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Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Templates Controller editor Estimated reading: 6 minutes 197 views In this section we will describe possible options for all controllers. For additional options for a specific controller see “Controller types“. Basic options # Controller identifierWhen adding a controller to the template, a new value is provided automatically by the system. Change the value if there is a need for integration between the operating system and the Cellosign application. In this case the controller will receive the value that will be injected into the form and Cellosign will compile the data back to the operating system with the same identifier. For more details see “Integrations”.LabelThe title of the field. This is the main instruction for filling out the field in the form. In order for the form to be accessible, a clear explanation of the field purpose must be entered. See more accessibility guidelines here.DescriptionAdditional explanation that appears under the controller.RequiredIf set to ON, the system will check that the field has a valid value when submitting the form.ShowWhether to show the field or not. Usually used together with dependencies when, for example: the field is intended for entering a TIN number and it will be hidden when the customer type is a company and displayed when it is an authorized dealer type. In this case it is recommended to set the parameter to OFF. See more details in the dependencies section below.Agent AllowedWhether the agent is allowed to edit the field in the form or not. If not, the field will be set to read-only for the agent.Client AllowedWhether the client (recipient) is allowed to edit the field in the form or not. If not, the field will be set to read-only for the client. Values & Display The options in the tab allow you to enter values for the controller according to the type of controller. For each controller its related collection of options will be shown, like list values, etc. See “Controller types” page for detailed information. Field clone allows copying the value to a field from another input field. It is recommended to use when the customer has already filled in his name at the beginning of the form. Control specific settingsSee control specific documentation for available features in this tabShow clear buttonsAllows adding the clear button [x] in the field for the client with editing permissions. Types and Validation This tab includes options for data validation and possible input types for each controller. For example, in a signature field we can choose whether it is a signature and a company seal; in a text field we can limit the number of characters to a minimum and maximum. Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default. Conditional permissions This tab allows you alter user permissions given a set of conditions. For example field will be required if a client is of “Business type”. To add a dependency, click the “Add Dependency” button. Select the behaviour of the control as result of the dependency: ShowIf the dependency is met the controller will be shown/hidden to the user.RequiredIf the dependency is met the controller will be mandatory or optional.EditIf the dependency is met the controller will be in edit mode [read/write] or read only. To add condition[s] for the dependency, click the “Add Condition” button. Select the controller on which the condition will be applied and the values on which the condition will be applied. If two or more conditions are added, the dependency will only be activated if they are all met [AND]. You can add more than one dependency, all the dependencies are related to each other. The dependency that will be activated is the one that meets all the dependency conditions. Note that the first condition met will trigger the permissions. This pane allow you to reorder the permissions order with drag and drop. Conditional values This tab enables you to carry out the following settings: Clone. If assigned value as clone of another field than its value will be fetched from the field it’s pointing at. This is very useful in cases where client name needs to be collected once and paste in multiple positions. In case clone is not defined then you are able to set default value or conditional value with this pane. Default value. Set up a value for the form control that will be propagated into the control whenever new session is created Conditional value. Similar to above conditional permissions you may query other form controls and based on that set up a new value to form control. Conditional value supports: concatenation of strings and arithmetic calculations. For instance This value “=OrderSum * 0.17” will search for a value in control “OrderSum” multiply it with “0.17” and return round up number. Arithmetic are always rounded. Thus value “=textA textB 123” will concatenate values in textA, textB (given that these are form controls, if not textA and textB will be added as plain text) and append to it “ABC” given that this is not a form control. Note that the first condition met will trigger the permissions. This pane allow you to reorder the permissions order with drag and drop. Style All the options in Style tab are to design the controller, such as the Background color of the field and the Font color and choosing an icon to be attached to the field. In order for the form to comply with the accessibility standard, it is recommended not to edit and use background colors for fields and fonts and to use only the design of the template to select colors. Developer In this tab there are additional options for developers: Regex ValidationCorrectness verification in Javascript flavour. It is recommended to check the token of the regex on sites specializing in regex.CLASSAdding tags of type CLASS. The tags are attached to the input field in the HTML form in order to activate CSS and Javascript adapted to the form. See more details in Javascript under Configuration. Built-in classes pdf_hiddenHide field on PDF generation In the HTML template only it is possible to hide any specific controllers from the preview and the final PDF by adding “pdf_hidden” class under the Developer tab. In this case fields with pdf_hidden class will be shown in client’s form to add the values and complete the form. But they will not be shown in the preview and in the final PDF after submission. For more information about the HTML template click here. remove-clearPerform “page-break-inside: auto” on row. Use this class in the section settings when need to remove irrelevant blank spaces in the final PDF. Templates - Previous Controller types Next - Templates Controller group