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What is a process on Cellosign?

A process in Cellosign is running a template to its destination and includes the filling of the form and its sending by the customer.
Running a template can be done in 5 ways:

  1. Running a template by an operating system (integration)
  2. Running a template by a system user
  3. Running a template via an external link – from a website or portal (public)
  4. With a multi-recipient process – a new process is created for each recipient in the process
  5. With a multi-templates process – a new process is created on each template in the process

For every action in Cellosign there is an information line in the “processes tab”.

This screen shows all the processes performed in your projects according to a section of time, with the default when entering the screen being actions created “today”.

At the top of the screen:

  • Panel for selecting a date range
  • Free text search to find processes that contain certain text such as: phone number, email address or template
  • A list of projects to select from in case you have more than one project
  • If you have selected a project, you can also select a specific template
  • An “Export” button that allows downloading all the processes selected by the searching criteria’s to an excel document

Below is an explanation of the data appearing in the processes panel:

  • At the table header, the column names where the first column # can be used for arranging the table by ascending or descending order.
  • At the bottom of the table, the number of columns in the selected section appears, as well as a navigator that moves to the following processes.
#A unique number of the operation in the system
CreatedDate and time the process was created [time the form was sent to the client]
ProjectThe project which the operation is associated to
DestinationThe recipient of the process: usually an email address or a phone number.
Note: the destination column is sometimes empty, in cases where the action was taken from an external system such as CRM or the action was taken directly from a browser and then no active sending action was actually performed
AgentThe name of the agent who created the process.
Sometimes when it comes from a computer creation [one created from CRM for example] the name of the system or a generic name will appear
ExpirationEach action created in the system has an expiration time, during which time the action will no longer be accessible to the representative and the end customer to whom the action was sent.
DeletedDate and time when the action was deleted. An action will be deleted given three possible cases:
– Expiration time has passed
– Customer sent the form and copies were also sent to the representative and customer or/and was compiled into the operational systems
– The agent or project manager deleted the process
Client logged in Last date and time the customer opened the form
SubmittedDate and time when the customer submitted the form
TemplateTemplate name
An indicatorGreen indicator: everything is fine
– Red indicator: error on the operation [see details further down the page]

Process details

Clicking on the green plus to the left of the process opens the process details screen and displays the process update actions:

This action will appear as long as the operation has not been deleted from the system. The buttons allow:

  • Manual deletion of the process
    • Open the form as client
    • Open the form as agent
    • Open a service call for support

    Bellow them, we have five panels contains the process data, detailed below:


    Displays the process IDs and form processing information.

    Client View Doc Date and time when the form was viewed by the end client.
    Note: This is a different documentation than “client logged in”. The information indicates that the form has been fully opened in the client’s browser and that the form is ready for an update operation.
    Doc GeneratedDate and time of creating a digitally signed file.
    Doc StatusThe status of the doc created. ‘true’ if a doc was created. empty if not created yet.
    TokenA unique identifier of the operation in the system. Used as a unique identifier for the form sent to the client.
    WorkflowIf the action is part of a business process that includes several actions, this content is the unique identifier of the process in which this action is included.
    RecipientThe number of the recipient during the process. [if this action is part of a process].


    If there is a connection [integration] between Cellosign and the CRM system in the customer organization, this panel will show the details of the process archive, after the form has been sent and processed.

    PostedDate and time when the archive was created (the process product is sent to the core system).
    Doc NumberDocument number, if received as a response from the core system in exchange for a successful archive.
    Archive StatusThe status of the archive. ‘true’ if a doc was created. ‘false’ if failed.
    Archive Failed Error The archive error as received from the core system.

    Mail to Agent & Mail to Client

    If copies of signed forms are sent to the email boxes of the organization or the client, their details will appear in these panels.

    Agent/Client MailMail address of the agent/client.
    Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
    PostedDate and time of sending.
    Post StatusThe status of sending. ‘true’ if a doc was sent. ‘false’ if failed.
    Note: this status indicates if the mail was sent from Cellosign but was not necessarily received at the mail address.
    Post Failed ErrorError description, if the error failed and was reported to the Cellosign application.

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