you can close the gap between completion on Cellosign to acknowledge in your application.

Why do I need this?

There are number of reasons to integrate with your organization Storage:

  1. Occasionally business process ends up with huge and heavy list of attachments that it makes hard for an API to process massive requests
  2. You may have more options on files transformation such as the ability to compress all in a single zip archive

Follow these steps to add Storage integration:

  1. At the dashboard click integrations
  2. locate Storage integration pane
  3. click “Add”

Basics and storage type

  1. Insert an alias for the integration
  2. Set implicit or Explicit. Implicit means that whenever a business process is completed, this integration will fire off. Explicit means, don’t fire unless instructed. See below reference for setting up explicit/implicit
  3. Select storage type FTP or Google drive. See below reference to each type
  4. Enter relative path
  5. Apply file transformations as needed. see details below
  6. Setup callback webhook. See details in Webhook: Callback
  7. Upload file and test

Configure Google drive integration

First step with Google drive integration is to prepare and download your service account.
1. Use Service key link to create service key at your Google Cloud Platform -> Google Drive Api -> Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Service account

2. download your JSON file with service account credentials

3. Modify default scopes case required

4. Configure path where files will be uploaded into

Configure FTP/s integration

Enter the following details to integrate with your FTP server

FieldWhat it’s for?
HostInsert DNS name name or IP
PortInsert listening port. Note that we may from time to time inform, in advance, on a blockage for ports that are considered dangerous.
Base pathRelative path for the files to be uploaded into
UserInsert user name to authenticate
PasswordInsert password
Max connectionsSet maximum connections allowed. This is the maximum concurrent engagement from Cellosign with your FTP server. processes will be queued as needed
SSLSwitch SSL on for FTPs

Explicitly/Implicitly Storage integration

Storage can be setup to fire off Implicitly that means every business processes will fire this integration. For example a storage action will be executed to your when every business process within your project is completed.

This is the recommended approach if indeed all your business process should end up in in this manner. However if there are different use cases, such as: separate endpoints or some business process does not need storage, it is recommended to couple your integration with a business process Explicitly.

To explicitly couple a Storage with business process we purpose two options:

  1. Manually connect it to specific template(s), which means, templates configuration will include explicit coupling with your storage integration. See details below
  2. Ad hoc integration for a business process: When the integration is set to explicit, the storage pane display the integration code that can be added to create session request. Simply add the code to your request. All ad hoc integration can be add within the integrations Array

Setting up storage connector

Follow these steps to apply the storage integration into the template:

  1. Login to your template
  2. Select “Integrations” on the top right and then click on “Connectors”
  3. Storage can be applied to “Submit” only. Click “Add Live Connector”
  4. On source, select “Storage”
  5. On Type: select your integration [by alias]
  6. Turn it’s status to “Active”
  7. Save the connector and the template

File transformations

Initial set of files can be transformed with simple rules. Each rule selects some files and applies some action to selected set. It is possible to select files by tag, by content type or select all files.

Initial set of files in the end of session looks like this

DescriptionTagsContent type
File with process metadatametadataapplication/json
Signed pdfsigned_documentapplication/pdf
File attachmentsfile, attachment*/*
Image attachmentsimage, attachmentimage/*

Transformation examples

Collect all files to zip and apply unique name

  1. Click “Add”, Select “All files” from left drop down and “Archive Zip” in drop down on the right. With only this option you will receive to your FTP file named “archive.zip”
  2. Click “Add” Select “By tag” from the left and “set name” on the right
  3. On select tag, enter “archive”.
  4. In “New template path” enter this string “{% now “Y-m-d_H-m-s” as the_time %}{{ reference }}_{{ the_time }}.zip”

This parameter join the process reference id and add to it the current date time : “b7eeb82f-9aab-4dea-813c-7ba06b515867_2025-01-08_14-01-06.zip”

Why this is a good option?

  1. All process product are aggregated into a single file (And not scattered)
  2. Zip ensure single commit. As oppose to separate files where 1 file can go through and the other wont
  3. Unique by date time.
  4. Reference that always exists in our output ensure that process can be located easily on our dashboards

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