Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Controller types Location Estimated reading: 3 minutes 176 views Location element provides the ability to collect client Geo-location, that is the latitude and longitude coordinates that represents a geographic position. Activating Geo-location elements requires some preparations in advance: Availability of maps feature. This feature is not bundled with the basic package and requires activation Availability of Google maps API token to access maps services Getting token from Google maps API See this following documentation to acquire Google’s API token At the end of the process you should have an API token from this screen Creating Google maps connector Login to template you wish to add location Geo-coder Click Integrations Click Connectors Click “Add Live Connector” Select “Maps” in source and “Google Map” in the subsequent dropdown Add API token and click verify. Note: Service will be available only after successful API activation Check “Apply Geo coding” in case you wish user will be able to enter and search location manually Setting up location field To setup location field, simply drag and drop location fields onto HTML template. Note: It is advised that the location field will be added to at full row width or at least 1/2 row width. On 1/3 row width the map might be too small for Desktop users in case the screen resolution is low. Check “Display Map on final PDF result” if you require that the map with it’s selected location marker will be displayed on PDF for archive Check “Display Location coordinates [longitude/latitude] on final PDF result” if you require that the coordinates will be displayed on PDF for archive Security and permissions Cellosign location field is executed on top of Google Map API and the browser. Since collection of Geographic location is a sensitive information, the client (user) will have to provide permissions to collect data. Permissions are granted on a browser level, it’s not Cellosign or Google authority to request for permissions. Only after permissions were granted than Google map may inquire for Geo location position.In case you require the extra mile for permissions, you may affirm location functionality all together by connect it to a dependency that requires client consent. For example, setup a location field with default display off. Connect the location element to a checkbox that reads client consent to collect location data. Activate the location only if consent provided. In case that the client does not provide consent to automatically detect Geo location, he can still search or browse his location on top of the map. For security reasons, co-browsing agent does not have write permissions on location field. API On a Webhook API location field will provide data in the following format “value” represents latitude and longitude that was geocoded “meta” > “geocoder” incorporates full address as it is available from Google maps API. { "id": "SOMEFIELD5", "value": "32.001186,34.9413393", "top": 65.91806722689076, "left": 8.194774346793352, "width": 28.8781512605042, "height": 2.048693586698337, "page": 0, "type": "location", "visible": true, "meta": { "geocoder": "Arlozorov St 160, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel" } } Notes and Gotchas 1. Location data is considered highly sensitive according to GDPR. As such it is advised to use location on templates with single recipient, without workflows. If you decided to use location control on multi recipient template be aware that location data is only available for PDF and API at the end of the process for the last recipient only. Data from previous recipients is not exposed. Controller types - Previous Button Next - Controller types Table