Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Configuration Workflow Estimated reading: 5 minutes 142 views In order to describe the workflow screen, consider the process of joining a new client when the joining details have to be validated by a representative in your organization (agent). When the details are incorrect or incomplete (for example: no appropriate power of attorney is attached) the agent can return the form to the client with notes. A recipient has a role in filling out the form: in the above example, the client and the agent both have roles. A person in the role of filling out the form can be a customer, a representative in the organization, an authorized signer, or the spouse of a main signer whose approval/signature is needed. Defining a role in the template enables the following capabilities: Application of a template in such a way that each role will have its permissions at the viewing and updating level, so for example we would like the client to have the option to type in an ID number and type of requested service, and the agent will only have the option to view the data without updating. Automatic sending of actions according to the sequence defined in the workflow screen and according to the conditions. Cellosign process engine makes it possible to produce more complex process logic than automatic sending, but still use the recipient’s application settings and especially the permissions provided to each recipient. Turn workflow onWhen selected the workflow will be created and each recipient will be able to fill only his designated fields.Recipient nameA name that will represent the recipient’s role.Submit orderThe form will be sent to the recipients according to the order defined in the workflow.Default userAn email address of a user in the application to whom an action will be sent. Usually this is a regular user to whom a sequence of actions reaches.Allow recipient enter address of next recipientIn some cases, we will not know the target for the next action in the sequence, such as a spouse who must also approve the form. In this field we select the input field from the form from which the value will be drawn to send to this role holder.Requires authenticationWhen selected the recipient will get a login screen to enter the application in order to verify that it is an authorized user.Activate OTPWhen selected the recipient will get one-time code to the selected destination in order to enter the application.Require passwordSelect one of the form fields as password, so only an authorized recipient will be able to enter the form by entering correct data.Read onlyWhen activated, client will not be able to submit the session. Session will be expired as usual. Make sure to use on a single session configuration or with BPMN. Note that it does not make sense to use it with a regular workflow unless the only last recipient is read only.Add RecipientClick “Add Recipient” button to add as many recipients as needed.Delete RecipientClick “Delete Recipient” button to delete recipients. Workflow conditions At the bottom of the recipients screen it is possible to add conditions in the sequence of recipients, so for example we can create an action that returns the form from the client to the agent in case the agent does not confirm the completeness of the details in the form. Select the recipient that forwards the action. Select the recipient to whom the action will go. Select the input field for the condition and its value. In the example above you can see that if the checkbox field is not selected, the action will go from the agent back to the client until it is checked. Recipients and their influence on controllers defined in the template In the example above there are two roles client and sales representative. We would like to allow the client to edit the full name field and for the sales representative to only view it and not edit it. The lower part of the controller settings is intended for appearance on the recipients’ screen: set “Show” ON for the recipients that are allowed to see the field data and “Edit” ON for the recipients that are allowed to edit the field data. Note: Regarding the “Agent Allowed” controller settings, this option is intended for a screen sharing operation and is not relevant for operations between recipients. Recipients and their influence on controllers’ dependencies In the example above we will activate show\required\enabled for the client only if a certain condition has been activated [in this example a value selected from the radio buttons list]. Dependencies can be activated for all recipients by selecting “All recipients”. Notes and Gotchas Workflow is limited to 10 recipients. In case you need to deploy a process that include more than 10 recipients you may add recipients in workflow pane, however the business process must be conducted using the BPM. Configuration - Previous Messages & Reminders Next - Configuration Templates Sequence