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Hello and welcome to Cellosign documentation. If you are new to cellosign please check Getting

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Table of contents

Main course contains 2 parts which cover JavaScript as a programming language and working with a browser. There are also additional series of thematic articles

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This controller is available only in the HTML template.

Types and Validation

A telephone type controller allows typing in fixed and mobile phone numbers by default. On this screen you can change the default and allow mobile or fixed only.

The control does not accept non-numeric characters.

When checking conditions on a telephone type controller, the following options are displayed:

EmptyIf the telephone controller has no value.
Not EmptyIf there is any value in the telephone controller.
EqualIf the telephone controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
ContainsIf the telephone controller contains the entered value.


HTML and Hybrid template

Show form before submissionWhen selected will allow the end user to view the details of the form in final PDF format before submission.
Use this option if there is a legal obligation to show the client the form (usually statutory) before sending.
Default: Unselected
Post form button textAllows to enter different text for the submit button in the form.
Default: Submit Form
Next page button textAllows to enter different text for the next button in the form.
Default: Next
Previous page button textAllows to enter different text for the previous button in the form.
Default: Prev
Select or enter new tagAllows to select an existing tag or enter a new tag. Entering tags in this field will display the tags in the “Templates” screen. So that it will be possible to search by tag and to view all templates with the same [one or more] tags.
CategoriesAllows to associate a template with an existing category. For more information see “Categories” section.

PDF template

Post signed PDF to clientWhen selected will allow the end user to enter a valid email address in order to receive a signed copy of the document.
Default: Unselected
MandatoryAppears when “Post signed PDF to client” checkbox is selected.
When selected will require the end user to enter an email address in order to send the form.
Default: Unselected
Select or enter new tagAllows to select an existing tag or enter a new tag. Entering tags in this field will display the tags in the “Templates” screen. So that it will be possible to search by tag and to view all templates with the same [one or more] tags.
CategoriesAllows to associate a template with an existing category. For more information see “Categories” section.

See below an example of selected “Post signed PDF to client” field in the form:

Client forms configurations

Appearance OrderSet order of transaction appearance in client forms. Inputr accept number between 1 to 100. The lower the number is it will be displayed higher in the list of transactions.
IconSet Icon for button that opens the transaction
Icon/Button textSet text to button that opens the transaction


Select FieldsSelect input fields from the template to save.
Select parametersSelect parameters to save.

In the example below “Full name” and “ID” fields from the template and “”Parameter1” are saved.


In the Analytics section, you can select these parameters in the filter and perform a search by a specific value.

For more information see “Analytics” section.


In the Processes window saved parameters are shown under “Vault Parameters” section:

It is recommended to change the ID of the saved parameter field to any clear and unique value before the run, so it will be easy to distinguish it from others.

When exporting data to the Excel file saved parameters will be shown under “vault” column:

For more information about “Processes” window read here.

Getting Started

Hello and welcome, we are happy to introduce you with Cellosign, First let’s get the basics.

What is Cellosign?

Cellosign is a data collection application which can help you easily and securely collect data in shape of forms. From the end client point of view this is as simple as form where pieces of data are injected into, validated and submitted. Cellosign is able to collect and validate data in any conceivable method, as simple as make sure that ID number is correct or with complex cases validating data with remote application to ensure data integrity.

But wait there’s so much more..

With Cellosign you will be able to easily configure a complete journey that involves multiple recipients along the way. For example a journey that starts with a remote-client, continue to back office for further inspections can be automated with simple as drag and drop and clicks.

Cellosign is easily integrated with 3rd party applications through APIs and Application connectors to GET, UPDATE, CREATE or DELETE data records in a remote source.

Where do I go from here?

We strongly advise you to read the documentation within the Getting started guide, it includes important information regards getting support, best practices that can get you up to speed with no hassle. Next, for your convenience, our documentation is organized by User Application components, so just pick up the documentation according to your role and your tasks.

Best practices

Security first

Regardless if you are using Cellosign builtin login or your organization Single Sign On application, keep your password safe:

  1. Do not use passwords or tokens that were not granted to you. This is strictly prohibited
  2. Do not leave notes with password on your desk
  3. Keep your password easy to remember and hard to guess
  4. If you have a slight suspicious that something is wrong, logout immediately, report your manager and Cellosign support for immediate response

Testing new business processes

It is recommended that new or changes to existing business processes will be carried out at pre-production environment rather than production. This will help you to develop the process in a secured and controlled environment with no client access and no disruption to production environment.

Every type of business process and it’s related meta data can be easily exported from pre-production and uploaded to production when testes are completed.

Change management

New releases are distributed every other month in according to yearly plan that takes into account holidays and peek times such as end of Quarters and end of year.

On Cellosign cloud application typically new releases are distributed to production occurs at Thursday night. There are also reserved time slots for distribution for on premise clients.

Please make sure to read full cycle practice, schedule and change logs in this documentation branch.

How to contact Cellosign support

Cellosign customers have the option to contact Cellosign support by submitting a ticket using our web form.

Important: in case of critical production issues open a ticket and contact your account manager / support by phone.

What kind of issues can be submitted:

  1. General Support issues.
  2. Reporting a bug.
  3. New request or CR.

Note: in our FAQs section you can find detailed information about common issues.

There are several options to submit a ticket.

In case you can login to Cellosign application the options are:

  1. From “Processes” screen (recommended).
  2. From main application menu.

In case you cannot login, contact Cellosign support from the web site.

See below a detailed explanation of each option.

Contact Cellosign support from “Processes” window

  1. Login the Cellosign application.
  2. Navigate to the “Processes” window.
  3. Select the transaction from the list and press “Show Transaction Details” (+).
  4. Click “Service call” button. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
  5. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
  6. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
  7. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
  8. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
  9. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.
  10. If, for any reason, you have lost access to your Cellosign account, you can still submit a support ticket from the web site (see below).

For more information about “Processes” window read here.

Contact Cellosign support from the application

  1. Login the Cellosign application.
  2. Click “Service call” button at the left bottom corner.
  3. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
  4. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
  5. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
  6. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
  7. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
  8. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.
  9. If, for any reason, you have lost access to your Cellosign account, you can still submit a support ticket from the web site (see below).

Contact Cellosign support from the web site

  1. Navigate to Cellosign site.
  2. Click “Support” button at the top menu at the right.
  3. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
  4. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
  5. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
  6. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
  7. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
  8. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.

For detailed information about “Privacy statement” read here.


  1. Connect to the representative interface page using the URL provided to you by Cellosign:

2. Enter your user name and password and click the ‘Sign In’ button.

If its the first time you are logging in , you will need to set a new password:

Enter a new password on the ‘New password’ field and again on the ‘Confirm password’ field.

Click the ‘Change Password’.

After the successful login in the header of the interface you can see the user name, where under it you can find Profile details and Logout option.

To send a form to the client from the agent’s interface, press the “Show Agent” button.

For a detailed explanation about user application read here.

Send a form

To send a form to the client from the agent’s interface, press the “Show Agent” button at the top of the screen and select a form prepared for you from the list. For more information about forms templates read here.

Enter the client’s email address or mobile phone number at the top of the screen and press “Connect” button.

At this point, when the client opens the link from the phone message or the email, you can both work together on the form.

Visit Screen sharing section for more information about the screen sharing option.

When the client sends the form (after all the mandatory fields have been filled in) you will receive the signed form by email.

For additional information about how to send a form in Cellosign application read here.

Screen sharing

Cellosign system allows sending a template to the client and creating a common interface (client and agent) for filling out a common template. The interface allows the agent to view the values ​​entered by the client and the client to view the values ​​entered by the agent in real time. Each of them (agent, client) can add values according to the editing and viewing permissions given in the template.

The screen sharing option can be implemented in two ways, through the Show Agent interface or Processes interface.

In the Show Agent interface, the option exists by default and under the following conditions:

  • Agent has sent the template (a timer indicator will appear next to the target box for sending the template).
  • Client opened the link sent to him (a green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side in real time).

If both conditions are met, you can use the screen sharing option.

For more information about Show Agent interface read here.

In Processes interface the option exists in the actions screen under the specific transaction.

Press “+” next to the transaction that need to share:

After it press “Show Agent” button to open the transaction from the agent side:

Note: In Processes interface users with organization manager or project manager privileges can also open a client screen by pressing “Show Client” button and view or edit the template with client permissions.

For more information about Processes window read here.

Best practices

Security first

Regardless if you are using Cellosign builtin login or your organization Single Sign On application, keep your password safe:

  1. Do not use passwords or tokens that were not granted to you. This is strictly prohibited
  2. Do not leave notes with password on your desk
  3. Keep your password easy to remember and hard to guess
  4. If you have a slight suspicious that something is wrong, logout immediately, report your manager and Cellosign support for immediate response

Testing new business processes

It is recommended that new or changes to existing business processes will be carried out at pre-production environment rather than production. This will help you to develop the process in a secured and controlled environment with no client access and no disruption to production environment.

Every type of business process and it’s related meta data can be easily exported from pre-production and uploaded to production when testes are completed.


Archive address
Key & Value

Show Agent

From this window Agent can run already existing template or create Ad-Hoc form with PDF file with or without recipients.

Select form to get startedSelect the existing template from the list to be run. Only published templates will be shown in the list.
For additional information about templates read here.
Enter number or email Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details.
Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
ConnectPress Connect button to send the form to the client.
Client TextAdd the text that will be sent to the client in the message with the link to the form.
Client CopyAdd the email address where to send the copy of the form after completion.
Upload FilePress the button to create an Ad-Hoc form. See below for more details.
Select TemplateSelect the existing template from the list to be used. Only PDF published templates will be shown.
DescriptionAdd the description of the form. By default selected template name will be added.
Recipients sequenceMark the check box to add recipients to the form. See below for more information about recipients parameters.
Attach file and postUpload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location.

After uploading PDF file the form will be opened. Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

The following controllers can be added to the Ad-Hoc form:

SignatureThis controller collects client graphic signatures. Signatures are embedded into the signed document in a way that it associate the signature with the signer.
TextThis controller allows to add any text to the form.
Signature & SealThis controller allows to combine a signature with the embedded company information.
Add fileThis controller allows uploading files of any type, unless limited by file type.
Add ImageThis controller allows uploading image files only. 

For additional information about controllers read here.

For each controller it will ask to select who is allowed to fill the field, whether it is required or not, background color [for signature, text and signature & seal] or display name [for file and image].

Example of image controller settings:

When the form creation is completed add phone number or email address of the client and press Connect. Timer will be started.

Once the client opens the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.

At the end of the process after the client completed and submitted the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.


When the “Recipients sequence” check box is selected the following fields will be shown:

Recipient NameAdd the name of the recipient. Default: recip1, recip2 etc..
Recipient DestinationAdd phone number or email of the recipient. When added it will be automatically copied to the destination fields [see example below]. Not mandatory, can be added or changed later.
Message to recipientAdd the text that will be sent to the recipient in the message with the link to the form.
Authentication requiredWhen selected the recipient will be asked to perform the authentication.
AddPress Add button to add more recipients.

When adding controllers it will ask to select which recipient is allowed to show or edit the field.

For more information about recipients read here.

Change management

New releases are distributed every other month in according to yearly plan that takes into account holidays and peek times such as end of Quarters and end of year.

On Cellosign cloud application typically new releases are distributed to production occurs at Thursday night. There are also reserved time slots for distribution for on premise clients.

Please make sure to read full cycle practice, schedule and change logs in this documentation branch.

ID Number

This controller is available only in the HTML template.

Types and Validation

In this controller the “Israeli ID” is selected by default in the Builtin Types section.

Validation of the field will be performed according to the ID format.

Field’s value Must be
To Value in This field
The controller will verify if the field value meets a condition against other number fields in the form.
Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.
Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.

When checking conditions on a ID number type controller, the following options are displayed:

Grater thanIf the ID number controller is greater than the entered value.
Less thanIf the ID number controller is less than the entered value.
EqualIf the ID number controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
Not equalIf the ID number controller is not equal the entered value.
EmptyIf the ID number controller has no value.
Not emptyIf there is any value in the ID number controller.

User Application

The user application is the user’s main entry point to the application.

At the far left is a navigation bar to the various pages in the system. [See below detailed explanation for each page].









Transactions File

Data sources

In the header of the interface you can see:

  • Show Agent button that opens the agent window for running forms.
  • Project to which the user is currently connected.
  • User name, where under it you can see the user profile and the logout option.

    For more information about Profile click here.

At the left bottom corner there is a Service call option to contact Cellosign support:


SentAll the forms that were sent to clients in last 24 hours.
ViewedAll the forms that were viewed by clients in last 24 hours.
WaitingAll the forms that are waiting for clients in last 24 hours.
SubmittedAll the forms that were viewed by clients, completed and submitted in last 24 hours.
ExpiredAll the forms that were not completed and expired in last 24 hours.
FailedAll the forms that were failed in last 24 hours.

Under each section it is possible to perform search, filter by user and see the details of each transaction.

Show Agent

From this window Agent can run already existing template or create Ad-Hoc form with PDF file with or without recipients.

Select form to get startedSelect the existing template from the list to be run. Only published templates will be shown in the list.
For additional information about templates read here.
Enter number or email Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details.
Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
ConnectPress Connect button to send the form to the client.
Client TextAdd the text that will be sent to the client in the message with the link to the form.
Client CopyAdd the email address where to send the copy of the form after completion.
Upload FilePress the button to create an Ad-Hoc form. See below for more details.
Select TemplateSelect the existing template from the list to be used. Only PDF published templates will be shown.
DescriptionAdd the description of the form. By default selected template name will be added.
Recipients sequenceMark the check box to add recipients to the form. See below for more information about recipients parameters.
Attach file and postUpload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location.

After uploading PDF file the form will be opened. Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

The following controllers can be added to the Ad-Hoc form:

SignatureThis controller collects client graphic signatures. Signatures are embedded into the signed document in a way that it associate the signature with the signer.
TextThis controller allows to add any text to the form.
Signature & SealThis controller allows to combine a signature with the embedded company information.
Add fileThis controller allows uploading files of any type, unless limited by file type.
Add ImageThis controller allows uploading image files only. 

For additional information about controllers read here.

For each controller it will ask to select who is allowed to fill the field, whether it is required or not, background color [for signature, text and signature & seal] or display name [for file and image].

Example of image controller settings:

When the form creation is completed add phone number or email address of the client and press Connect. Timer will be started.

Once the client opens the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.

At the end of the process after the client completed and submitted the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.


When the “Recipients sequence” check box is selected the following fields will be shown:

Recipient NameAdd the name of the recipient. Default: recip1, recip2 etc..
Recipient DestinationAdd phone number or email of the recipient. When added it will be automatically copied to the destination fields [see example below]. Not mandatory, can be added or changed later.
Message to recipientAdd the text that will be sent to the recipient in the message with the link to the form.
Authentication requiredWhen selected the recipient will be asked to perform the authentication.
AddPress Add button to add more recipients.

When adding controllers it will ask to select which recipient is allowed to show or edit the field.

For more information about recipients read here.

Shared dashboards

It is possible to add new dashboards by clicking Add -> Create new dashboard.

Add the name of the dashboard and select the users’ permissions radio button.

Note: Shared dashboards feature requires activation. Please contact your CS contact for activation. Without the activation only dashboards for personal use can be created.

Personal useThe dashboard will be shown for the personal use only of the user that created it.
Shared with all project managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the project manager permissions under the same project.
Shared with all organization managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the organization manager permissions under the same project.
Shared with all project usersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users under the same project: users with the organization manager permissions, project manager permissions and agent permissions.

Click the “Add Widget” and select the widget from the list.

Selected widget will be automatically added to the dashboard.

Each widget has it’s own settings that can be edited by clicking the gear icon.

The widget can be removed from the dashboard by clicking the trash icon.

Press Save button to save the dashboard and Delete button to delete the dashboard.

The owner of the dashboard can edit it by clicking Edit button or clone the dashboard by clicking Clone button.

Users that are not owners, but have permissions to use the dashboard can add it by selecting from the list and hide or clone the dashboard by clicking proper buttons.

About To Expire

This section allows you to see all the transactions to be expired.

Search options

It is possible to perform search or filter by expiration time. Default: 48 hours.

At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

Extend validity

Press “Extend validity” to extend the expiration time of the form.


In order to send reminders to the client select “Reminder” in the additional options menu. Add new destination or select an existing destination, add the message and press “Confirm” button.

Show Agent

Press “Show Agent” to open the transaction from the agent side.

