Create start event
This controller is used as a start point of the workflow with input parameters and other configurations.
When pressing “Start” controller in the workflow the settings panel will be opened at the right side.
General settings
Id | ID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system. |
Name | Default name “Start” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown under the controller in the workflow. |
Default start point | Select the check box if the start point is default. |
Is public available | Select the check box for public start point. |
Upon selecting public checkbox additional parameters will be shown.
Public link | Public link that can be copied and used for the access from the public location. |
Public node | Select the public node to which the user will be redirected after the start of the process. |
Authentication required | Select the check box if the authentication is required. |
Inputs settings
This screen is used to add input parameters to the start event controller that will be displayed when the workflow starts and used in the following sessions and messages.
Add input specification | Press “+” icon to add a new input parameter. |
Id | ID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller. |
Name | Name of the input parameter. |
Source | Source of the input parameter. |
Type | Type of the input parameter. Default: String |
Default | Default value of the input parameter. |
Required | Required or not. Default: No |
Public link screen example