Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Controller types Paragraph Estimated reading: 4 minutes 151 views A paragraph is an informative controller for display only. This controller is available only in the HTML template. Values & Display Entering texts in a paragraph controller is done through a content editor. The editor supports different design tools such as: Text style, format and size Font color and highlight color Bold, Italic, Underline Ranked and numbered lists including indents Direction and alignment of the text Links (website addresses / emails), etc You can enter directly in the content editor by writing texts. Special features Ordered lists Ordered lists are texts block with incremental values such as 1,2,3 or A,B,C etc. Ordered list in paragraph control include the option for indented numbering: 1, 1.1, 1.2 etc. Click TAB to indent and Shift+TAB to out dent your text. To apply formatting on ordered lists the are few conditions: entire text should be formatted and not only portion of it Right click the bullet text that requires formatting and check: “Apply content style on list” Note that ordered lists formatting applicable for: font type, size, font color, weight (Bold) and italic. Columns spread This is a custom feature to display texts in columns (similar to way newspaper columns). To activate this feature select your text an click on icon that reads “Custom column spread”. Select how many columns, Gap in pixels between columns, ruler width, style, color and text alignment of the text Note: Column spread can be used with other styling options such as ordered lists, make sure to select the text accurately when applying additional styling, otherwise styling options might misbehave. Another approach is first to apply Column spread Pland then other styling options. Input controls Paragraph control includes builtin input types to collect data. To use this feature: Click on any of the controls appear in the menu: text, select and checkbox Enter values into dialog as needed. ID is optional, use this if you require to inject value into the control through API. Permissions to edit input controls in paragraph are driven from paragraph settings. Note: When there are input controls or editable fields from the Data table, make sure that you have edit permissions to the paragraph control: Placeholders Use placeholder button to attach value from other input controls into the placeholder. Note that data a placeholder is not editable. In addition data is propagated into a placeholder only at time when transaction create, so it’s become available when original control has default value or it has been injected using an create session API. To use placeholder: click placeholder button on the menu Select the control to attach Check/Uncheck options as required Underline options will display or hide underline where the placeholder is positioned Show label on radio or select controls refer to the option to show the visual or the underlying values of select and radio controls. As they must not be necessarily the same, for instance: “Bank Discount: can be visual value while “11” is the underlying code, having that this option provide the mean to show “11” or “Discount”. Source editor The content editor supports HTML and CSS and you can enter HTML and CSS code through the “Source” icon and/or see the design defined for the text. The content editor supports HTML and CSS and you can enter HTML and CSS code through the “Source” icon and/or see the design defined for the text. Pay attention When text is copied and pasted into the content editor, the copied text will include the HTML/CSS code from the copied source (for example: font, sizes, colors, ranked lists and any other settings that apply to the copied text in the software or website). Text pasted in this way may affect the visibility of the entire form and will affect the display of the text in the paragraph to the end user. It is required to make sure that the display is correct in the form shown to the client and not only the representative’s screen. Text should be pasted as plain text, and adjustments should be made in the content editor as needed. Controller types - Previous Signature Next - Controller types File Upload