For more information about “Show Agent” read here.

Show workflow

This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

The confirmation message will appear for approval.

Waiting For Me

This section allows to see all the transactions that are waiting for the user that is logged in to the system.

At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

Show Client

Press “Show Client” to open the transaction from the client side.

Show workflow

This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

The confirmation message will appear for approval.

Initiate New Process

This option allows you to run existing published templates from the dashboard.

Select a template from the list and press Send.

The template will be opened at the Agent screen.

Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details. Press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.

For more information see “Show Agent” section.

Initiate Ad-Hoc Process

This option allows you to initiate Ad-Hoc process from the dashboard.

Drag PDF file to the field or upload it by pressing “click here to upload” and selecting PDF file location.

It is possible to delete the uploaded file by pressing “Delete” button and add description if needed.

By pressing “Send” button the file will be opened at the Agent screen.

Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

For more information see “Show Agent” section.

Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.


What is a process on Cellosign?

A process in Cellosign is running a template to its destination and includes the filling of the form and its sending by the customer.
Running a template can be done in 5 ways:

  1. Running a template by an operating system (integration)
  2. Running a template by a system user
  3. Running a template via an external link – from a website or portal (public)
  4. With a multi-recipient process – a new process is created for each recipient in the process
  5. With a multi-templates process – a new process is created on each template in the process

For every action in Cellosign there is an information line in the “processes tab”.

This screen shows all the processes performed in your projects according to a section of time, with the default when entering the screen being actions created “today”.

At the top of the screen:

  • Panel for selecting a date range
  • Free text search to find processes that contain certain text such as: phone number, email address or template
  • A list of projects to select from in case you have more than one project
  • If you have selected a project, you can also select a specific template
  • An “Export” button that allows downloading all the processes selected by the searching criteria’s to an excel document

Below is an explanation of the data appearing in the processes panel:

  • At the table header, the column names where the first column # can be used for arranging the table by ascending or descending order.
  • At the bottom of the table, the number of columns in the selected section appears, as well as a navigator that moves to the following processes.
#A unique number of the operation in the system
CreatedDate and time the process was created [time the form was sent to the client]
ProjectThe project which the operation is associated to
DestinationThe recipient of the process: usually an email address or a phone number.
Note: the destination column is sometimes empty, in cases where the action was taken from an external system such as CRM or the action was taken directly from a browser and then no active sending action was actually performed
AgentThe name of the agent who created the process.
Sometimes when it comes from a computer creation [one created from CRM for example] the name of the system or a generic name will appear
ExpirationEach action created in the system has an expiration time, during which time the action will no longer be accessible to the representative and the end customer to whom the action was sent.
DeletedDate and time when the action was deleted. An action will be deleted given three possible cases:
– Expiration time has passed
– Customer sent the form and copies were also sent to the representative and customer or/and was compiled into the operational systems
– The agent or project manager deleted the process
Client logged in Last date and time the customer opened the form
SubmittedDate and time when the customer submitted the form
TemplateTemplate name
An indicatorGreen indicator: everything is fine
– Red indicator: error on the operation [see details further down the page]

Process details

Clicking on the green plus to the left of the process opens the process details screen and displays the process update actions:

This action will appear as long as the operation has not been deleted from the system. The buttons allow:

  • Manual deletion of the process
    • Open the form as client
    • Open the form as agent
    • Open a service call for support

    Bellow them, we have five panels contains the process data, detailed below:


    Displays the process IDs and form processing information.

    Client View Doc Date and time when the form was viewed by the end client.
    Note: This is a different documentation than “client logged in”. The information indicates that the form has been fully opened in the client’s browser and that the form is ready for an update operation.
    Doc GeneratedDate and time of creating a digitally signed file.
    Doc StatusThe status of the doc created. ‘true’ if a doc was created. empty if not created yet.
    TokenA unique identifier of the operation in the system. Used as a unique identifier for the form sent to the client.
    WorkflowIf the action is part of a business process that includes several actions, this content is the unique identifier of the process in which this action is included.
    RecipientThe number of the recipient during the process. [if this action is part of a process].


    If there is a connection [integration] between Cellosign and the CRM system in the customer organization, this panel will show the details of the process archive, after the form has been sent and processed.

    PostedDate and time when the archive was created (the process product is sent to the core system).
    Doc NumberDocument number, if received as a response from the core system in exchange for a successful archive.
    Archive StatusThe status of the archive. ‘true’ if a doc was created. ‘false’ if failed.
    Archive Failed Error The archive error as received from the core system.

    Mail to Agent & Mail to Client

    If copies of signed forms are sent to the email boxes of the organization or the client, their details will appear in these panels.

    Agent/Client MailMail address of the agent/client.
    Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
    PostedDate and time of sending.
    Post StatusThe status of sending. ‘true’ if a doc was sent. ‘false’ if failed.
    Note: this status indicates if the mail was sent from Cellosign but was not necessarily received at the mail address.
    Post Failed ErrorError description, if the error failed and was reported to the Cellosign application.


    Cellosign is a multi-tenant application, so it knows how to handle multiple clients (projects) in a way that produces complete separation between the various projects.

    The advantage of a project is complete separation between users, templates, logs, interfaces, tokens and a separate repository for custom code.

    The disadvantage of multiple projects for the client is mainly when using functionality that is not out-of-the-box because then in fact each project manages a separate code repository. Let’s take for example a case where requests from Cellosign to SMTP or SMS server must go through PROXY. In such a case, a specific code should be written for the proxy and be duplicated and maintained for each environment separately.

    Moreover, the API for our interfaces include the project code in the URL, which means that the client will have to maintain several different repositories in order to communicate with the Cellosign servers.

    If the main purpose of the separation is for access to templates and performed actions, you can use the functionality of teams because it allows you to associate users, templates and actions to a team.

    Messages settings

    Post signed document to agentIf this option is checked, an agent that sent the action to the customer will receive a signed copy of the documents to their email address (PDF, Meta file and attached files). Archive failed messages also will be sent to this address.
    Default: Checked
    E-mail addresses to send signed docsPermanent email addresses that will receive signed documents (PDF, Meta file and attached files) from all the templates in the system. These addresses will be added in addition to the addresses defined in the template. Archive failed messages also will be sent to these addresses.
    Send logs and errors to this addressPermanent email addresses that will receive system errors.
    Client mail to reply e-mails toCompany’s email address for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application such as signed copies for customers.
    The address is used as a reply to if the customer replies to the email.
    Phone number/Text that appears as the SMS senderNumber or name that will appear as a sender in messages. The text should be Latin characters only, upper case and without spaces.

    Security settings

    Allow form in IFrameWhen checked Cellosign will be allowed to be hosted as an IFrame.
    Origins Regex field is opened.
    Default: Unchecked
    Origins RegexOrigins can be configured as regex pattern to adapt to one or many domains.
    Default is any domain.
    AutologinWhen checked the login to the system will be performed automatically from outside using API.
    Default: Unchecked
    Password renewalsWhen checked all the users under the same project will have to renewal the password after X days defined in the Interval field.
    Default: Unchecked
    IntervalInterval for password renewals in days.
    Default: 365

    Password minimum lengthDefault: 8 chars
    Require at least one capital letterDefault: Unchecked
    Require at least one digitDefault: Unchecked
    Require at least one special characterDefault: Unchecked
    PolicyThere are two types of policies:
    –  Lock: user’s account will be locked after the number of failed logins and the project manager will have to unlock the user.
    –  Temporary lock: user’s account will be locked for X minutes and then will be able to try again.
    Default: Lock
    Lock account after failed login attemptsNumber of retries for user to login before the account is locked.
    Default: 5
    Account will be locked for [minutes]In case of “Temporary lock” the number of minutes to wait until the account is unlocked.
    Default: 5
    User application logout [minutes]User application logout after X minutes if there is no activity.
    Default: 30
    Client application logout [minutes]Client application logout after X minutes if there is no activity.
    Default: 30

    Failure purge intervalLapse time in days until completely remove failed successful transactions after completion.
    Default: 7
    Success purge intervalLapse time in days until completely remove successful transactions after completion.
    Default: 2

    Press “Save” button to save the changes.

    Note: for users with multiple projects the restricts of security policy will apply according to the highest security measures.

    Brand settings

    Language settingsSelect an interface language. For all interfaces and applications in the project.
    The language is also applied to the form behaviour, left to right text and mobile view.
    Default: Hebrew
    LogoUpload the company logo. The logo will appear in various forms and applications.
    For proper visibility, it is recommended that the logo be transparent and up to 250px in width and height.
    For more information about the logo appearance see below.
    Company nameFull name of the company for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application, such as signed copies for customers.
    Postal addressFull postal address of the company for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application, such as customer’s invitation email.
    Phone numberCompany’s phone number for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application, such as signed copies for customers.
    Website addressWebsite address of the company for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application, such as customer’s invitation email.

    Logo appearance

    In HTML and Hybrid templates the logo will appear in the show agent screen when starting the template along with the template name and the Start button.

    From the client side it will be shown when opening the form link and in the form header.

    In the HTML template only it also will be added to the header of the final PDF.

    For all the types of templates it will appear in the invitation email along with an invitation text and “Click to Fill Form” button.

    After the form submission the logo will be shown at the final screen with the transaction token.

    Session settings

    Allow agent to add file into sessionFor occasional operations (Ad hoc form), allow the agent to upload a PDF file.
    Default: Checked
    Allow agent to add fields on the fly into sessionFor occasional actions (Ad hoc form), allow the agent to add fields to the form.
    Default: Checked
    Session expiry time (days)Default timeout for actions created in the application.
    Select the value in days (up to 40 days).
    Default: 1
    Note: Templates also have Expiration time settings.
    For more information see “Templates
    AttachmentsDefault file attachment extensions for all the templates and ad hoc forms.
    Note: It can be overridden on the Template level.
    For more information see “Controller’s Editor

    MFA settings

    Why would I want to use this?

    Because user/password is sometimes just not enough. Simply put, apart from hacking methods, the weakest chain in protecting our resources is …us.

    We tend to leave notes with our user and password on desk, push it through emails and text apps and we keep passwords to our most valuable resources easy to guess????‍♂️.

    Case your organization deploying on Cellosign sensitive clients, employees and company data and typically it is, we strongly advise to use this feature.

    Case your organization is bound to GDPR, ISO/SOC or other methodologies for security regulations such as ISO-27001, you would need to incorporate this feature into your operation nonetheless.

    Cellosign offers 2FA as a security module that can be plugged into your tool set with a click of a button.

    Please consult your success contact for activation of 2FA module or post a mail to service@cellosign.com.

    How does it work?

    Once 2FA module is enabled:

    1. login to Cellosign application and click on “project settings” (you will need Administrative permissions)
    2. Click “Activate MFA” on “MFA settings” pane
    3. That’s it!

    Once 2FA is activated, each user associated with the project, will be compelled to go through a process of selecting default Authentication method.

    Pane below is used to select and configure 2FA delivery method.

    • Select delivery method
    • Enter corresponding email/mobile number
    • And click “Send code”

    Once you received code to your email/mobile device, enter the code to complete the authentication coupling.

    Case 2FA method and activation needs to be changed.

    1. Login to “Profile” tab, scroll MFA section
    2. Click on “MFA configuration”
    3. Follow activation process on-screen


    Apps and databases connector

    Aside from API integrations, connector is a method in Cellosign to interact with your core apps and database with no additional code. Once Cellosign and your data source are coupled, an implementation of business processes can be carried out my mapping your data source objects (or tables) using drags and drop and clicks by, hence no code.

    With an integration using database connectors Cellosign is able to provide one way CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete operations) seamlessly.

    With an integration using an application connector, such as for Salesforce, you would be able to do the above plus the ability to trigger actions directly from your application.


    Cellosign includes comprehensive set of RESTful API for both inbound and outbound traffic. The underlying concept is that the client core applications (such as CRM/ERP applications) are the system-of-proof. Meaning it is well informed by Cellosign regards business process activities.

    Let’s take for example an on boarding process that involves clients, back office and specialists that are attached to the process given the right conditions. Cellosign is perfectly able to report a status of each station as the process progress both by pull (querying) or by pushing it into your core app at the time of event.

    How does it happen?

    When a core application starts new business process (any) with an API call, it receives in response process keys specific to the process. Based on that set of keys, you will be able to pull data from Cellosign regards the process status. Also, if configured, our outbound API (aka webhooks) can post the data to the CRM


    Cellosign includes the ability to post emails to users and clients for purpose of invitations, reminders, alerts etc. On cloud installations we use 3rd party providers to post and manage email traffic.

    Using our integrations you are able to integrate and deploy SMTP service of your organization.

    Why do I need this?

    There are number of reasons to integrate with your organization SMTP:

    1. Emails from cellosign are posted with cellosign’s sender such as “invite@cellosign.com”. Using custom SMTP will control the sender and better service to your clients
    2. Have tighter control on outbound email traffic and content

    You can add as many SMTP as you need to serve as fallback. For example, assume there are SMTP1 and SMTP2 integrations. In case SMTP1 fail to respond, Cellosign will automatically try to send it with SMTP2 integration. Also see below fallback option to trigger Cellosign SMTP service in case of failure.

    Setting up SMTP

    Follow these steps to add SMTP integration:

    1. At the dashboard click integrations
    2. locate SMTP integration pane
    3. click “Add”
    FieldWhat it’s for?
    AliasProvide an alias for integration
    SenderInsert name that will appear as sender on Email. sender can be formatted for RFC 5322 specifics, for example: “Your company <email@company.com>”
    System wide fallbackIf fallback is turned then in case your SMTP fail to respond it will trigger Cellosign SMTP to make sure your emails to recipients will be posted.
    HostInsert host address or IP
    PortInsert port.
    * Note that Port 25 is considered harmful and it is not supported on cloud installations.
    SSLSwitch SSL on or off as required by your SMTP protocol
    TLSSwitch TLS on or off as required by your SMTP protocol
    AuthenticationSelect type of authentication: Simple, SASL XAUTH2, No Auth (See below)
    SecretIn case od SASL select secret from “Client secret” pane
    UserInsert user name
    PasswordInsert password. In case of SASL password is produced via secret integration

    Save the integration and test it by entering email address under “Recipient” and click “Test”.

    Authentication types

    “Simple” use the standard SMTP protocol for Authentication and require user and pasword”Simple use the standard SMTP protocol for Authentication and require user and pasword

    “SASL XAUTH2” option is a secured way to Authenticate mainly SMTP requests with services such as GMAIL, Office exchange etc.

    To use SAL XAUTH2 option, first you will need to define the Authentication method through secret integration and then connect your SMTP resource with the authentication. Note that regardless of Authentication method, the service is integrated over SMTP protocol to post emails.

    “No Auth” method does not require authentication at all. Be advised that this is not a recommended approach. In case your SMTP relay has no other way to connect with authentication please make sure to whiten relevant Cellosign IPs.



    SMS are typically used when posting invitations to clients, reminders and also as an evidence for processing at the end of client engagement.

    Cellosign is typically bundled with SMS out of the box service, however, in case your organization requires to explicitly integrate with your own provider you are able to easily configure top SMS providers such as: inforu, bezeq, 019 and unicell with configuration only.

    Case you require additional provider, let us know.

    Why do I need this?

    In case your organization requires to have tight control on outbound SMS for any reason such as regulatory, you may add your provider as plugged in SMS integration. Once done, all SMS traffic for your project will consume your integration.

    Note that SMS integration is deployed per project and not organization. Case you need custom integration for all your organization projects, this has to be done one by one. Also you may add as many SMS integration as you need for purpose of fallback. For example assume you have configured SMS1 and SMS2 with different providers, in case SMS1 will not respond, Cellosign will automatically fire off SMS2 integration.

    Note: SMS failure means that an error response received from the SMS provider. It doesnt mean if message was arrived to recipient or not.

    Setting up SMS integration

    To add SMS integration, follow these steps:

    1. At the dashboard click integrations
    2. locate SMS integration pane
    3. click “Add”
    FieldWhat it’s for?
    AliasProvide an alias for integration
    SenderInsert name that will appear as sender on SMS. Be aware that some countries has limitations on sender name. Typically phone numbers and digits are prohibited. Please consult with your provider regards this issue.
    Integration providerSelect your provider from the list
    UserInsert user name provided by your SMS provider
    PasswordInsert pasword provided by your SMS provider. In case inforu provider is selceted, you also have the option to use Inforu API token authentication. Your token goes into password.

    Save the integration and test it by entering phone number under “Recipient” and click “Test”.


