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Support tickets can be submitted directly from application


Client sent the form, but the form did not reach my email. What to do?

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In this case there can be several options.

The first and most common possibility is that the customer did not actually complete the form submission process.

To verify that the client has indeed sent the form, check in the Processes screen, under “Submitted” column.

If no information (date and time) appears under “Submitted” column, it can be concluded that the client did not complete the process of sending the form at all, and therefore the form was not received by email. See the image below.

A second option is when the information appears under “Submitted” column, meaning that the customer did send the form. Please check that the email was not received in spam or another folder.

If an email was not received in spam or other folders, then the next option is to check in the application of the form.

In the process of creating the digital form, you can choose with each sending of the form who will receive a signed copy. Often the reason why a form does not reach the email is that the definition has been changed to another email or there is “no email” defined.

If this option has also been checked and rejected like all the other options, please contact Cellosign support to check or restore the form.

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Client sent the form, but the form did not reach my email. What to do?

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