Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Release management Notes for Release 4.1.84 Estimated reading: 6 minutes 108 views Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this blog post, you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Other than routine maintenance and bug fixes, the highlight for this release is infrastructure for Connectors. In this release and the next releases to come we will deploy direct connections to applications and databases that will enable you to design end to end applications with no APIs. NEW FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS Data Tables Think about it as a custom table hosted in Cellosign. You can customize it any way you want and connect it to template. What it’s for? Consider the option when you have large repository of texts that needs to be incorporated into business process either as initial value, as a condition to other selection or per user engagement. Up until now that way to handle this process would have required to configure fields and conditions inline the template. In case texts needs to be incorporated into large amounts of fields and templates, this can be quite tedious. With this new feature you will be able to configure relational table with keys and data and use it in cellosign templates using our connector editor. This is specially become handy when you have extensive conditions to handle the texts and in case you have texts such as terms/legal that are expanded over large amount of templates, so you can keep it all in one place. Configuring data table To configure data table login to application and click “data sources” and “Tables”. Click add table and define: table name, columns as instructed on screen. Click to add rows. Eventually, you will have a data table with rows and columns. Note that “key” type columns are designated for the connector in next step so you can search matching records. Configure connector On template editor click integrations on top pane and then “Connectors”. In this screen you will see “Preset”, “Live”, “Submit” and “Post submit” for which our connectors will be integrated into. “Preset” is the ability to get values from the table on session initiation, requires no user intervention. “Live” will be configured when the connector require some of interaction from the user such as selecting value or click on a button. “Submit” and “Post submit” are for databases and apps such as salesforce or Dynamics [that are coming up in next releases]. To configure connector to data table click “add” on “Preset” or “Live” sections. Select data table you have configuredSet status “Active”Define the lookup:keys from the data table [one or more]Equation [for data table equal only is applicable]To which entity to compare with: form field value, label [integration] or fixed valueAdd conditions as many is needed for the lookupDefine what happens if query return no results, one or more than one resultOn “Live” you will need to configure how the connector is activatedon “Change”: As the user types in. Select the field from the list to attach the connector withon “Click”: select a button from the form that will activate the connectorFinally map the query result into the form fields. which value from data table goes to which field in form Connectors We have created a consolidated editor for all communications with a template. That includes: Integration with WebhooksTemplate integration to get data from remote source [See additional notes below]Data tables described in the section aboveUpcoming connector to Salesforce in Release 85 [next release]Upcoming connector to Dynamics and Databases in R86 What it’s for? Consolidation of connectors has been carried out to provide the user a complete 360 view on all inbound/outbound integrations with a business process. What has changed for Webhooks? Webhooks for template, on previous release, is configured under Template->integrations -> Webhooks. With this change Webhooks can be now edited under Connectors view. The new view is also includes “implicit” webhooks by default. What has changed for Template services? Template services, previusly on Template->integrations -> Template services, has no migrated both UI and functionality to Connectors with webhook. A new webhook type has been defined “WHEF_FORM_FIELD_CHANGED”. The new webhook, like any other webhook allow to define the endpoint for integration: url, methods and many more capabilities, on top of the previous implementation, such as authentication method, timeout etc. Once defined, on the project resources, it can be defined per template as well by adding fields mapping and behavior, button click or field on change. Form preview We have added the ability to view form before submission. This is very useful feature when you required that the end client will see the final PDF view before submitting it. To activate this feature, log in to template editor, click settings icon and tick “Show form before submission”. preview will be displayed with watermark so it cant be used as an evidence before actual submit. Note: up to release 84, this feature was available in PDF or Hybrid forms. Starting this release this feature is also available in HTML forms as well. Recipient password To secure forms for online clients Cellosign has OTP, password and authentication functionality that can be activated on a template Currently OTP and authentication are activated both globally and also on recipients level, meaning a template can be configure that first recipient requires OTP and second requires authentication. We have modified password functionality to be activated on recipient level as well. All templates carrying passwords functionality will be migrated with the new functionality. Note: Make sure to double check on pre-prod or production rollout that templates are working correctly. Extended recipients We have extended the maximum capacity for recipients in template configuration. Up until now max number of recipients per template was 7. With this enhancements there’s no limit on number of recipients that can be configured. Legacy archive: depreciation notice By the end of the year we will deprecate legacy archive method. The replacement for legacy archive is Webhook archive. This is relevant for you if you are using archive in one of these ways: Configurable archive in template settingsUse “archive_url” tag on integration Please be aware that deployments with this feature will not be supported by the end of 2022. Feel free to consult our support for transition. Other changes and Fixes Tokens removed from web server response headers to reduce visibility on application informationPer WCGA 2.0 for accessibility best practice we have removed high contrast view and applied changes for better engagement on “Monochrome” viewIsraeli ID validation now includes requirement for 9 digits Release management - Previous Notes for Release 4.3.0 Next - Release management Notes for Release 4.1.83