    A secret facilitates an Bearer token authentication method (i.e. OAuth2) that is consumed in builtin web-hooks and with application connectors such as Salesforce.

    While Secrets for application connectors are created automatically, secrets for Web-hooks are required to be created manually. This is a guide for manually creating and testing your secret integration.

    OAuth2 Conventions

    With Cellosign Secrets are managed in two standard conventions that are slightly defer in implementation.

    • Username/password [General username and password]
    • Client ID/Client secret [Microsoft Graph Rest API]

    General username and password

    TypeSelect General – username and password
    urlInsert URL to post token request
    Grant typeEnter the grant type
    Scopeinsert scope values
    User nameInsert username
    PasswordInsert password

    Request example

    With the example above this is how the request from Cellosign looks like

    	"username": "Myusername",
    	"password": "Mypassword",
    	"grant_type": "password",
    	"scope": "('read,write',)"

    Expected response

    Cellosign expects at least two parameters in response:

    	"expires_in": 300,
    	"access_token": "BULvsea4JtiGRiSDSJSI%3DEUifiRBkKG5E2XzMDjRfl76ZC9Ub0wnz4XsNiRVBChTYbJcE3F"
    • “access_token” that will be used in web hook request header for Authorization
    • “expires_in” is a lapse time, in seconds, that the access token can be used before it is expired

    Microsoft Graph Rest API

    TypeSelect Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0
    urlInsert URL to post token request
    Grant typeEnter the grant type
    Scopeinsert scope values
    client_idInsert client id
    client_secretInsert secret

    Request example

    	"client_id": "8e17edb9-0f05-46cc-8741-a937e351e631",
    	"client_secret": "Mysecret",
    	"scope": "read,write",
    	"grant_type": "password"

    Expected response

    Cellosign expects at least two parameters in response:

    	"expires_in": 300,
    	"access_token": "BULvsea4JtiGRiSDSJSI%3DEUifiRBkKG5E2XzMDjRfl76ZC9Ub0wnz4XsNiRVBChTYbJcE3F"
    • “access_token” that will be used in web hook request header for Authorization
    • “expires_in” is a lapse time, in seconds, that the access token can be used before it is expired

    Notes and gotchas

    1. Note the difference in SCOPE parameter value between the two methods.
    2. Cellosign will use token until the time of expiration provided for token request. When token is expired, Cellosign will initiate a request for a new token.


    At the end a business process Cellosign produces number of files that can be shipped via email, API or directly to your storage.

    Currently we support out of the box integrations for FTP/FTPs and Google drive.

    Storage service can be deployed with “callback”, which means an API request will be executed from Cellosign to let you know that a storage call has been made. If you have decided to use storage integration, it is recommended to couple it with a callback webhook so you can close the gap between completion on Cellosign to acknowledge in your application.

    Why do I need this?

    There are number of reasons to integrate with your organization Storage:

    1. Occasionally business process ends up with huge and heavy list of attachments that it makes hard for an API to process massive requests
    2. You may have more options on files transformation such as the ability to compress all in a single zip archive

    Follow these steps to add Storage integration:

    1. At the dashboard click integrations
    2. locate Storage integration pane
    3. click “Add”

    Basics and storage type

    1. Insert an alias for the integration
    2. Set implicit or Explicit. Implicit means that whenever a business process is completed, this integration will fire off. Explicit means, don’t fire unless instructed. See below reference for setting up explicit/implicit
    3. Select storage type FTP or Google drive. See below reference to each type
    4. Enter relative path
    5. Apply file transformations as needed. see details below
    6. Setup callback webhook. See details in Webhook: Callback
    7. Upload file and test

    Configure Google drive integration

    First step with Google drive integration is to prepare and download your service account.
    1. Use Service key link to create service key at your Google Cloud Platform -> Google Drive Api -> Credentials -> Create Credentials -> Service account

    2. download your JSON file with service account credentials

    3. Modify default scopes case required

    4. Configure path where files will be uploaded into

    Configure FTP/s integration

    Enter the following details to integrate with your FTP server

    FieldWhat it’s for?
    HostInsert DNS name name or IP
    PortInsert listening port. Note that we may from time to time inform, in advance, on a blockage for ports that are considered dangerous.
    Base pathRelative path for the files to be uploaded into
    UserInsert user name to authenticate
    PasswordInsert password
    Max connectionsSet maximum connections allowed. This is the maximum concurrent engagement from Cellosign with your FTP server. processes will be queued as needed
    SSLSwitch SSL on for FTPs

    Explicitly/Implicitly Storage integration

    Storage can be setup to fire off Implicitly that means every business processes will fire this integration. For example a storage action will be executed to your when every business process within your project is completed.

    This is the recommended approach if indeed all your business process should end up in in this manner. However if there are different use cases, such as: separate endpoints or some business process does not need storage, it is recommended to couple your integration with a business process Explicitly.

    To explicitly couple a Storage with business process we purpose two options:

    1. Manually connect it to specific template(s), which means, templates configuration will include explicit coupling with your storage integration. See details below
    2. Ad hoc integration for a business process: When the integration is set to explicit, the storage pane display the integration code that can be added to create session request. Simply add the code to your request. All ad hoc integration can be add within the integrations Array

    Setting up storage connector

    Follow these steps to apply the storage integration into the template:

    1. Login to your template
    2. Select “Integrations” on the top right and then click on “Connectors”
    3. Storage can be applied to “Submit” only. Click “Add Live Connector”
    4. On source, select “Storage”
    5. On Type: select your integration [by alias]
    6. Turn it’s status to “Active”
    7. Save the connector and the template

    File transformations

    Initial set of files can be transformed with simple rules. Each rule selects some files and applies some action to selected set. It is possible to select files by tag, by content type or select all files.

    Initial set of files in the end of session looks like this

    DescriptionTagsContent type
    File with process metadatametadataapplication/json
    Signed pdfsigned_documentapplication/pdf
    File attachmentsfile, attachment*/*
    Image attachmentsimage, attachmentimage/*

    Transformation examples

    Collect all files to zip and apply unique name

    1. Click “Add”, Select “All files” from left drop down and “Archive Zip” in drop down on the right. With only this option you will receive to your FTP file named “archive.zip”
    2. Click “Add” Select “By tag” from the left and “set name” on the right
    3. On select tag, enter “archive”.
    4. In “New template path” enter this string “{% now “Y-m-d_H-m-s” as the_time %}{{ reference }}_{{ the_time }}.zip”

    This parameter join the process reference id and add to it the current date time : “b7eeb82f-9aab-4dea-813c-7ba06b515867_2025-01-08_14-01-06.zip”

    Why this is a good option?

    1. All process product are aggregated into a single file (And not scattered)
    2. Zip ensure single commit. As oppose to separate files where 1 file can go through and the other wont
    3. Unique by date time.
    4. Reference that always exists in our output ensure that process can be located easily on our dashboards

    File Cleansing

    In the digital age, safeguarding data integrity and security is a top priority. To ensure that files uploaded by clients during data collection are free from malware and other malicious content, Cellosign has integrated advanced file cleansing technology into its platform.

    This integration acts as a robust layer of security, meticulously scanning every file uploaded into forms. The process involves real-time inspection and sanitization of documents, ensuring that only clean, safe files are accepted before being archived. This proactive approach mitigates risks associated with file-based attacks, protecting both users and the system from potential vulnerabilities.

    Beyond security, the integration enhances user trust, offering peace of mind that their data and interactions with Cellosign are handled securely. It also aligns with industry compliance standards, reinforcing Cellosign’s commitment to delivering a reliable and secure document management experience.

    This seamless file cleansing feature empowers businesses to collect data confidently, knowing that every document meets stringent security requirements. With this integration, Cellosign continues to set a benchmark in secure, efficient, and trustworthy digital solutions.

    How it works?

    File cleansing integration does not work by default. You will need to activate it. See “Setting up File Cleansing integration” below.

    Couple of points before explanation on how this works.

    1. Files and images in Cellosign retained as base64 encrypted files. They are never stored as file objects when collected from clients and users. Also when shipped to your endpoints via API (archive) files are delivered in base64 as well.
    2. Cellosign has co-browse extension, so user and an agent can sync data in between. For example client can upload a file and an agent can download it for inspection
    3. Data collected in form is preserving its state. As such files and images are stored in Cellosign DB until form is submitted or expired.

    Our approach for securing and validating the files is by allowing only clean filles to be uploaded into our database, while exposing as little as possible to a potential attacker.

    In case a file was successfully uploaded, it will be stored in Cellosign DB and be available to sync any which way, given the appropriate permissions. In this manner we are ensuring that only validated data is stored and ready to sync and distribution.

    What is not covered in file cleansing integration?

    There are a few endpoints in which Cellosign accept files and images for which File cleansing integration is not covered. All the endpoints below require authenticated user

    1. API. Inbound files and Images from your application API to Cellosign.
    2. Management application when constructing new template
    3. Agent app when uploading a PDF for ad hoc transaction

    Setting up File Cleansing integration

    To setup file cleansing integration, log in to application console and click projects page.Locate pane “Secured file upload”.

    OptionWhat it does
    Not activatedDefault
    CleansingPerform file cleansing (Recommended)
    DetectionPerform detection only, does not clean the uploaded file

    In addition please note the switch “Allow upload if service is not available” (Default to false). Because we are using 3rd party provider service for file cleansing, we need to be ready for events that are beyond our control. Having that we are leaving to your disposal the option to allow upload in case file cleansing service is not available. We recommend that it will remain switched off. Rest assure that we have taken our stand to monitor the service and take action as needed.

    Audit log

    Each file uploaded to cleansing is recorded in Audit log. Log is preserved in case of success as well as failures. Following are audit details.

    SeverityMessage: success
    Critical: Failure.
    ErrorError description
    SessionSession Id
    FieldField ID in a form
    File nameFile name that was uploaded
    Hash beforeHash of file prior to cleansing
    Hash afterHash of file after cleansing.
    In case of success the hash may be differ in case that the actual file required cleansing. Otherwise Hash before and after are identical
    is file changedboolean indication on hash before and after. False if file unchanged, True if changed.
    response_timelapse time from POST request to cleaning service until response or timeout


    Cellosign has a built-in authentication and authorization system, you can also hook-up Cellosign to your SSO/Idp (Identity provider) application to provide user authentication.

    For that purpose, Cellosign is already equipped with SAML2/Idp integration. This integration works with any SAML applications, such as Okta or AzureAD.

    Why do I need this?

    If your organization is already coupled with Idp application then you are already managing users access to resources, in that perspective Cellosign is a service provider (SP) that can be mapped to group of users with set of permissions.

    The alternative is to self-manage users within Cellosign and make sure that new employee have an account with Cellosign or account is blocked on leave. In terms of Information security you can control Access, Authentication requirements with your Idp seamlessly.

    How it works?

    The goal for integration is retain users credentials in a single place, with the Identity provider (IdP), and use it in Cellosign, as a Service Provider(SP) for authentication.

    The way it works is that user request a resource from Cellosign application that requires authentication, such as access to template editor or initating a business process. Let’s assume this is first-time user. The process works as follow:

    1. User access Cellosign resource (through browser).
    2. Cellosign identify that the resource is coupled with your Idp
    3. Cellosign redirects the request to your Idp for authentication
    4. On a successful authentication, Cellosign will record user details such as name and email and mark user’s record as managed with Idp
    5. Once user has been automatically registered he will be redirected to the required resource


    1. Cellosign keeps some data of the user since the application requires some level of engagement such as emails, alerts and other notifications.
    2. Cellosign does not keep users password

    For a returning user the process is pretty much similar, instead of creating user, we are validating and updating user details.

    Integration strategy

    Clients structure with Cellosign works as follow:

    1. Organization is a top level entity
    2. Within organization we have “project”(s). Some of the resources are shared on organization level, others are project specific.
    3. Users are mostly coupled with projects, for example users from HR department requires exclusive rights to HR Business processes, Digital department requires exclusive rights as well
    4. For some users, you would like to have access rights to more then one department or even access to the entire organization resources, for example support or implementation.

    Integration with your Idp can work both on organization, project and users layer. See details in setup section.

    Setting up Idp integration

    To integrate Cellosign with your Idp we need to couple if both ways. Before you start, you will need to get:

    1. Cellosign domain
    2. Your project(s) in Cellosign
    3. Choose role assignment strategy. For quick starter you may choose to assign minor permissions automatically in Cellosign

    Step 1: Integrating Idp to Cellosign

    In your Idp edit the Entity ID which is global unique ID of service provider.

    with Cellosign the components are: https://domain/project/saml2_auth/acs/

    For example assuming this is an integration with shared cloud production and your project is “digital” then your entity id would be:

    Same value also goes to ACS, that is url for callback.

    The image on the right is taken from Azure AD for setting up Entity ID and ACS[Reply URL].

    Make sure to get metadata data URL (aka federated data url) or download metadata XML file, you will need it for next step

    Step 2: Integrating Cellosign to Idp

    Follow the steps below to set up Cellosign Integration:

    1. At the dashboard click integrations
    2. locate SSO integration pane
    3. click “Add” and continue with the table below for an explanation on setup
    FieldWhat it’s for?
    AliasEnter an alias for your integration
    metadataInsert url to federated data or upload XML metadata file
    Use on company levelCheck if you require to use this integration in the organization level
    Force authenticationCheck if you require to force this integration for authentication and disable any other type
    ClaimsMap user details from IdP. Claim definitions must be identical in Idp and Cellosign (Mind case sensitive). For a user friendly operation map all fields. See example on the image on the right.
    Role assignmentsSee details below

    Role assignments

    The steps above are bout Authentication. This step is about Authorization. There are couple of options here:

    1. This is the most common implementation. When a new user is introduced, he will be assigned with the lowest permissions or no permissions at all. The permissions level,  if need to be upgraded or setup, will be controlled in Cellosign application by your admin user
    2. Another option is that the authorization will be controlled by a claim or list of groups. list of groups is useful when our users are diverse, for example user may have lower permissions on Project A and higher permissions on Project B. (Keep in mind that this permissions can be made both manually or automatically with the proper setup)

    For option one, select “Do not assign user role” for having no permissions at all, or “Assign default role” and then select the appropriate role. Select “Agent” for minimal permissions.

    For option two, you are able to:

    1. Select role from a claim
    2. Select role from list of groups

    For selecting role from a claim, insert the claim name. The value of the claim should be one of:

    1. “agent”: For lower permissions
    2. “manager”: for project admin
    3. “company_manager”: for organization administration

    For getting role from list of groups.

    1. Insert claim
    2. Insert the ID for project admins group. This id represents a list of projects in cellosign that the user will be associated with for agent permissions. for example: [“hr”,”it]
    3. Insert the ID for agents group. This id represents a list of projects in cellosign that the user will be associated with for agent permissions

    Note: Project names should be identical to those in Cellosign.

    Azure AD, EntraID Specifics

    Setup Azure/Entra like so:

    Matadata is a url starting with https://login.microsoftonline.com/

    Use the claims notation as demonstrated: name, givenName, surname,emailAddress

    In case you require to use assignment policy per claim, set it up like so”

    Payment integration

    Before creating an integration with the Cellosign system, the integrity of the terminal must be checked against Credit Guard.Get the login information from Credit Guard and perform a terminal health check on the payment page.

    In order to create payment integration in the Cellosign system go to “Integrations” screen and press “+Add” under “Payment” section:

    Basic settings

    AliasAdd the alias name (any value).
    TypeSelect the Type – “Credit Guard MPI”.
    LanguageSelect the language. Default: HEB.
    CurrencySelect the currency. Default: ILS.

    Terminal settings

    Note: the following information must be obtained from the payment service provider.

    server_urlAdd the payment server address.
    terinalNumberAdd the terminal number.
    protocolVersionAdd the protocol version, default 2000.
    midAdd MID details.

    Authentication settings

    UserAdd a valid user name to the payment interface.
    PasswordAdd a valid password.

    Save and press “Test” button to verify connection with your payment server.

    For more information about the implementation of the Payment controller click here.

    How credit guard integration works?

    The integration with credit guard works in 3 steps:

    StepWhat it does?
    InitializeWhen user clicks of payment control in form this step requests credit guard for a url to display terminal in an Iframe.

