Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Data sources Data Tables Estimated reading: 4 minutes 234 views Think about it as a custom table hosted in Cellosign. You can customize it any way you want and connect it to template. What it’s for? Consider the option when you have large repository of texts and inputs that needs to be incorporated into business process either as initial value, as a condition to other selection or per user engagement. Up until now that way to handle this process would have required to configure fields and conditions inline the template. In case texts and inputs needs to be incorporated into large amounts of fields and templates, this can be quite tedious. With this feature you will be able to configure relational table with keys and data and use it in cellosign templates using our connector editor. This is specially become handy when you have extensive conditions to handle the texts and in case you have texts such as terms/legal that are expanded over large amount of templates, so you can keep it all in one place. Configuring data table To configure data table login to application and click “data sources” and “Tables”. Click add table and define: table name, columns as instructed on screen. Click to add rows. Eventually, you will have a data table with rows and columns. Note that “key” type columns are designated for the connector in next step so you can search matching records. Adding data and inputs to data table Let’s add some data and input elements to it. In the screen capture on the right we added: “House” as key for selection Texts with input elements to Application Additional texts for Conditions. To add input elements, simply click the icons bordered with blue. The icon on the left is a “Checkbox” Icon in the middle is text input The right most icon is Dropdown(select) input. Configure a template Lets add a new template that includes Select element and two paragraphs. Select will include values “Car” and “House”. What we require to occur is that when client selects “Car” or “House”, Cellosign will fetch via the connector the matching “Application” and “Conditions” for his selection. Switch on “Display bottom border only for input” in case paragraph includes input elements that otherwise might conceal upper text lines. Note: In order to secure your form you will be required to toggle a paragraph in order to allow parsing input elements into the form. So whenever data table data includes input for parsing, the toggle displayed on the right, must be checked. Connector configuration On template editor click integrations on top pane and then “Connectors”. In this screen you will see “Preset”, “Live”, “Submit” and “Post submit” for which our connectors will be integrated into. “Preset” is the ability to get values from the table on session initiation, requires no user intervention. “Live” will be configured when the connector require some of interaction from the user such as selecting value or click on a button. “Submit” and “Post submit” are for databases and apps such as salesforce or Dynamics [that are coming up in next releases]. To configure connector to data table click “add” on “Preset” or “Live” sections. Select data table you have configured Set status “Active” Define the lookup: keys from the data table [one or more] Equation [for data table equal only is applicable] To which entity to compare with: form field value, label [integration] or fixed value Add conditions as many is needed for the lookup Define what happens if query return no results, one or more than one result On “Live” you will need to configure how the connector is activated on “Change”: As the user types in. Select the field from the list to attach the connector with on “Click”: select a button from the form that will activate the connector Finally map the query result into the form fields. which value from data table goes to which field in form Demo For your convenience, this is a demo form already setup with the example above. Data sources - Previous Dictionaries Next - Data sources Categories