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Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Controller types Payment Estimated reading: 3 minutes 302 views In order to apply a payment controller in a template first of all need to define payment integration under the Integrations screen. For more information about the payment integration click here. Developer Under the Developer tab of the payment controller you can map data fields returning from provider to Fields in Cellosign form. Note: Make sure not to disclose tokens and other confidential data. Either hide them from viewer or be ready to accept them on Archive API. Payment IntegrationSelect a valid payment integration created in the Integrations screen. Transaction TypeSelect the transaction type: Debit or Recurring Debit.Select the amount input fieldSelect the field from the template where the amount of the payment will be added.Note: without the amount value the payment window will not open.You can set a default value for this field, or alternatively it can be filled in by the agent when sharing the screen with the client.The field can be hidden, and it still will be the amount of transaction.Source and Target tableYou can select fields in the template and connect them to the data returned from the payment interface. For example: last 4 digits of the credit card, card validity date, credit card type, etc.In the “Source” column, enter the name of the required data to be retrieved from the payment interface. You must choose the name of the item as it appears at the checkout (for example: card_no)Select the field in the template that will receive the information item (for example: cardNumber) See below the example of the payment controller mapping: The following parameters can be returned from the payment interface and mapped to the template fields: card_expirationExpiration date of the credit cardcguidUnique identifier of the transactioncard_noCredit card numbercard_maskCredit card maskcard_nameCredit card owner namecard_brandBrand of the credit cardcard_aquirerAcquirer of the credit cardcredit_companyCredit card companyclub_idClub ID of the credit cardclub_codeClub code of the credit cardcurrencyCurrency of the transactiontotalTotal amount of the transaction life_styleIs the card is of Life Style typeauth_numberAuthorization number of the transactionpersonal_idPersonal ID of the card ownerblocked_cardWhether the card is blocked verify_error_codeValue of “result” tag. Typically if this result is diferent then “000” there is an errorverify_error_descriptionValue of “message” tag. Typically has value when result is not equal to “000” All the data returned from the payment interface will be archived in the meta_file.json upon the form submission. Values & Display It is possible to change the default payment button name under “Values & Display” section. Controller types - Previous Location