    Note:The responsibility for logic, ui and data that included in the iframe is on the client. Cellosign has no way of managing business logic and looks.
    InquireAfter client confirm the transactions, Cellosign API receive a callback. This callback activate Inquire step that accept data from Credit guard.
    Note: Inquire response is does not include all the data from Credit guard.
    This step is terminating the integration with Credit guard only if the result code is not success (“000”)
    Data from interface will be pushed to form

    In case your business case requires to stop the process at this point you will need to make sure that the result is any other than success.
    VerifyThis step is triggered if Inquire returns a success. It produce tokens from CG and push back to views and Archive API.

    Registrar of Companies integration

    This integration allows to validate the company ID when user fills the form. There’s a public GOV API available that exposes data of Israeli companies, including: ID, name, status etc..

    Company ID validation includes two steps: creating a WebHook integration and configuring a connector from the template side.

    In order to create WebHook integration in the Cellosign system go to “Integrations” screen and press “+Add” under “WebHook” section:

    AliasAdd the alias name (any value).
    TypeSelect the type “Request when form field was changed”.
    Use implicitlySet the Use implicitly to ON.
    URLAdd the following URL:
    TimeoutDefault: 30

    All the other parameters should not be changed, default values will be used.

    Save and press “Test” button to verify connection with the WebHook server.

    From the template side need to add relevant fields and change their IDs according to the table below:

    company_idCompany ID field – can be Text, Number or ID controllers.
    company_hebrew_nameCompany name in Hebrew.
    company_english_nameCompany name in English.
    company_existsCheck if the company exists. Returned values: true or false.
    company_statusThe status of the company.

    Company ID field example:

    Company English name field example:

    Go to “Integrations tab” and press “+Add Live Connector” under Connectors section:

    In the Source field select the created WebHook integration.

    Set the Trigger action on “Change” of the company ID field or use “Click” action in case of button.

    Map the company fields from the template. Alias will be completed automatically according to the field ID.

    In the client side when entering the Company ID value all the other fields will be completed automatically with the returned values from the Registrar of Companies API.

    For more information about templates options click here.


    Analytics screen allows you perform the analysis of your transactions and perform filtering by date and specific templates.

    In addition it is possible to save parameters and fields in the template and perform search by specific parameters and values.

    For more information about saved parameters and fields read here.


    Cellosign manages three types of user’s permissions:

    AgentA user with agent permission can:
    – Access the agent interface and management interface.
    – Send a form or initiate a process [agent interface, dashboard screen].
    – View actions sent by him only.
    Project managerA user with this permission can do everything a user with agent permission can, plus:
    – View all the actions in the project in which he is set as a manager.
    – View and update the Project settings.
    – Create and update Integrations.
    – View Analytics data.
    – Create and update Templates.
    – Create and update Processes.
    – Create and update Users.
    – Perform Post Transactions from file.
    – Create and update Dictionaries [linked lists], Tables and Categories.
    – Create new dashboards with different widgets.
    Organization managerA user with this permission can do everything that a user with project manager permission can do, plus:
    – Create and update additional projects in the organization in which he manages.
    – Set up SSO integration for providing user authentication.

    In Cellosign, there is the option to create users and also the option to connect to Active Directory
    systems, so the login process will take place as part of the corporate identification system.

    In case that Cellosign is connected to the Active Directory system in your organization, the creation
    of the user will be automatic, without the need to create the user in Cellosign as well.

    Users panel

    This panel can be used to view and locate existing users, add new users and set permissions.

    Search box filterAllows searching by any text relevant to the user: name, email, phone number, etc
    Select Project filterAllows searching by project. Relevant if the organization has several projects
    “Search” buttonAllows searching after changing filters
    + Add ServiceAllows adding a new service
    + Add UserAllows adding a new user
    ExportAllows exporting the list of users to the external .csv file

    To update a user, select a user from the list. Perform the needed changes and press “Update User” button.

    Add Service

    Service user are used for an API connection with Cellosign. Service user cannot login to UI applications and can only be used for integrations. To create Service user, login to Cellosign”, click on “Users” on left pane and click “Add service”. Enter details as instructed below.

    UsernameMandatory field.
    Enter a username in English and without spaces (recommendation to enter a full email address).
    *The field is case sensitive.
    Project permissionsMandatory field.
    You can define a project manager or a project agent permissions by entering the project name and automatic completion from a list.
    *The default for adding a new user is agent permission.
    EmailThe email address of the user to be used as archive default email.

    To reveal the Access token click on “Show token”. This will display the access token for integrations

    Add User

    UsernameMandatory field.
    Enter a username in English and without spaces (recommendation to enter a full email address)
    *The field is case sensitive
    First NameMandatory field.
    You can enter a name in Hebrew or English.
    Last NameYou can enter a name in Hebrew or English.
    MobilePhone number is also used to locate the agent on the form submission screen.
    EmailThe email address of the user to be used as archive default email.
    Project permissionsMandatory field.
    You can define a project manager or a project agent permissions by selecting organization, project and role details from the lists.
    *The default for adding a new user is agent permission.

    At the end of registering a new user, select the “Save User” button and additional options will immediately open. For more information see “Password control” section.

    In order to change user’s permissions for the same project, first remove the existing permission by clicking the “Delete Permission” button. Then select the organization from the list, the project and the desired role from the options.

    Click the “Update User” button to save updated data if a change is made to the user’s details.

    Email and mobile phone

    The user’s email address and phone number are supported by a quick search on the form submission page.

    Type a part of user’s details to locate it in the list of users and send to the relevant destination, email, or mobile phone.

    The access to the list of users may therefore also be for you a kind of contact list for those without any specific role in your organization who may receive self-filling forms.

    In the list of users must only be people from your organization and not from another external source.

    Password control

    Send Temporary PasswordAllows a project manager/organization manager to create a temporary password, that can be copied and sent to the user.
    It will require the user to change his password in the next login.
    Force Reset PasswordAllows a project manager/organization manager to force the user to change his password in the next login.
    Block/Unblock UserBlock or Unblock user from accessing Cellosign.
    *If the user entered the login information incorrectly more times than defined in “Lock account after failed login attempts” under Project, his user will be blocked.


    1. password operations on user are allowed for users with manager and organization manager permissions.
    2. In case user has permissions to more then one project, the password requirements will be the strict one. for example if on project A password is limited to 5 characters and on project B to 8 characters. User will be obligated to 8 characters password.


    In the Profile area user can view and edit his account details, change password, add the private signature, view and change his token, and configure MFA for login additional verification.

    Note: user details cannot be changed by the third party user and should be updated by the organization.

    Private signature

    The signature allows to input the user’s signature into the form automatically.

    The functionality is usually used for automatic signing of files, such as invoices or a certificate “authorized to sign” in the organization.


    Show Token/Hide Token/Refresh Token will show, hide and change the token accordingly.

    Open documentation page” link will open the related API documentation.

    MFA configuration

    User can configure 2-Step verification for login by choosing code destination.


    Templates panel displays the list of templates related to the project. The page is accessible for users with “Project manager” and “Organization manager” permissions.

    In the header of the page there are buttons “+ Create New Template” and “Upload Template From File”.

    Template NameIncludes the name of the template as well as categories attached to the template.
    Status – Publish: The form is published and can be sent to customers.
    – Edit: The form is in editing mode, has not yet been transferred to production, can’t be sent to customers.
    UpdatedDate and time of the last update of the template.
    Updated ByThe name of the user who performed the last update of the template.

    You can filter templates by using “Search by template or tag” field.

    Create New Template

    A form in the Cellosign application can be created using the following types of templates:

    • Responsive HTML template, automatically adapted to the client’s screen and rich of display capabilities and directing the end user. For more information see “HTML template“.
    • A template based on a PDF form that is loaded when the form is created. For the most part, the form is quite limited in its functional richness by nature. For more information see “PDF template“.
    • A template that combines a PDF and HTML form, when the customer fills the details in HTML form and the information is embedded to the PDF form. For more information see “Hydrid template“.
    1. Add the Template Name.
    2. Choose one of the options:
    • If you would like to create a template based on HTML experience and you do not have a file, select the “HTML Template” option.
    • If the product should be a PDF, select the “From PDF file” option. Upload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location.
    • If the product should be a combination of PDF and HTML form, select the “From PDF file” option. Upload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location.

    When you click “Save”, the template editor will open.

    Template toolbar

    Template NameTemplate Name field is editable and the value can be changed.
    EditPress the button to set the template in Draft status.
    Default state for the new created template.
    PublishPress the button to set the template in Publish status.
    SavePress the button to save the template.
    ClonePress the button to create a copy of the template.
    New created template will be automatically saved in the application.
    Default name of the new template: “Copy of <original name>”.
    DownloadPress the button to download the template.
    JSON file will be saved automatically in the computer location.
    Change underlying PDFPress the button to change the PDF file.
    Available only in PDF templates.
    Show AgentPress the button to open the template in the Agent screen.
    For more information about “Show Agent” screen click here.
    DeletePress the button to delete the template. The confirmation message will appear.

    To update a template, select a template from the list and click the template name.

    Perform the needed changes and press “Save” button.

    Custom CSS


    Upload Template From File

    This option is intended to transfer a template from one system to another, such as a test server to a production server.

    The file can be downloaded from a template editor before.

    For more information about template tools read here.

    PDF template

    It is recommended to use the PDF format only for documents that are regulatory such as powers of attorney and insurance forms.

    And in any case, even if the template is a PDF, it is recommended to use it in combination with an HTML template to provide a better customer experience.

    For the explanation about the HTML integration in PDF template read here.

    After loading a PDF file and saving, the application will go to the template editor screen with the template in “Draft” mode.

    On the right side is a list of possible controls for a PDF template and on the left side is the PDF file uploaded for the template.

    Click any controller on the right, drag and drop it to the desired position on the PDF.

    For more information about controllers read here.

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-46-1024x402.png

    Clicking on the controller will move the right side to the controller editor.

    For more information about controller editor read here.

    Basic options

    In the PDF form the label does not appear, but a value must be entered in this field for accessibility purposes. The screen readers read the value embedded in the label for the accessibility of the form. For more details about accessibility read here.

    For a detailed explanation about controllers: mandatory fields, dependencies and more, read here.


    To reposition the input field on the PDF there are two options:

    • Click on the control and drag it to the desired location on the PDF or,
    • Click on the control and click on the “Position” tab on the right side of the screen. The “Top” and “Left” controls indicate the distance [in percent] from the top and left edges of the PDF page.

    To decrease or increase the input field there are two options:

    • Click on the control on its right or bottom side and drag to fix the height or width of the input field, or
    • Click on the control and click on the “Position” tab on the right side of the screen. The “Height” and “Width” controls, specify the height and width [in percent] of the height and width of the PDF page.

    Upload files and images

    Under the list of controllers on the right side there is an option to upload files and images:

    • Add the Display Name: instruct client what file to upload.
    • Select the Type of file: Image upload or File upload.
      • Select whether the file is mandatory or not.
        • When finished, click “Add” [green V button].

        Default attachment extensions are defined in the Session settings under Projects.

        For more information read here.

        Information in the archived PDF file based on PDF template is aligned to the center according to the width of the field in the form.

        HTML template

        HTML template is responsive, automatically adapted to the client’s screen and rich of display capabilities.

        After adding a template name and saving, the application will go to the template editor screen with the template in “Draft” mode.

        HTML template is built from four nested components:

        • Page: The template contains one or more pages. Switching between the pages in the form is possible for the user using the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page.
        • Section: Each page contains one or more sections.
        • Row: Each row contains at least one column and up to three columns.
        • Column: A column may contain one or more controls.

        At the top of the template editor is “Intro” section, that allows a Welcome message to be displayed in the form.

        At the bottom of the form editor is “Outro” section, that allows the completion message to be displayed to the person filling out the form.

        Below is an example of a template consisting of one page, in which one section includes four rows and three columns in each row.


        Template contains pages that the user can navigate through. It is recommended to use division into pages when the form is loaded with controllers, and we want to create a more pleasant experience when filling out the form. For each page in the template, you can apply a title and additional design options.

        To enter the page’s options, click on the margin of the page, the page will have a light green background and a panel for the page’s options will open on the right.

        Page titleInsert a textual title for the page.
        ClassUsed by developers to generate additional options in the code.
        Delete pageDeleting the page with all the components.

            Page design includes the following options:

            Title Background Select the color of the page title background.
            Title styleHeader 1 is the largest font and Header 4 is the smallest.
            Font colorSelect the color of the page title text.
            Title position “Fixed at the top” will mean that on a mobile phone the title will be pinned to the top.
            “Non fixed” will scroll along with the page.
            Show logo Set to ON to add the logo to the title.
            Height in pixelsHeight of the logo in pixels.


                  As mentioned before, page contains one or more sections.

                  Similar to the page options, the section also includes design options. To enter the section’s options, click on the section’s margin. The section will have a pink background and a panel for the section’s options will open on the right.

                  Section titleInsert a textual title for the section.
                  CLASSUsed by developers to generate additional options in the code.
                  Delete SectionDeleting the section and its components from the page.

                      Background colorSelect the color of the section background.
                      Title styleHeader 1 is the largest font and Header 4 is the smallest.
                      Font colorSelect the color of the section title text.
                      Title BackgroundSelect the color of the section title background.
                      IconsSelect the icon for the section title, its color and position to the right or left of the title.
                      Search Icons [English]
                      Search Icons [English] Allows searching by English text relevant to the icons, for example “arrow”.

                      Rows and columns

                      The template editor allows us to create a form that will automatically adjust to the size of the user’s screen.

                      If we use only one column per row throughout the form the entire form, the form will be presented to the client as one column of the fields.

                      If we use more than one column in a row, then:

                      • If the client uses a large screen such as a tablet or a desktop computer, the controls will be displayed as they are displayed in the template.
                      • If the client uses a narrow screen, for example a mobile phone, the controls in the column will be displayed in a column one after the other.
                      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-72-1024x724.png
                      • Display of the form on a tablet and a desktop computer.
                      • Display of the form on a mobile phone.


                      Clicking on the “Intro” button at the top of the template entry will display the panel on the right.

                      The “Hide Welcome screen” button will hide the rest of the parameters in the panel and will also hide the welcome screen for the client, so that the link to the form will go directly to the form itself.

                      Hide Welcome screenWhen set to ON it will hide the rest of the parameters in the panel and will also hide the welcome screen for the client, so that the link to the form will go directly to the form itself.
                      TitleText that appears in the title of the welcome page. The default font is H1, size and color can be edited in the text editor.
                      Description Text that appears below the welcome page title. The default font is H3, size and color can be edited in the text editor.
                      Start text buttonIf no value was entered the default value “Start” will be used.


                      The completion page displays an indication that the procedure has been completed successfully and even navigates it to another page such as your home site.

                      Auto redirectIf set to ON, enter a web address to which the client will automatically redirected without going through an end page in Cellosign.
                      Title Text that appears in the title of the Outro page. The default font is H1, size and color can be edited in the text editor.
                      DescriptionText that appears below the Outro page title. The default font is H3, size and color can be edited in the text editor.
                      Redirection buttonThe button to redirect to another address. If set to ON, enter a text of the redirect button and a web address to which the client will be redirected.

                      In the HTML template it is possible to hide any specific controllers from the preview and the final PDF by adding “pdf_hidden” class under the Developer tab.

                      In this case fields with pdf_hidden class will be shown in client’s form to add the values and complete the form.

                      But they will not be shown in the preview and in the final PDF after submission.

                      For more information about the Developer tab click here.

                      Hybrid template

                      A template that combines a PDF and HTML form, when the customer fills the details in HTML form and the information is embedded to the PDF form.

                      When creating a hybrid form first the PDF template should be created.

                      For more information, see “PDF template“.

                      To create an HTML template from the controllers entered in the PDF template, click “HTML Template Editor” on the top toolbar at the right side, and then click “Create HTML template”.

                      Once clicked, all controls from the PDF template will be injected into the HTML template. Read about the HTML template editor here.

                      Information in the archived PDF file based on Hybrid template is aligned to the center according to the width of the field in the form.

                      Controller types

                      A template usually consists of a collection of controllers, some of which are read-only and some of which are intended for the user to enter data, upload a file, or select one or more of the displayed options.

                      In “Controller editor” section we will describe common options for all controllers.

                      See below a detailed explanation of each controller type and additional editor options.

                      Controller editor

                      In this section we will describe possible options for all controllers. For additional options for a specific controller see “Controller types“.

