Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Dashboard Show Agent Estimated reading: 3 minutes 158 views From this window Agent can run already existing template or create Ad-Hoc form with PDF file with or without recipients. Select form to get startedSelect the existing template from the list to be run. Only published templates will be shown in the list.For additional information about templates read here.Enter number or email Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details.Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.ConnectPress Connect button to send the form to the client.Client TextAdd the text that will be sent to the client in the message with the link to the form.Client CopyAdd the email address where to send the copy of the form after completion.Upload FilePress the button to create an Ad-Hoc form. See below for more details. Select TemplateSelect the existing template from the list to be used. Only PDF published templates will be shown.DescriptionAdd the description of the form. By default selected template name will be added.Recipients sequenceMark the check box to add recipients to the form. See below for more information about recipients parameters.Attach file and postUpload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location. After uploading PDF file the form will be opened. Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers. The following controllers can be added to the Ad-Hoc form: SignatureThis controller collects client graphic signatures. Signatures are embedded into the signed document in a way that it associate the signature with the signer.TextThis controller allows to add any text to the form.Signature & SealThis controller allows to combine a signature with the embedded company information.Add fileThis controller allows uploading files of any type, unless limited by file type.Add ImageThis controller allows uploading image files only. For additional information about controllers read here. For each controller it will ask to select who is allowed to fill the field, whether it is required or not, background color [for signature, text and signature & seal] or display name [for file and image]. Example of image controller settings: When the form creation is completed add phone number or email address of the client and press Connect. Timer will be started. Once the client opens the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time. At the end of the process after the client completed and submitted the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time. Recipients When the “Recipients sequence” check box is selected the following fields will be shown: Recipient NameAdd the name of the recipient. Default: recip1, recip2 etc..Recipient DestinationAdd phone number or email of the recipient. When added it will be automatically copied to the destination fields [see example below]. Not mandatory, can be added or changed later.Message to recipientAdd the text that will be sent to the recipient in the message with the link to the form.Authentication requiredWhen selected the recipient will be asked to perform the authentication.AddPress Add button to add more recipients. When adding controllers it will ask to select which recipient is allowed to show or edit the field. For more information about recipients read here. Next - Dashboard Shared dashboards