Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Templates Design Estimated reading: 3 minutes 120 views The Design tab is divided into two parts. It is possible to choose the design that is already ready for you or to set your own style for each component in the form. Part of the parameters are available only in HTML form or HTML combined with PDF. Page design Page backgroundSelect the page background color from the palette. Additional backgrounds and designs can be applied by using CSS. See more details in “Javascript” and “Stylesheet” sections.Page Background imageSelect the background image for the page. Additional backgrounds and designs can be applied by using CSS. See more details in “Javascript” and “Stylesheet” sections. Form design Form Background ColorSelect the form background color from the palette.Default: #ffffffForm Background OpacitySelect the form background opacity: 1 is most transparent, 10 is not transparent.Show table of pagesWhen selected the table of pages with the number of fields to complete will be shown at the client side.Show template name on HeaderWhen selected the template name will be added to the form header.Text colorSelect the color for all the texts appearing in the form. Default: #555555Titles colorSelect the color for all the titles appearing in the form. The landing and the final pages get the color of the titles from this element.Default: #555555 Buttons design Buttons Background ColorSelect the buttons background color from the palette (see example).Default: #eeeeeeButtons colorSelect the buttons text color from the palette (see example).Default: #555555 Buttons design settings will be applied to all types of buttons in the form, including navigation buttons, radio buttons and check boxes. See below the example of controllers according to the design: Controllers Icons colorSelect the icon color of the controller (see example).Input background colorSelect the background color of the input field.Default Input bordersSelect the border color of the input field (see example).See “Full input border” parameter for more information about full border.Default: #555555Input borders selectedSelect the border color of the input field when the field is selected by the user.Default: #555555Labels backgroundSelect the color of the fields labels background (see example). Labels colorSelect the color of the fields labels text. See “Mandatory fields titles in red” parameter for more information about mandatory fields.Mandatory fields titles in red (Accessibility)When selected the labels of mandatory fields will appear in red and override the defaults.Default: UnselectedFull input borderWhen unselected only the lower border will be shown in the input field.When selected the input field will be shown with the full border and “Border Radius” field will appear to select the radius value.Default: UnselectedStatic labelsWhen selected the field label will be fixed above the input field even when there is no content in it (see example).Default: UnselectedFontSelect the text font from the list. The font style will be applied to all the texts appearing in the form. Default: OpenSansHebrew Note: Error messages will always appear in red. PDF form design PDF font sizeSelect the font size in the signed document. Sometimes an additional control of the font size is required. It is recommended to use the default.Default: MediumPDF font colorSelect the font color in the signed document. Default: BluePDF bordersSelect the frames color for the for all the columns in the form. Relevant for HTML format only. It is recommended to leave frames without color. It is possible to select the completed design from the “Custom theme” tab. Templates - Previous Controller group Next - Templates Configuration