                      Basic options

                      # Controller identifierWhen adding a controller to the template, a new value is provided automatically by the system. Change the value if there is a need for integration between the operating system and the Cellosign application. In this case the controller will receive the value that will be injected into the form and Cellosign will compile the data back to the operating system with the same identifier. For more details see “Integrations”.
                      LabelThe title of the field. This is the main instruction for filling out the field in the form. In order for the form to be accessible, a clear explanation of the field purpose must be entered. See more accessibility guidelines here.
                      DescriptionAdditional explanation that appears under the controller.
                      RequiredIf set to ON, the system will check that the field has a valid value when submitting the form.
                      ShowWhether to show the field or not. Usually used together with dependencies when, for example: the field is intended for entering a TIN number and it will be hidden when the customer type is a company and displayed when it is an authorized dealer type. In this case it is recommended to set the parameter to OFF. See more details in the dependencies section below.
                      Agent AllowedWhether the agent is allowed to edit the field in the form or not. If not, the field will be set to read-only for the agent.
                      Client AllowedWhether the client (recipient) is allowed to edit the field in the form or not. If not, the field will be set to read-only for the client.

                      Values & Display

                      The options in the tab allow you to enter values ​​for the controller according to the type of controller. For each controller its related collection of options will be shown, like list values, etc. See “Controller types” page for detailed information.

                      Field clone allows copying the value to a field from another input field. It is recommended to use when the customer has already filled in his name at the beginning of the form.

                      Control specific settingsSee control specific documentation for available features in this tab
                      Show clear buttonsAllows adding the clear button [x] in the field for the client with editing permissions.

                      Types and Validation

                      This tab includes options for data validation and possible input types for each controller. For example, in a signature field we can choose whether it is a signature and a company seal; in a text field we can limit the number of characters to a minimum and maximum.

                      Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.
                      Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.

                      Conditional permissions

                      This tab allows you alter user permissions given a set of conditions. For example field will be required if a client is of “Business type”.

                      To add a dependency, click the “Add Dependency” button. Select the behaviour of the control as result of the dependency:

                      ShowIf the dependency is met the controller will be shown/hidden to the user.
                      RequiredIf the dependency is met the controller will be mandatory or optional.
                      EditIf the dependency is met the controller will be in edit mode [read/write] or read only.

                      To add condition[s] for the dependency, click the “Add Condition” button. Select the controller on which the condition will be applied and the values ​​on which the condition will be applied.

                      If two or more conditions are added, the dependency will only be activated if they are all met [AND].

                      You can add more than one dependency, all the dependencies are related to each other. The dependency that will be activated is the one that meets all the dependency conditions.

                      Note that the first condition met will trigger the permissions. This pane allow you to reorder the permissions order with drag and drop.

                      This tab enables you to carry out the following settings:

                      1. Clone. If assigned value as clone of another field than its value will be fetched from the field it’s pointing at. This is very useful in cases where client name needs to be collected once and paste in multiple positions. In case clone is not defined then you are able to set default value or conditional value with this pane.
                      2. Default value. Set up a value for the form control that will be propagated into the control whenever new session is created
                      3. Conditional value. Similar to above conditional permissions you may query other form controls and based on that set up a new value to form control. Conditional value supports: concatenation of strings and arithmetic calculations. For instance
                        • This value “=OrderSum * 0.17” will search for a value in control “OrderSum” multiply it with “0.17” and return round up number. Arithmetic are always rounded.
                        • Thus value “=textA textB 123” will concatenate values in textA, textB (given that these are form controls, if not textA and textB will be added as plain text) and append to it “ABC” given that this is not a form control.

                      Note that the first condition met will trigger the permissions. This pane allow you to reorder the permissions order with drag and drop.


                      All the options in Style tab are to design the controller, such as the Background color of the field and the Font color and choosing an icon to be attached to the field.

                      In order for the form to comply with the accessibility standard, it is recommended not to edit and use background colors for fields and fonts and to use only the design of the template to select colors.


                      In this tab there are additional options for developers:

                      Regex ValidationCorrectness verification in Javascript flavour. It is recommended to check the token of the regex on sites specializing in regex.
                      CLASSAdding tags of type CLASS. The tags are attached to the input field in the HTML form in order to activate CSS and Javascript adapted to the form. See more details in Javascript under Configuration.
                      pdf_hiddenHide field on PDF generation

                      In the HTML template only it is possible to hide any specific controllers from the preview and the final PDF by adding “pdf_hidden” class under the Developer tab.

                      In this case fields with pdf_hidden class will be shown in client’s form to add the values and complete the form.

                      But they will not be shown in the preview and in the final PDF after submission.

                      For more information about the HTML template click here.

                      remove-clearPerform “page-break-inside: auto” on row.

                      Use this class in the section settings when need to remove irrelevant blank spaces in the final PDF.

                      Controller group

                      It is possible to create a group of controllers with the same basic settings and conditional permissions.

                      In order to create the group, go to the Control Group tab, under the template editor, and press the “Add Group” button.

                      Press the Edit button and add the group name.

                      Click on the controllers in the template to be added to the same group. They will be marked in green, and will be shown under the group in the right pane.

                      Press the Settings button and add the basic settings and the conditional permissions that will be applied to all of the controllers in the same group.

                      In the example below the fields ID, Email, Phone and Signature will be shown to the client and will be required and editable only when the check box is selected and the Full name is not empty.

                      Client side before the conditions are met:

                      Client side after the conditions are met:

                      Note: the controller that belongs to the group will have only the label and the description parameters in the Basic settings tab. Also Conditional Permissions and Conditional values tabs will not appear. They should be defined as part of the group.

                      Example of the Text controller that belongs to the group:

                      Example of the Text controller that does not belong to the group:

                      To remove the controller from the group, click on it in the template or use the trash button. The green mark will be removed from the field and it will not be shown under the group in the right pane.

                      Note: the controllers that have been removed from the group would keep the definitions of the group after it has been deleted. In order to change or remove those definitions you would need to do it manually.


                      The Design tab is divided into two parts. It is possible to choose the design that is already ready for you or to set your own style for each component in the form. Part of the parameters are available only in HTML form or HTML combined with PDF.

                      Page design

                      Page backgroundSelect the page background color from the palette. Additional backgrounds and designs can be applied by using CSS. See more details in “Javascript” and “Stylesheet” sections.
                      Page Background imageSelect the background image for the page. Additional backgrounds and designs can be applied by using CSS. See more details in “Javascript” and “Stylesheet” sections.

                      Form design

                      Form Background ColorSelect the form background color from the palette.
                      Default: #ffffff
                      Form Background OpacitySelect the form background opacity: 1 is most transparent, 10 is not transparent.
                      Show table of pagesWhen selected the table of pages with the number of fields to complete will be shown at the client side.
                      Show template name on HeaderWhen selected the template name will be added to the form header.
                      Text colorSelect the color for all the texts appearing in the form.
                      Default: #555555
                      Titles colorSelect the color for all the titles appearing in the form. The landing and the final pages get the color of the titles from this element.
                      Default: #555555

                      Buttons design

                      Buttons Background ColorSelect the buttons background color from the palette (see example).
                      Default: #eeeeee
                      Buttons colorSelect the buttons text color from the palette (see example).
                      Default: #555555

                      Buttons design settings will be applied to all types of buttons in the form, including navigation buttons, radio buttons and check boxes. See below the example of controllers according to the design:


                      Icons colorSelect the icon color of the controller (see example).
                      Input background colorSelect the background color of the input field.
                      Default Input bordersSelect the border color of the input field (see example).
                      See “Full input border” parameter for more information about full border.
                      Default: #555555
                      Input borders selectedSelect the border color of the input field when the field is selected by the user.
                      Default: #555555
                      Labels backgroundSelect the color of the fields labels background (see example).
                      Labels colorSelect the color of the fields labels text. See “Mandatory fields titles in red” parameter for more information about mandatory fields.
                      Mandatory fields titles in red (Accessibility)When selected the labels of mandatory fields will appear in red and override the defaults.
                      Default: Unselected
                      Full input borderWhen unselected only the lower border will be shown in the input field.
                      When selected the input field will be shown with the full border and “Border Radius” field will appear to select the radius value.
                      Default: Unselected
                      Static labelsWhen selected the field label will be fixed above the input field even when there is no content in it (see example).
                      Default: Unselected
                      FontSelect the text font from the list. The font style will be applied to all the texts appearing in the form.
                      Default: OpenSansHebrew

                      Note: Error messages will always appear in red.

                      PDF form design

                      PDF font sizeSelect the font size in the signed document. Sometimes an additional control of the font size is required. It is recommended to use the default.
                      Default: Medium
                      PDF font colorSelect the font color in the signed document.
                      Default: Blue
                      PDF bordersSelect the frames color for the for all the columns in the form. Relevant for HTML format only. It is recommended to leave frames without color.

                      It is possible to select the completed design from the “Custom theme” tab.


                      Configuration of the template includes the following tabs:

                      • Basic configuration: show form before submission, text for general buttons, categories for the template, etc.
                      • Messages & Reminders: client messages that go out of the application, text messages and emails throughout the life cycle of the form.
                      • Workflow: multiple recipients workflow, definition of different roles in the form while everyone can have a different experience.  
                      • Templates sequence: definition of a triggering action (sending another form) when this form is sent by the client.
                      • Javascript & Stylesheet: options for developers [Extensions].
                      • Errors: definition of custom error messages.
                      • Custom PDF template: definition of a unique header and footer for PDF final form.

                      Information Security

                      This chapter describes information security options in the template.

                      Also, apart from the identification options shown in this chapter, there are additional security settings under Projects.  For more information read here.

                      Activate OTP

                      Activating this option will generate a random 4-digit one-time password for entering the form by the person filling out the form. The password will be sent to the destination to which the action was sent.

                      In case the operation cannot be sent through Cellosign in SMS or email, it is not possible to use the OTP.

                      Default OTP validity is 5 minutes. Selecting the OTP option allows you to set a validity between one minute and 1440 minutes (which is a day).


                      The eIDAS standard implemented in the template generates a log of activity in the signature fields. Every event of signing or deleting a signature is saved in the system log and exported together with the results of the operation in an archive to email or to the core systems of your organization.

                      The sample output below is a sample of a signature deletion event:

                      Add browser timestamp to signature field

                      When set to ON the timestamp of the browser will be added to signature field:

                      Clone graphic signature for approval

                      When set to ON it will use the last signature added by the customer and insert it into the signature field for the customer’s approval.

                      Note: Although this is a signature that requires approval, it is recommended to consult the legal department to validate the solution of the process.

                      Combining input fields from the form to the signature field

                      In addition to a digital signature that is embedded in the product, it is also possible to embed input fields from the form into the signature field. In this way a signed document can be presented when the signature fields contain identifying details of the client.

                      Require password

                      When activated the client will be asked to fill in data that was inserted by the agent into the form, for example an ID Number. To activate this option, you must select an input field from the list of fields in the form.

                      The field label will also serve as a guide to the client regarding what to type.

                      Expiration in hours

                      A working assumption is that a form contains sensitive information such as personal details, photographs of sensitive documents and signatures. Each operation has a predefined lifetime, according to the following hierarchy:

                      • At the project level: valid for 24 hours [1 day], unless otherwise applied.
                      • At the template level: valid for 48 hours by default. Valid values between 1 to 960 hours. This value overrides the project default.
                      • At the operation level [in integration only] that overrides all defaults.

                      If the form is not sent by the client, the token [the unique link to the action] will be deleted automatically after the action is expired and will no longer be accessible. The message to the customer “404”.

                      Additional parameters

                      Initialize controls on form loadWhen set to ON will clear all values when client opens a form. (Pre-populated values will also be cleared).
                      Collect geolocation dataWhen set to ON will collect geolocation data.

                      Input validation

                      Cellosign forms comprised of various input fields, images and datasets. Some of the inputs, such as paragraph may include rich text editor features as: html, css and javascripts.

                      In order to secure your forms and restrict inputs it is advised to use the proper data types where needed. For example, use “Number” controls instead of plain “Text” fields to ensure that number value will be collected. Use “Email” for the same reason.

                      In addition, Cellosign template studio include rich configuration to limit the allowed input values. For example Text field includes variety of configuration options to make sure that the right data is collected.

                      In addition, you may also use REGEX to narrow down input options even further.

                      Read only

                      When activated, client will not be able to submit the session.



                      BMPN engine

                      Drag & Drop establishment of exclusive, parallel, or dynamic business processes while integrating a round of approvals between internal and external organizational users, collecting and automatically completing data from tangential systems, creating digital forms, and driving tasks required for the business process by a representative or a core system. The process can begin from any digital point starting from the company’s portal or website of the end user (customers, suppliers, employees), web landing page, CRM, DWH, ERP systems as well as from a representative through individual or multiple sending.

                      Workflows panel displays the list of workflows related to the project. The page is accessible for users with “Project manager” and “Organization manager” permissions.

                      In the header of the page you can see buttons “+ New Workflow” and “Import From File”.

                      NameName of the workflow.
                      CreatedDate and time when the workflow was created.
                      UpdatedDate and time of the last update of the workflow.
                      ActiveStatus of the workflow, whether it is active or not.

                      The following options are available in the workflow screen:

                      • Update already existing workflow by selecting it from the list and pressing the name.

                      New Workflow

                      Workflow window consists of the controllers list at the left side, workflow toolbar at the bottom and parameters editor at the right side.

                      Workflow toolbar

                      Start BPMN from chosen start pointPress the button to start the workflow from chosen start point.
                      Save BPMNPress the button to save the workflow.
                      Download an image of BPMNPress the button to download an image of the workflow. SVG file will be saved automatically in the computer location.
                      Download a .json of BPMNPress the button to download a .json file of the workflow. JSON file will be saved automatically in the computer location.
                      Backup whole processPress the button to download a .cellosign file of the whole process. Cellosign file will be saved automatically in the computer location.
                      Delete BPMNPress the button to delete the workflow. Confirmation message will appear for approval.
                      Reset zoomPress the button to perform zoom reset.
                      Zoom inPress the button to perform zoom in.
                      Zoom outPress the button to perform zoom out.


                      Controllers allow to create the workflow with different forms, messages, dependencies and tasks.

                      See below the explanation of each controller.

                      Activate the hand toolUse this controller to activate the hand tool and move the whole workflow.
                      Activate the lasso toolUse this controller to activate the lasso tool in order to mark a part of the workflow and move it to another place.
                      Activate the create/remove space toolUse this controller to activate the space tool in order to add or remove the space between controllers in the workflow.
                      Activate the global connect toolUse this controller to create the connection between two controllers.
                      Create start eventIt is required to add the start event at the beginning of each workflow as a start point.
                      Create finish eventIt is required to add the finish event at the end of each workflow as the end point.
                      Create formUse this controller to add a template to the workflow, select roles, insert data to the form fields etc.
                      Create messageUse this controller to create SMS or Email messages of different types with default or custom messages.
                      Create parallel gatewayUse this controller to create parallel tasks in the workflow. It is recommended to add this controller at the beginning of each set of parallel tasks as open point and at the end of each set as close point, so the workflow will wait for all the parallel tasks to be completed before continue.
                      Create exclusive gatewayUse this controller to create an exclusive path of the tasks and to add conditions.
                      Create script taskUse this controller to add scripts to the workflow.
                      Create service taskUse this controller to add services to the workflow, like Webhook, Archive etc
                      Create call activityUse this controller to create a call activity.

                      In addition a new controller can be added from another controller by clicking the relevant icon and they will be automatically connected to each other.

                      Additional options

                      RemovePress the icon the remove the controller from the workflow.
                      Change colorPress the icon to change the color of the controller in the workflow.
                      Change typePress the icon to change the type.
                      Append typePress the icon to append the type.
                      Append form created eventPress the icon to append the form event. For example, to send a message to the recipient.

                      Example of the workflow

                      Import From File

                      This option is intended to transfer a workflow from one system to another, such as a test server to a production server.

                      The file can be downloaded from a workflow editor before.

                      For more information about workflow tools read here.

                      Create start event

                      This controller is used as a start point of the workflow with input parameters and other configurations.

                      When pressing “Start” controller in the workflow the settings panel will be opened at the right side.

                      General settings

                      IdID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system.
                      NameDefault name “Start” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown under the controller in the workflow.
                      Default start pointSelect the check box if the start point is default.
                      Is public availableSelect the check box for public start point.

                      Upon selecting public checkbox additional parameters will be shown.

                      Public linkPublic link that can be copied and used for the access from the public location.
                      Public nodeSelect the public node to which the user will be redirected after the start of the process.
                      Authentication requiredSelect the check box if the authentication is required.

                      Inputs settings

                      This screen is used to add input parameters to the start event controller that will be displayed when the workflow starts and used in the following sessions and messages.

