Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Apps and databases connector BDI Estimated reading: 3 minutes 363 views This feature needs to be activated. Please inquire details with our support. BDI integration refers to “Coface bdi“. This integration include out-the-box data exchange with coface based on data inserted into a form. The flow is: User insert a data, i.e. loan amount, id etc.. Data is posted securely to coface Result is returned to form so further implementation can be carried out such as hide or show parts of the form based on success or failure What needs to be done prior to the following steps? Make sure you have an API account with BDI for personal check. make sure the following data handy: Username, password, Terminal ID, Credit provider code Make sure you have received clearance to use BDI from our support team How to set up BDI Once BDI is available for your disposal please carry out the following configuration Setup web-hook Login to cellosign app and click to add new web hook from web hook pane Provide a name for your integration Select type: “Get data from remote source” (Field change API) Turn off switch “Use implicit” Insert URL provided. Add the following header and corresponding values “X-BDI-TermID”: Value is the terminal ID provided from BDI “X-BDI-CreditProviderCode”: Value is your credit provider code you received from BDI In authentication section, Select “Basic” and enter the username and password you received from BDI Note: Parameters are encrypted and are not displayed in cellosign interface Template configuration Select the template that requires integration with BDI and follow these steps Open integrations tab Click “Add live connector” Select Webhook for source Select the webhook you created in previous stage (by name) Select the trigger: Field change or click. We advise to use click. Add the following fields to the mapper. make sure that the configuration includes the field name or alias exactly as in alias column (Note capital and small letters) AliasWhat it doesNotes and data validationFirstNameClient first nameOutgoing, MandatoryMake sure to set “Hebrew characters” only in field configurationLastNameClient last nameOutgoing, MandatoryMake sure to set “Hebrew characters” only in field configurationIDClient ID numberOutgoing, MandatoryMake sure to select Cellosign ID field resultThis is the options for returning values– “1” success (related to cwa_code)– “2” error. This represents a legitimate error. Details can be retrieved from the following parameters– “9999” Unexpected error. Interface not available or any technical error, Typically this is not related to client data.Incoming Mandatory.bdi_error_codeRetrieve value from “ErrCode” in “BDI_Error” objectIncoming, Optionalbdi_error_descRetrieve value from “ErrDescription” in “BDI_Error” objectIncoming, Optionalccr_error_codeRetrieve value from “Code” in “CCR_Error” objectIncoming, Optionalccr_error_descRetrieve value from “Description” in “CCR_Error” objectIncoming, Optionalccr_error_sevRetrieve value from “Severity” in “CCR_Error” objectIncoming, Optional Limitations interface support Israeli ID, Passport is not supported Interface is limited to personal check. Company Next - Apps and databases connector Microsoft SQL [MSSQL]