Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, Read More → kobi September 2, 2022 1 Comment
Uncategorized Quasi distinctio molestiae quibusdam excepturi quia accusamus Molestias et omnis ex. Corrupti aperiam dolor sed vel veniam praesentium sit. Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Uncategorized Optio cum asperiores vel Id ut ratione porro sed rem ipsa sit A voluptatum in et Read More → kobi April 28, 2020 No Comments
Projects MFA settings Estimated reading: 2 minutes 97 views Why would I want to use this? Because user/password is sometimes just not enough. Simply put, apart from hacking methods, the weakest chain in protecting our resources is …us. We tend to leave notes with our user and password on desk, push it through emails and text apps and we keep passwords to our most valuable resources easy to guess????♂️. Case your organization deploying on Cellosign sensitive clients, employees and company data and typically it is, we strongly advise to use this feature. Case your organization is bound to GDPR, ISO/SOC or other methodologies for security regulations such as ISO-27001, you would need to incorporate this feature into your operation nonetheless. Cellosign offers 2FA as a security module that can be plugged into your tool set with a click of a button. Please consult your success contact for activation of 2FA module or post a mail to service@cellosign.com. How does it work? Once 2FA module is enabled: login to Cellosign application and click on “project settings” (you will need Administrative permissions) Click “Activate MFA” on “MFA settings” pane That’s it! Once 2FA is activated, each user associated with the project, will be compelled to go through a process of selecting default Authentication method. Pane below is used to select and configure 2FA delivery method. Select delivery method Enter corresponding email/mobile number And click “Send code” Once you received code to your email/mobile device, enter the code to complete the authentication coupling. Case 2FA method and activation needs to be changed. Login to “Profile” tab, scroll MFA section Click on “MFA configuration” Follow activation process on-screen Projects - Previous Session settings