                      Add input specificationPress “+” icon to add a new input parameter.
                      IdID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller.
                      NameName of the input parameter.
                      SourceSource of the input parameter.
                      TypeType of the input parameter. Default: String
                      DefaultDefault value of the input parameter.
                      RequiredRequired or not. Default: No

                      Public link screen example

                      Create form

                      This controller is used to create a session with a specific template and role, input parameters and other configurations.

                      When pressing “Session” controller in the workflow the session settings panel will be opened at the right side.

                      General settings

                      IdID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system.
                      NameDefault name “Session” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown inside of the controller in the workflow and with a unique value it is easy to distinguish it from others.
                      Use session as defaultsSelect the default to get the data from. In case the controller was added from “Append form” option the value will be automatically added and configured to the previous session result. It is very important to define the default when there is more than one entry to the session. For more information see “Inputs” section below.
                      DescriptionAdd the description of the session.

                      Inputs settings

                      This screen is used to add input parameters to the session controller from the previous controllers or from the form.

                      Add input specificationPress “+” icon to add a new input parameter.
                      IdID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller.
                      NameName of the input parameter.
                      SourceSource of the input parameter. Can be any of the previous controllers or the session result from the form.
                      TypeType of the input parameter. Default: Any
                      RequiredRequired or not. Default: No

                      Example of the input parameter from the Start event:

                      Example of the input from the previous session result:

                      Example of the input parameter from the Form Result of the client session:

                      Form settings

                      TemplateSelect the template from the list of existing templates to run in the current session.
                      RoleSelect the role (recipient) from the list that is automatically created based on the template definition.
                      Is seal sessionSelect the check box if the session is seal.
                      DocumentPress “Choose file” button to attach the document to the session or the link button to select the reference.
                      Input Press “+” icon to add the fields for the template parameters.
                      KeyAdd the ID of the field controller in the template where the value will be inserted upon running the session.
                      ValueAdd the value that will be inserted to the template field or select it from the list of input parameters.
                      Redirect URLAdd the redirect URL or select it from the list of input parameters.
                      Archive URLAdd the archive URL or select it from the list of input parameters.

                      Create message

                      This controller is used to create SMS or Email messages of different types with default or custom text, input parameters and other configurations.

                      When pressing “Message” controller in the workflow the message settings panel will be opened at the right side.

                      General settings

                      IdID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system.
                      NameDefault name “Message” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown under the controller in the workflow and with a unique value it is easy to distinguish it from others.

                      Inputs settings

                      This screen is used to add input parameters to the message controller from the previous controllers or from the form.

                      Add input specificationPress “+” icon to add a new input parameter.
                      IdID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller.
                      NameName of the input parameter.
                      SourceSource of the input parameter. Can be any of the previous controllers or the session result from the form.
                      TypeType of the input parameter. Default: Any
                      RequiredRequired or not. Default: No

                      Example of the input parameter from the Start event:

                      Example of the input parameter from the Form Result of the client session:

                      Message settings

                      This screen is used to configure the kind of message, recipients, message text etc.

                      Select the kind of the message: SMS or Email. Parameters of the window will vary according to the selected kind.


                      Email message settings

                      KindSelect the kind of the message Email for email message.
                      SenderSelect the sender from the list defined in the system. Default: support@cellosign.com
                      PrioritySelect the priority of the email. Default: Normal
                      Add recipientPress “+” icon to add the fields for the recipients emails according to the number of recipients.
                      RecipientsAdd the email address to the field or select the input parameter from the list.
                      Add CCPress “+” icon to add the recipients to send a copy of the email.
                      Add BCCPress “+” icon to add the recipients to send an invisible copy of the email.
                      SubjectAdd the subject of the email
                      Body templateSelect the body template:
                      – “Invitation” is the email that will include the link of the form for the recipient to sign and complete.
                      – “Archive to rep” is the archive email, that will be sent to the agent after the form completion.
                      – “Signed document” is the email to the client with the signed copy of the form.
                      – “Default” is the email that will include only the Body text.
                      Body textAdd body text. If not added, default text will be sent.
                      Session for invitationSelect the session for invitation.


                      SMS message settings

                      KindSelect the kind of the message SMS for phone message.
                      SenderSelect the sender from the list defined in the system.
                      Add recipientPress “+” icon to add the fields for the recipients phone numbers according to the number of recipients.
                      RecipientsAdd the phone number to the field or select the input parameter from the list.
                      Body typeSelect the body type:
                      – “Invitation” is the SMS message that will include the link of the form for the recipient to sign and complete.
                      – “Inline template” is the SMS message that will include only the Body text.
                      Body textAdd body text that will be sent in the SMS message.
                      Session for invitationSelect the session for invitation.

                      Create exclusive gateway

                      This controller is used to create an exclusive gateway in the workflow with Javascript or Expression Builder conditions, input parameters and other configurations.

                      When pressing “Create exclusive gateway” controller in the workflow the settings panel will be opened at the right side.

                      General settings

                      IdID has a unique value that is automatically generated by the system.
                      NameDefault name “ExclusiveGateway” can be changed by the user to another value. The name is shown next to the controller in the workflow.
                      Default waySelect the way where the workflow will go by default.

                      Inputs settings

                      This screen is used to add input parameters to the exclusive gateway controller from the previous controllers or from the form.

                      Add input specificationPress “+” icon to add a new input parameter.
                      IdID of the input parameter. The value is automatically generated by the system and is unique for the specific controller.
                      NameName of the input parameter.
                      SourceSource of the input parameter. Can be any of the previous controllers or the session result from the form.
                      TypeType of the input parameter. Default: Any
                      RequiredRequired or not. Default: No

                      Example of the input parameter from the Recipient1 session result:

                      Example of the input parameter from the Form Result of the Recipient1 session:

                      Condition definition

                      When pressing the gateway in the workflow the settings panel will be opened at the right side. Press “Condition” tab to add conditions to your exclusive gateway.

                      Expression language can be “Javascript Expression” or “Expression Builder”.

                      Transactions File

                      For detailed information about this section see “Post transactions from spreadsheet”.

                      Post transactions from spreadsheet

                      This function enable you to post transactions from data you have in EXCEL spreadsheet. This is a convenient option for mass distribution in case posting from API is not available to you.

                      Quick brief on this function

                      To use this option select “Transaction file” from the left menu.

                      1. Select template that you would like to distribute and select template fields that you wish to inject values into’ for example client name, address etc..
                      2. Download Cellosign spreadsheet that includes structure to fill data into
                      3. Update Cellosign spreadsheet and upload it back
                      4. Uploaded data will be displayed and will highlight invalid data, such as incorrect email address or phone number, that needs to be fixed
                      5. Fix or remove rows and post transactions
                      6. Cellosign will post all transactions one by one. At the end of posting you should be receiving an email on posting completion


                      Start by selecting template from templates select box.

                      Note: users with “Agent” permissions will get templates in status “Publish” in the list and users with “Project manager” permissions will get both “Publish” and “Edit” templates in the list.

                      Select fields that you would like to inject values into.

                      Filtering fields to for selection includes to options:

                      1. Filter all required fields. This will display fields that are setup as “required” by default in the template
                      2. By Class. This function can be very handy if you are using this function a lot. Filter by class will enable you show only fields of some attribute that are per-configured in the template.

                      To configure a class for a template field.

                      1. Go to template studio
                      2. Select field you wish to apply class for and enter class name. You may enter classes as many as you wish to filter for different needs
                      3. Once fields are configured are setup your Class be displayed in your filter list

                      You may add as many templates as you wish on the configuration. This can be useful in cases you wish to post a client more than one form to fill out. So in that event, each row on your spreadsheet can be submitted to a single recipient. will see how it is done shortly.

                      Prepare data

                      Once configuration is done:

                      1. Click on “Export transaction template”. A spreadsheet file will be downloaded to your browser. If it’s not:
                        • Check your browser for blocked pop ups and allow popups from this page
                        • Otherwise, please consult with your system administrator, as this might be an blockage on your network
                      2. Open the spreadsheet and you will see the following columns. To assist you with the spreadsheet column, you can hover the column header row to reveal helper tooltip.
                      #Column textWhat it is used for
                      1invite_messageYou may use this to post a personal message when delivered to recipient in mail or SMS. This will override the default SMS or email configured in your template. You may leave blank.
                      2rep_idIf left blank all transaction that are posted will be associated with your Cellosign user. If you wish to associate them with another user, you may enter his user name (email address), make sure you have the correct user name, otherwise the transaction will be blocked. You may leave blank
                      3client_copyIn case you wish to post your recipient a copy of the final PDF you may upload here your recipient email address. However, normally when the recipient destination is an email (and not SMS), Cellosign will automatically post the PDF result to the destination email. This field is useful in case the form destination is a phone number or you wish to post the PDF result to additional destination.
                      4expiry_durationEach transaction that is generated in Cellosign has an expiry duration, normally 24 hours, unless configured otherwise on your template or globally withing your project settings.

                      With this field you may override any default. The value to apply here is between 1-960 hours (that’s 40 days max). If you are not sure please leave blank, or consult with your administrator.
                      5@recip-1-some id..Columns that start with “@” (can be many) is the destination to send the form to. The value for this column can be email address or phone number.

                      “-1-” in the string represents the 1st recipient for the template. In case of a workflow with many recipients, you may see “@recip-2-“, “@recip-3-” and so on, each column represents the destination of that recipient.
                      The long string afterwards, is the template ID.

                      Hover on the column header to see the tooltip it will show some explanation such as: “Destination back office for template Direct Debit” where “back office” is role name of a recipient and “Direct Debit” is the form name
                      6#idColumns that start with “#” are columns for injecting data into forms. Hover the column header to show the tooltip to display the field Human name.
                      When filling up data into these columns, make sure that data types are correct, for example in case that your template field is of type Number, the field value cannot be Text or Date.


                      Once spreadsheet is ready. go back to Cellosign configuration screen, upload the file and click “Next”


                      On next screen your data will be displayed with the entire data set from your spreadsheet. Cells with a light-red background indicate an invalid value, such as wrong email format or date field that the value assigned has incorrect format. Hover the cell to see the details regard error.

                      In addition, you may check the switch “Alert on required fields with no value” to highlight and prevent submission where row has required field that has no value.

                      On the left most column all rows are checked, if you wish to prevent a row from being posted, simply uncheck it.

                      Once all errors are cleared or rows unchecked Click “Post” to send transactions file for process. Once all is done you will be receiving an email with notification on transactions submission. This email will also include an id, like this one “fd52f83a-19d4-4bce-b6f8-8dacbe90b23f”, use it to filter all the batch transactions in the transactions board.


                      1. Posting transactions from file is carried out in sequence (one at a time) and may take time to complete
                      2. Make sure to use Spreadsheet that was downloaded from Cellosign, otherwise it might not work correctly
                      3. Although this function is available for your disposal, it is advised to use API or Connectors instead as these options are faster, cleaner and in general a superior alternative

                      Data sources


                      This screen allows you to add a “data list” manually or from a file (An excel, csv or a json) and associate the data list with a “List of values” type control while editing the template.

                      Several data dictionaries can be associated with the same template and the same data dictionary can be associated with several templates.

                      To create a dictionary, login to application and click “data sources” and “Dictionaries”.

                      At the top on the right there is a button for adding a new dictionary and a button for uploading a file.

                      You can use the upload button for loading a file for your dictionary. You can see on the bottom the explanation on every item at the dictionary table.

                      Also, you can click on the Add button to create the new dictionary.

                      In this case, you can add data manually to the dictionary by using the green + or use the replace and append buttons to load files to the dictionary.

                      Here you can also export the dictionary that you are viewing/editing using the ‘Export” Button.
                      The exported files will be on CSV format by default and on JSON format if you choose it using the arrow on the “Export” button:

                      Here are the editing options on current dictionary (from left to right):

                      • The name of the dictionary, you can change this as needed.
                      • Save button, to save a new data dictionary or save changes to an existing data dictionary.
                      • Replace button for replacing the existing dictionary with a loaded excel or csv file
                      • Append button for adding the loaded file data to the existing dictionary
                      • Delete button for deleting the dictionary

                      This table will explain the dictionary table:

                      IDA number that is automatically entered
                      TextRepresents the text that will be shown to the client in the “List of Values” control. If you upload the dictionary from a file, the text should appear in column “A” in the file
                      ValueRepresents the data that will be received in the archive and in the json file. Intended for cases where the text shown to the client is not the same as the text they want to receive in archive. For example, the customer will select the name of the bank in the “List of Values” control, and on the archive will receive the bank code and not the name of the bank. The value should appear in column “B” in the uploaded file.
                      GroupRepresents a name of a group, intended for cases where you want to link several data dictionaries together. Like for example a list of cities and streets.
                      Entering a group name that is identical in value from two different data dictionaries allows a connection in the value selected in the “List of Values” control. The figure should appear in column “C” in the uploaded file.

                      Notes and Gotchas

                      For security reasons some characters are disallowed.

                      Disallowed for Text column: '<', '>', ';'

                      Disallowed for value and group columns: '<', '>', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '|', ';', ':', '{', '}', '[', ']', '=', '+', '-'

                      Data Tables

                      Think about it as a custom table hosted in Cellosign. You can customize it any way you want and connect it to template.

                      What it’s for?

                      Consider the option when you have large repository of texts and inputs that needs to be incorporated into business process either as initial value, as a condition to other selection or per user engagement. Up until now that way to handle this process would have required to configure fields and conditions inline the template.

                      In case texts and inputs needs to be incorporated into large amounts of fields and templates, this can be quite tedious. With this feature you will be able to configure relational table with keys and data and use it in cellosign templates using our connector editor. This is specially become handy when you have extensive conditions to handle the texts and in case you have texts such as terms/legal that are expanded over large amount of templates, so you can keep it all in one place.

                      Configuring data table

                      To configure data table login to application and click “data sources” and “Tables”.

                      Click add table and define: table name, columns as instructed on screen. Click to add rows.

                      Eventually, you will have a data table with rows and columns.

                      Note that “key” type columns are designated for the connector in next step so you can search matching records.

                      Adding data and inputs to data table

                      Let’s add some data and input elements to it.

                      In the screen capture on the right we added:

                      1. “House” as key for selection
                      2. Texts with input elements to Application
                      3. Additional texts for Conditions.

                      To add input elements, simply click the icons bordered with blue.

                      • The icon on the left is a “Checkbox”
                      • Icon in the middle is text input
                      • The right most icon is Dropdown(select) input.

                      Configure a template

                      Lets add a new template that includes Select element and two paragraphs.

                      Select will include values “Car” and “House”. What we require to occur is that when client selects “Car” or “House”, Cellosign will fetch via the connector the matching “Application” and “Conditions” for his selection.

                      Switch on “Display bottom border only for input” in case paragraph includes input elements that otherwise might conceal upper text lines.

                      Note: In order to secure your form you will be required to toggle a paragraph in order to allow parsing input elements into the form. So whenever data table data includes input for parsing, the toggle displayed on the right, must be checked.

                      Connector configuration

                      On template editor click integrations on top pane and then “Connectors”.

                      In this screen you will see “Preset”, “Live”, “Submit” and “Post submit” for which our connectors will be integrated into.

                      “Preset” is the ability to get values from the table on session initiation, requires no user intervention.

                      “Live” will be configured when the connector require some of interaction from the user such as selecting value or click on a button.

                      “Submit” and “Post submit” are for databases and apps such as salesforce or Dynamics [that are coming up in next releases].

                      To configure connector to data table click “add” on “Preset” or “Live” sections.

                      1. Select data table you have configured
                      2. Set status “Active”
                      3. Define the lookup:
                        • keys from the data table [one or more]
                        • Equation [for data table equal only is applicable]
                        • To which entity to compare with: form field value, label [integration] or fixed value
                        • Add conditions as many is needed for the lookup
                      4. Define what happens if query return no results, one or more than one result
                      5. On “Live” you will need to configure how the connector is activated
                        • on “Change”: As the user types in. Select the field from the list to attach the connector with
                        • on “Click”: select a button from the form that will activate the connector
                      6. Finally map the query result into the form fields. which value from data table goes to which field in form


                      For your convenience, this is a demo form already setup with the example above.


                      Categories are an easy way to sort our business processes into groups. We can relate any template or BPMN process to a category.

                      First we will see how to create categories and then we relate our templates and BPMNs to the categories.

                      How to create a category?

                      To create a new category, login to application and click “data sources” and “Category”.

