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Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Controller types Image Upload Estimated reading: 4 minutes 118 views This controller allows uploading image files only. On a desktop computer, the default is to open browser to select a file. On tablets and smart phones, uploading a photo will usually open the camera or gallery by default, depending on the type of device and its configuration [there is not always control over this]. Types and Validation File nameAt the end of the process and sending copies by email, the file name can be converted to a meaningful name, for example “Israel_Israeli_Photo_Document_01234”. Insert text or select values from the input fields by typing the “@” character.In case that the file name uses an input from the form and this input was not entered, it will use a random file name.If you won’t set anything here, the system will generate a random file name for you.*Important: You cannot set the same file name for more then one image upload controller on the same template.Convert image to PDFWhen set to ON, an image file will be converted to a PDF file, so in archival and sending copies the file will be sent as PDF and not as an image.Copy from clipboardWhen set to ON, it allows the client to paste an image from the clipboard into the field. Usually important for salespeople who want to upload a picture or an Excel table into the form.Add file to client email at the end of the processWhen switched on, attachment will be added to client email. Attachment is added to client regardless of the control permission. For example a Workflow where a file upload control is permitted to only one client and not the other, event than the other client will also receive the attachment in email.Default is false (not attached to client email)StyleInsert image in result documentIn PDF template enable embedding uploaded image into the PDF result produced in Cellosign. The image is embedded only on the result and not during the image collection (when form is processed by the end user). Make sure to add “Accessibility value” that will be embedded to PDF markup.Convert Image to DataOCR can be used to load the uploaded image and get back data structures from the certificate. For details see the OCR guide. Conditional permissions When checking conditions on the image upload controller, the following options are displayed: EmptyIf the image upload controller has no image uploaded.Not EmptyIf there is any image uploaded in the controller. Style In the Style tab, you can select the “Display button” option to show a different appearance of the controller. When the check box is selected the file cannot be downloaded or shown. Default is unselected. The example of the “Image Upload” controller, when the “Display button” option is selected: The example of the “Image Upload” controller, when the “Display button” option is unselected: Note: Only 8 characters of the image name including the file extension will be shown. Client with both Show and Edit permissions will be able to open the image for preview or delete the image if needed. Client with only Show permissions will be able to open the image for preview without deleting: Note: The orientation of the image taken with a mobile device can be different from device to device and will change according to the mobile settings. Archive In the HTML template the uploaded image will be shown as part of the final PDF file for both the client and the agent. In addition, the agent will receive the uploaded image as an attachment in the archive email. In PDF template the final PDF file will be sent without the uploaded image by default. Follow these steps ff you require that the image will be embedded inside the PDF as well: After adding image control, Switch to pane “In template” Drag your control onto the PDF layout Resize the container as needed Turn “Insert image in result document” on Only the agent will receive the image as an attachment in the archive email. Controller types - Previous File Upload Next - Controller types Image