                      Click Add category:


                      Messages & Reminders

                      Email address to post when process is completeAdd in this field permanent email addresses to which a copy will be sent at the end of the process.
                      Description Description of the template in the dashboard screens. The text can contain dynamic data from the form. Click “@” to select an input field.
                      Date filter Select a field from the form to display in the dashboard screens.
                      SMS text message when open a linkText that will appear in the phone message to open the form. A link will be automatically added to the text.
                      SMS text when process is completeA text message that will be sent to the client at the end of the process. Click @ to select an input field from the form. So the message to be sent can contain personal data such as: “Hello Israel, we received the form…”.
                      Select SMS destinationSelect the destination of the SMS that will be sent at the end of the process, based on the data from the form.
                      Default: Current destination
                      Invitation Email subjectText that will appear in the email subject to open the form.
                      Invitation email bodyText that will appear in the body of the email to open the form.
                      Email subject for copyText that will appear in the email subject at the end of the process (copy to the client). The text can contain dynamic data from the form. Click “@” to select an input field.
                      Email body for copyText that will appear in the body of the email that will be sent as a copy to the client at the end of the process (signed copy).
                      Signed PDF file nameThe name of a PDF file that will be sent as a signed copy at the end of the process. The name can contain dynamic data from the form. Click “@” to select an input field. A “#timestamp” tag can be added to the filename to make it unique.
                      Default: signed.pdf
                      Remind about the expiration of the formWhen set to ON the client will get a reminder about the expiration of the form.
                      Default: OFF
                      Send with linkWhen set to ON the reminder will be sent with the form link.
                      Default: ON
                      Remind before (minutes)The time when the reminder will be sent, will be calculated from the Expiration time.
                      Default: 15
                      DestinationThe destination of the reminder message.
                      Default: Current
                      Reminder textText that will appear in the reminder message.
                      Export XLSXWhen set to ON the XLSX file will be sent in addition to the JSON file in the signed copy email at the end of the process.
                      Default: OFF
                      Export data to archive emailWhen set to ON the input data from the form will be exported to the archive email.
                      Default: OFF
                      Title tableTitle of the exported data table in the archive email.
                      Select fields to displaySelect the fields to be exported to archive email.
                      Recipient targetSelect the recipient of the exported data: agent, client or both.
                      Default: Both
                      Show empty fieldsWhen set to ON empty fields will be shown in the exported data table in the archive email.

                      Shared dashboards

                      It is possible to add new dashboards by clicking Add -> Create new dashboard.

                      Add the name of the dashboard and select the users’ permissions radio button.

                      Note: Shared dashboards feature requires activation. Please contact your CS contact for activation. Without the activation only dashboards for personal use can be created.

                      Personal useThe dashboard will be shown for the personal use only of the user that created it.
                      Shared with all project managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the project manager permissions under the same project.
                      Shared with all organization managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the organization manager permissions under the same project.
                      Shared with all project usersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users under the same project: users with the organization manager permissions, project manager permissions and agent permissions.

                      Click the “Add Widget” and select the widget from the list.

                      Selected widget will be automatically added to the dashboard.

                      Each widget has it’s own settings that can be edited by clicking the gear icon.

                      The widget can be removed from the dashboard by clicking the trash icon.

                      Press Save button to save the dashboard and Delete button to delete the dashboard.

                      The owner of the dashboard can edit it by clicking Edit button or clone the dashboard by clicking Clone button.

                      Users that are not owners, but have permissions to use the dashboard can add it by selecting from the list and hide or clone the dashboard by clicking proper buttons.


                      Email Validation

                      Email validation will be performed according to the correct email format including “@” and “.”.

                      For example “israeli@cellosign.com”.

                      Validation limits

                      Email validation is conformed to RFC 5322 which is basically composed of a string given that it includes “@” and a”.” in specific places, there are no limitations on domains and sub-domain.

                      In case you require limitation on email addresses, consider using text field and combine with regex.

                      To do that:

                      1. Add text control
                      2. Use this regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+.(com|net)$ to validate an email structure that must include “.com” or “.net” extensions
                      3. Customize the error message if needed

                      Note that by using a text field you will loose email functionality such as “client copy” as described below.

                      While setting the “Client copy” to ON, a signed copy will be sent to the entered email address.

                      Field’s equation The controller will verify if the field value meets a condition against other field in the form and it can be case sensitive or not. In case the field with compare with has no value to comparison will not occur. If comparison is required that make sure the field to compare with is required.
                      Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.
                      Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.

                      When checking conditions on the email type controller, the following options are displayed:

                      EmptyIf the email controller has no value.
                      Not EmptyIf there is any value in the email controller.
                      EqualIf the email controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
                      ContainsIf the email controller contains the entered value.


                      In order to describe the workflow screen, consider the process of joining a new client when the joining details have to be validated by a representative in your organization (agent). When the details are incorrect or incomplete (for example: no appropriate power of attorney is attached) the agent can return the form to the client with notes.

                      A recipient has a role in filling out the form: in the above example, the client and the agent both have roles. A person in the role of filling out the form can be a customer, a representative in the organization, an authorized signer, or the spouse of a main signer whose approval/signature is needed.

                      Defining a role in the template enables the following capabilities:

                      • Application of a template in such a way that each role will have its permissions at the viewing and updating level, so for example we would like the client to have the option to type in an ID number and type of requested service, and the agent will only have the option to view the data without updating.
                      • Automatic sending of actions according to the sequence defined in the workflow screen and according to the conditions.
                      • Cellosign process engine makes it possible to produce more complex process logic than automatic sending, but still use the recipient’s application settings and especially the permissions provided to each recipient.
                      Turn workflow onWhen selected the workflow will be created and each recipient will be able to fill only his designated fields.
                      Recipient nameA name that will represent the recipient’s role.
                      Submit orderThe form will be sent to the recipients according to the order defined in the workflow.
                      Default userAn email address of a user in the application to whom an action will be sent. Usually this is a regular user to whom a sequence of actions reaches.
                      Allow recipient enter address of next recipientIn some cases, we will not know the target for the next action in the sequence, such as a spouse who must also approve the form. In this field we select the input field from the form from which the value will be drawn to send to this role holder.
                      Requires authenticationWhen selected the recipient will get a login screen to enter the application in order to verify that it is an authorized user.
                      Activate OTPWhen selected the recipient will get one-time code to the selected destination in order to enter the application.
                      Require passwordSelect one of the form fields as password, so only an authorized recipient will be able to enter the form by entering correct data.
                      Read onlyWhen activated, client will not be able to submit the session. Session will be expired as usual. Make sure to use on a single session configuration or with BPMN.
                      Note that it does not make sense to use it with a regular workflow unless the only last recipient is read only.
                      Add RecipientClick “Add Recipient” button to add as many recipients as needed.
                      Delete RecipientClick “Delete Recipient” button to delete recipients.

                      Workflow conditions

                      At the bottom of the recipients screen it is possible to add conditions in the sequence of recipients, so for example we can create an action that returns the form from the client to the agent in case the agent does not confirm the completeness of the details in the form.

                      • Select the recipient that forwards the action.
                      • Select the recipient to whom the action will go.
                      • Select the input field for the condition and its value.

                      In the example above you can see that if the checkbox field is not selected, the action will go from the agent back to the client until it is checked.

                      Recipients and their influence on controllers defined in the template

                      In the example above there are two roles client and sales representative. We would like to allow the client to edit the full name field and for the sales representative to only view it and not edit it.

                      The lower part of the controller settings is intended for appearance on the recipients’ screen: set “Show” ON for the recipients that are allowed to see the field data and “Edit” ON for the recipients that are allowed to edit the field data.

                      Note: Regarding the “Agent Allowed” controller settings, this option is intended for a screen sharing operation and is not relevant for operations between recipients.

                      Recipients and their influence on controllers’ dependencies

                      In the example above we will activate show\required\enabled for the client only if a certain condition has been activated [in this example a value selected from the radio buttons list].

                      Dependencies can be activated for all recipients by selecting “All recipients”.

                      Notes and Gotchas

                      1. Workflow is limited to 10 recipients. In case you need to deploy a process that include more than 10 recipients you may add recipients in workflow pane, however the business process must be conducted using the BPM.

                      About To Expire

                      This section allows you to see all the transactions to be expired.

                      Search options

                      It is possible to perform search or filter by expiration time. Default: 48 hours.

                      At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

                      Extend validity

                      Press “Extend validity” to extend the expiration time of the form.


                      In order to send reminders to the client select “Reminder” in the additional options menu. Add new destination or select an existing destination, add the message and press “Confirm” button.

                      Show Agent

                      Press “Show Agent” to open the transaction from the agent side.

                      For more information about “Show Agent” read here.

                      Show workflow

                      This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

                      Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


                      In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

                      The confirmation message will appear for approval.

                      How to contact Cellosign support

                      Cellosign customers have the option to contact Cellosign support by submitting a ticket using our web form.

                      Important: in case of critical production issues open a ticket and contact your account manager / support by phone.

                      What kind of issues can be submitted:

                      1. General Support issues.
                      2. Reporting a bug.
                      3. New request or CR.

                      Note: in our FAQs section you can find detailed information about common issues.

                      There are several options to submit a ticket.

                      In case you can login to Cellosign application the options are:

                      1. From “Processes” screen (recommended).
                      2. From main application menu.

                      In case you cannot login, contact Cellosign support from the web site.

                      See below a detailed explanation of each option.

                      Contact Cellosign support from “Processes” window

                      1. Login the Cellosign application.
                      2. Navigate to the “Processes” window.
                      3. Select the transaction from the list and press “Show Transaction Details” (+).
                      4. Click “Service call” button. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
                      5. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
                      6. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
                      7. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
                      8. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
                      9. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.
                      10. If, for any reason, you have lost access to your Cellosign account, you can still submit a support ticket from the web site (see below).

                      For more information about “Processes” window read here.

                      Contact Cellosign support from the application

                      1. Login the Cellosign application.
                      2. Click “Service call” button at the left bottom corner.
                      3. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
                      4. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
                      5. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
                      6. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
                      7. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
                      8. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.
                      9. If, for any reason, you have lost access to your Cellosign account, you can still submit a support ticket from the web site (see below).

                      Contact Cellosign support from the web site

                      1. Navigate to Cellosign site.
                      2. Click “Support” button at the top menu at the right.
                      3. You will be redirected to “Request for support and reporting service” form.
                      4. Add the details and send the form. Please describe a complete scenario and add as much information as possible.
                      5. The ticket will be opened automatically with all the attached to the form information.
                      6. You will receive an email with the ticket number and all the details to the email address filled in the form.
                      7. To update the ticket or add an additional information click the link in the received email.
                      8. You will be redirected to the ticket details in the support site.

                      For detailed information about “Privacy statement” read here.


                      Connector is a method in Cellosign to interact with your core applications and databases.

                      For more information see “Apps and databases connector” section.

                      Client applications

                      Form support and accessibility toolbar

                      Support and accessibility toolbar incorporated in all forms. The toolbar receives first focus when open a form link so screen readers can read through its content.

                      To open the menu click the hamburger icon at the top of your frame.

                      Accessibility features

                      Activate accessibility option

                      Transform inputs to valid accessible collection.

                      • Date input transformed from a date or date-time widget to manual input
                      • Signature pad will require upload a signature image rather then drawing the sugnature

                      In addition focus on input or (Tab/Shift+TAB) between fields will draw a border on the focused input

                      Monochrome option

                      This option modifying colors to monochromatic that makes to contrast accessible. It is advised to use high contrast as a default, regardless if the Monochrome option is activated or not.

                      Accessibility statement

                      Link to our accessibility statement


                      Download file for print

                      This option, if activated, allow client to download a PDF file based on the data already propagated into the form. please consult with our support for activation of this feature.

                      Privacy statement

                      Link to our accessibility statement


                      View display form and client data. On some cases were client has an issue we will require this data

                      1. Release: Cellosign release
                      2. Token: Session ID in view
                      3. Browser: Client browser

                      Client forms

                      Client forms is a user interface that present to a client a list of forms that needs to be filled in an organized and secured fashion. Clients receives one link against they will need to identify and authorized for access.

                      The interface is highly customizable and include rich function customization and looks configuration to match your brand.

                      Why do I need this?

                      Client forms is a great way to communicate with your clients, push new forms that needs to be filled, Client can see show how much time left to complete and all in a single link and one time authentication.

                      Setting up client forms

                      Login to projects page and locate “Client forms” and follow the tabs to set it up. Before modifying default colors and backgrounds make sure to read accessibility section below.

                      Background settings

                      This setting is optional. It affect the authorization pages only. It does not propagated in transactions page.

                      Background imageClient forms ius responsive and will adapt to any device automatically. We advise to pick an image with 4 (width):3(height) proportions, it scales better.
                      In addition, we advise to upload an image smaller than 100 KB to expedite loading time for your client
                      Background image settingThere are 3 CSS settings available for your disposal, check what works best for you when device is table, mobile or desktop.
                      Alternative textMake sure to enter a meaningful name that represents the image, typically it would be a “background image of <my brand>”

                      Color settings

                      Button background color and button text color

                      All buttons on transactions view and authorization page gets there attributes from the first two color pickers. including the shading below a transaction row.

                      The image on the right is a result of a red background and white-gray text color as configured in the image below

                      Remember to make sure to pick colors that contrasts well.

                      Text color

                      Most of the texts in client forms view will pick on this color, including transactions text and hello text as can be seen in the image above.

                      Authentication settings

                      This tab includes a collection of settings to process the authentication stage and configuration of footer links

                      Identification header, text, error and support text

                      Configure texts for intro page. For accessibility compliance make sure your text are simple and direct

                      Suppress leading zeros

                      Client forms viewer collects all client’s transactions that share the same password, see require password for details. Occasionally the access password is a number, such as ID that has fluid representations to include or exclude leading zeros. As such when client insert the password it will not include leading zero and when the transaction is initiated from your core application it does include it. Essentially, we might end up with mismatch when client enters “7673899” as password and your DB inject “07673899”. These will never match.

                      This is where “Suppress leading zeros” become handy. It will suppress leading zeros to match. As such “000123” is equal to “123”.

                      Note: Be aware on what data to use for password authentication. Make sure that “0123” and “123” are not different entities. In

                      Activate OTP

                      We encourage you to use this option. OTP will guarantee that clients can access their transactions can do so only after we have doubled checked their identity. To apply OTP to transactions, at least one transaction that match the password will need to have an OTP associated. If there are more that one OTP address then the viewer will list the propagated OTP destinations.

                      Footer links

                      By default Cellosign displays links to Accessibility, Privacy and terms of use pages. Use the switch to turn off any of the links. Alternatively. You may override the defaults to include links of your own. Make sure to add valid markup and texts. i.e.:

                      1. Markup to open external web address: “https://yourdomain.com”
                      2. To pop up phone app. “tel:0500001234” (For mobile apps)
                      3. To display only the label please enter “#” in url

                      Transactions settings

                      Introduction text

                      Enter here text that will appear before the list of transactions

                      Show validity

                      When activated the date and time on which a transaction will be expired is displayed below the transaction button.


                      Enable this option if you are using business models and wish to display collections of transactions associated with business case.

                      In the example below we have two business case aggregations and two stand alone transactions:

                      1. Loan 12345-67: Has 2 transactions and is expanded
                      2. Loan 456778-90: Has 3 transactions and is collapsed
                      3. “Change of banking information” and “Direct debit consent” are stand alone transaction

                      Note that stand alone transactions are displayed only after business case aggregations.

                      Show submitted transactions and document options

                      These options are related with data model option which is not yet released.


                      Enter title and texts (or HTML markup). The popup will be displayed after each successful login. In case you are using HTML markup make sure to test the result on different browsers.

                      Order of appearance

                      ExpirationDefault option for order is transaction expiration. Transactions that are first to expire will be displayed first by default.
                      Template order numberOrder is arranged by template order of appearance
                      Template nameOrder is by template name: Note that evaluation is case sensitive. “z” (small letter) is prior to “A” (Capital)

                      Note that aggregated transactions appear prior to standalone transactions

                      Additional control on looks

                      Template configuration offers the option to control the icon and the text of the button that opens up a transaction.

                      Make sure to select a proper icon and a “call to action” text

                      Client forms security

                      We are investing great deal of efforts protecting your and your clients data. For some of the methods we are providing the coverage. others require your attention. Following is a list of protections we have for client forms

                      Rate limit

                      This feature is builtin and is not optional. Rate limit prevents a client from posting too many requests for access in a given time window. The conditions of lock and release can be modified from time to time o our discretion.


                      This feature is builtin and is not optional. Google captcha to prevent brute force


                      This is a preliminary condition to access client forms. We advise to use passwords that cannot be mined such as sequence numbers. Instead make sure that the password include checksum/parity and it needs to be captured as part of the password.


                      OTP option is at your discretion and we encourage to make use of it.

                      Auto logout on idle

                      On idle (No use of client forms view) client is automatically logged out after 5 minutes

                      Auto logout if no transactions left on view

                      When completing a transaction client is be redirected to main client form view. If there are no transaction he will be automatically logged out after 1 minute

                      Poplast option

                      When appending ?poplast=true parameter to client forms it will automatically open a form in condition that there is only one transaction in view. Note that transaction will be displayed after authentications and regardless if there is a popup message configured.

                      Accessibility guideline

                      As in any other interface builder, we are making our best efforts to bring you all the goodies for collecting data and create amazing interface for your clients that reflect your brands. However this also come with a responsibility on your side. Although we are try to protect you in whatever way we possibly can to avoid accessibility errors, there are couple of ground rules to pay attention to.


                      Make sure that colors setting has sufficient contrasts. A button with pale background and pale text is not accessible. same goes to background image. make sure to incorporate background and colors sets that has contrast. How much contrast? check out this tester.

                      Messages and text

                      Make sure your messages, errors and instructions are clear and not implied. for example “Open” is better than “Transaction” as a text on a button to open new transaction.

                      Templates Sequence

                      To explain the sequence of actions, consider the following example: a representative in the human resources department recruits a new employee for the position of software developer and a laptop should be issued for him.

                      Upon sending the employee intake form, we can use this screen to send a form to an IT representative in the organization only if a certain condition is met. In such a way the data from form A will be transferred to form B without the need for additional typing.

                      If so, form A is the form where we use templates sequence.

                      To activate the option of templates sequence, click on “+New”.

                      Template NameSelect a template from the list [in our example the template to send to the IT representative].
                      Select destinationSelect destination address to which the form will be sent:
                      – A value from an existing field in the form, a phone number or email.
                      – Current destination: the destination to which the current form was sent, a phone number or email [in our example, the new employee procedure form].
                      – No destination: usually implemented by an application for field personnel.
                      Select conditionSelect the condition (input field), if any, to activate the additional template. This field is not mandatory, so if the operation condition is not selected, it will be sent unconditionally.
                      If equalIf the condition is selected, select the value that will be applied to the condition. In the example above, a condition will be applied to the field “Position” and the value “Programmer”. In this way we activate an additional form that will be sent to the IT representative, only if a candidate has been accepted for a programmer position.

                      A new templates sequence can be added according to need, in a way that a separate form can reach the payroll department, etc.

                      Note: In order for data from form A to be transferred to form B, it should be maintained that the IDs of the controllers have the same value.

                      How to

                      Move a process to another project

                      This page described how to move a process with all of its related elements into another project on the same environment.

                      We will have to download/export every element separately in order to do so.

                      (BPMN processes, templates and also Dictionaries and Tables – if we are using them on our templates)

                      Follow the bellow steps:

                      1.Go to all the elements that are used on your process (BPMN processes, templates, Dictionaries and Tables) and download each one of them using the download or the export option.

                      On a BPMN process, use this button for download:

                      On a template, use this button for download:

                      On a Dictionary, click on the arrow next to the export button, and than ‘Export JSON’:

                      On a table, use this export button:

                      2. After you are sure that you have all the files related to you process saved on the side, delete from your current project all the data you want to move. (You can’t have identical processes/templates on the same environment)

                      3. Open the wanted project on the app.

                      4. Upload the data to the wanted project on this specific order (for remaining current connections):
                      -Dictionaries and Tables
                      -BPMN processes

                      5. Connect integrations if needed.

                      6. Run the all process for making sure its working as expected.


                      1. Connect to the representative interface page using the URL provided to you by Cellosign:

                      2. Enter your user name and password and click the ‘Sign In’ button.

                      If its the first time you are logging in , you will need to set a new password:

                      Enter a new password on the ‘New password’ field and again on the ‘Confirm password’ field.

                      Click the ‘Change Password’.

                      After the successful login in the header of the interface you can see the user name, where under it you can find Profile details and Logout option.

                      To send a form to the client from the agent’s interface, press the “Show Agent” button.

                      For a detailed explanation about user application read here.

                      Waiting For Me

                      This section allows to see all the transactions that are waiting for the user that is logged in to the system.

                      At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

                      Show Client

                      Press “Show Client” to open the transaction from the client side.

                      Show workflow

                      This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

                      Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


                      In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

                      The confirmation message will appear for approval.


                      Types and Validation

                      MaskSelect a data entry format from the list. In this option, the controller will allow data entry only in the format selected for the controller.
                      Starts with
                      Ends with Contain
                      The controller will verify that the value entered corresponds to the settings entered and will display an error message if it was not entered correctly.
                      Switch All charactersInclude Hebrew and Latin characters, numbers, and punctuation characters like space, dash, commas, underscore, middle dash. Choose specific options to exclude irrelevant characters.
                      Switch Hebrew lettersAllow Hebrew characters plus: Single quote (“‘”), Double quote(“””), Slash (“\”), Space (” “), Underscore:(“_”), Hyphen (“-“)
                      Switch Latin lettersAllow English characters A-Z and a-z plus: Single quote (“‘”), Double quote(“””), Slash (“\”), Space (” “), Underscore:(“_”), Hyphen (“-“)
                      Switch NumbersAllow only digits.
                      Min length
                      Max length
                      The controller will verify the minimum and maximum length in the field integrity check.
                      Field’s equation The controller will verify if the field value meets a condition against other text fields in the form and it can be case sensitive or not. In case the field with compare with has no value to comparison will not occur. If comparison is required that make sure the field to compare with is required.
                      Validate bank account numberWhen set to ON the controller will verify the bank account number added to the field.
                      Need to set Bank code and Branch code fields in order to perform the validation.
                      Bank codeSelect the bank code field for the bank account validation.
                      Branch codeSelect the branch code field for the bank account validation.
                      Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.
                      Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.

                      Conditional permissions

                      When checking conditions on a text type controller, the following options are displayed:

                      EmptyIf the text controller has no value.
                      Not EmptyIf there is any value in the controller.
                      EqualIf the text controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
                      ContainsIf the text controller contains the entered value.

                      Release management

                      Release management is our process to introduce new versions of Cellosign. Typical release include:

                      1. New features
                      2. Bug fixes
                      3. Maintenance and upgrades to software components
                      4. Adaptation to regulations and compliance requirements
                      5. Performance related changes

                      We are releasing approximately 6 new versions of Cellosign every year. That is every other month.

                      What a release cycle looks like?

                      Each release includes the following steps and thresholds. Each cycle is a two months lapse time starting from step 2 to step 7.

                      Step#StepDescriptionLapse time
                      1AssembleCollect and prioritize release requirements. Bugs and security issues prioritized higher
                      2DocumentationBuild supporting documentation for development and testing1 week
                      3Requirements freezeA stage we are not receiving new requirements to release unless it’s a critical bug or security related0
                      4DevelopmentDevelopment of release content3 weeks
                      5Internal test cyclesIncluding: Regression, Automated and manual tests for bug and new features, security, compliance and vulnerabilities test3 weeks
                      6Beta releaseReleasing beta version to cloud pre-production environment were our clients may also conduct acceptance testing and report us findings. 1 week
                      7ProductionReleasing version to shared cloud production environment0

                      Notes for Release 4.9.0

                      Over the past mobths we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: xx
                      • Production [app.cellosign.com]: yy


                      Allowed browsers

                      We have updated our blacklisted browsers.

                      Rate limit

                      This new addition is builtin, none optional and controlled exclusively by Cellosign staff. In end-client views this feature limit a client to post too many requests for access in a given time window. The conditions of lock and release can be modified from time to time to our discretion.

                      Cellosign views that includes rate limit are:

                      1. Client forms (new addition shipped with this release)
                      2. OTP and Challenge with Client session

                      Javascript limitation

                      Due to security concerns we are reducing our support to Javascript extension in templates. Please make sure that your templates does not contain javascript code. If it does, find configuration alternatives in Cellosign or seek our support team assistance.

                      Upload file size limits

                      Forms already include builtin limitations to upload files. Be advises that with this release we have also applied 5Mb limit when:

                      1. Posting file(s) through API
                      2. Configuring template
                      3. Creating Adhoc session

                      Heads-up for using iframe

                      Over the past year browser providers were and still consistently preventing and deprecating usage of iframes. Technology wise the prevention is about blocking cookies and outbound communications from the guest. Eventually, it is widely accepted, that iframe technology will be deprecated all together sooner or later.

                      Although Cellosign allows to deploy views in iframes, we encourage you to adapt other methods.

                      Template changes

                      Signature field button text

                      Added option to change default text for signature button

                      Default values for select field

                      Added preference to pick default option for select field

                      Lock template

                      Until this release a template could be edited and changes are reflected on live sessions. With this new release we are promoting template lock per session for which a session will also hold the template properties at the time a session is initiated, which eventually result that changes in templates will have no impact on forms that have sent to clients. No clients will automatically work like so and by the end of Q1 2025 we shall enforce this change.

                      Font David Removed

                      Font David deprecated from Template configuration for the reason that it has issues with mixed char-sets and special characters, such as “@”. Be advised to replace template to other font face in case you are using it.

                      Autodate field

                      Added formats to auto date and now include breakdowns for day, month and year.

                      Zip and password

                      Depreciation notice. Zipping files in archive email has been depreciated.

                      Download PDF for print

                      We have added a new feature for client toolbar to create and download a PDF out of the data that is incorporated in a form without submitting the form.

                      Changes in connector integrations

                      Added functionality to modify integrations inline when moving template from one environment to another.

                      Read only

                      Added a read only configuration for session that disable the ability to submit a form.


                      Filter archive web hook data

                      Added ability to exclude data and paragraph filed types in archive web hook.

                      Group data

                      Added “group_data” array to archive api for future use.


                      Expiration widget

                      Updated search expiry, Added 3 days and 1 week options.



                      Builtin BDI interface.

                      Electronic 101 form (טופס 101)

                      We have renewed our 101 certification. Please consult with your reference regards fully compliant 101 template.

                      All new client forms application

                      Refactor of client forms application. It includes many new configuration and UI settings to match your brand looks

                      Notes for Release 4.8.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: xx
                      • Production [app.cellosign.com]: yy

                      New features & enhancements

                      Heads-up for using iframe

                      Over the past year browser providers were and still consistently preventing and deprecating usage of iframes. Technology wise the prevention is about blocking cookies and outbound communications from the guest. Eventually, it is widely accepted, that iframe technology will be deprecated all together sooner or later.

                      Although Cellosign allows to deploy views in iframes, we encourage you to adapt other methods. Sooner the better.

                      Notes for Release 4.7.11

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: released
                      • Production will be released at 28/07/24

                      New features & enhancements

                      Attachments to client email

                      With Cellosign we have two types of recipients that may receive an email at the end of a business process: agent and client. At the end of a business process a recipient of type agent will get on email that includes: signed PDF, raw data (Typically json file), attachments that were collected during the process. Client receives only the signed PDF.

                      With this change. A file upload and image upload controls include option to attach the file to client email as well.

                      Search in list of values field

                      Typically a remote search in LOV fields should include some flexibility to avoid cases where spell is wrong or an hyphen is in between words. This is called a “Fuzzy” search. Cellosign search works this way and it’s good for most cases, in other cases it doesn’t. Mostly it doesn’t work well when the words are long 7 letters or more. For that purpose we have added option for select type. The default one is “Fuzzy” as it is today and the new option is “Strict”. The values Cellosign will look for are only ones which were typed.

                      Fort more information see List of values control.

                      Notes for Release 4.7.9(8)

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: released
                      • Production will be released at 19/06/24

                      New features & enhancements

                      Email validation

                      On previous releases, Cellosign validated email extensions. With this release email validation is conformed to RFC 5322 standard which is basically composed of a string given that it includes “@” and a”.” in specific places. With this change there is no limitations on domain or sub domains.

                      Company seal from image

                      Cellosign includes a signature feature that embeds company details: name, company ID altogether with a graphic signature. With this release we added a new feature for which a client will be required to upload an image that will be used as a background for graphic signature.

                      Email buttons recolored

                      With this release button colors in emails has been modified from yellow to grey that conforms with contrast requirements for accessibility.

                      Embed Image in PDF template

                      Image controls for PDF and Hybrid templates are enhanced and can be embedded into the final PDF produced in Cellosign. Read here for further details and customization.

                      Get sessions API enhancement

                      Get sessions API enhanced to include assignee filter, that is the user whom created a session or was assigned to (“puh client”). See API Documentation for further details

                      Notes for Release 4.7.8

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: released
                      • Production will be announced separately

                      New features & enhancements

                      Company Registrar API

                      We are happy to announce that we have added an interface to Israeli companies registrar (“רשם החברות”). The interface allow you to validate that a company number actually exists. In addition the interface enable to fetch the following company details: name (Hebrew and English) and company status.

                      This feature is available on cloud installation. Please contact our support to check your eligibility for this feature

                      SMTP Authentication

                      Added new option to SMTP integration that requires no authentication. Please read the following documentation prior to implementation

                      Security enhancement: blocked login pages on iframe

                      In order to protect your data and your users from Click jacking and phishing vulnerabilities we have disabled the ability to carry out user login from an iframe. This security enhancement added to all pages that requires your users authentication: Login to main application, Login to Agent application and Login Tasks application.

                      Client authentication to open invitations, client forms and OTP remain unchanged.

                      Form control dependencies split

                      Currently dependencies tab includes a query to trigger change of permissions and value to form control. This tab has now been split to two separate tabs: Conditional permissions and Conditional values. See here documentation page.

                      It is advised to make sure that template with conditions values and permissions are working as expected. In case of an issue, please contact our support and we will be happy to help

                      Notes for Release 4.7.4

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: 17/08/23
                      • Production [app.cellosign.com]: 23/08/23

                      New features & enhancements

                      Default date and date time to date control

                      Currently date control accepts a fixed date as a default value. With this release we have added the option to configure Date control to accept the date when transaction is generated. To configure current date apply “$now” to default value.

                      Salesforce formula editor

                      We have added into Salesforce “Percent” data type and now it can be edited and converted prior to propagation into form.

                      Enhancements to paragraph control

                      Added to new functionality to paragraph control:

                      1. Input elements: Add input controls into paragraph.
                      2. Placeholder: Add none-editable reference to other controls in the template

                      Notes for Release 4.7.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: 26/6/23
                      • Production [app.cellosign.com]: 06/07/23

                      New features & enhancements

                      Table footer

                      We have added to Table control ability to configure footer row to include textual values and SUM function that SUM column values. See here for more details

                      SMTP/SASL XAUTH2 Autentication

                      We have added SASL XAUTH2 authentication for SMTP integrations. SASL protocol is a secured way to Authenticate SMTP requests with services such as GMAIL, Office exchange etc. See here for more details

                      Validation errors

                      On previous releases a “Custom error message” was ignored in some validations. With this release , in case custom error message is added to field configuration it will be used in case of validation error, regardless of the test case. If no custom error message is added, specific mesage for the test will be displayed.

                      Ordered lists font

                      We have made changes to ordered lists to include formatting of bullet items. See here for more details

                      Notes for Release 4.6.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Release rollout schedule

                      • Pre production [preprod.cellosign.com]: 18/5/23
                      • Production [app.cellosign.com]: 01/06/23

                      New features & enhancements

                      Connectors filters

                      We have enhanced our connector functionality greatly to query and sort data from remote source based on complex conditions. Conditions can now meet any complexity of “AND/OR”, querying based on field types and compared with either fixed values or values already populated in a form. This option improves connector flexibility and to simplify connectors configuration.

                      More details in Integrating a connector.

                      Connector fields mapping

                      We have enhanced our data mapping for filling forms automatically. On top of building a formula for converting native datasets, we have added the ability to CONCATENATE values and into one string and also the ability to repeat those as many as records matches the query. For instance this feature will enable you configure a result that include first, last name and DOB for all account contacts. More details in Integrating a connector.

                      Client forms

                      We have enhanced client forms view with automatic redirecting to list of transactions after form has been submitted. Also added texts to navigation buttons for better usage.

                      Transaction board

                      We have added to Transaction board the new features to access Workflow and BPM processes:

                      1. Click on “See Workflow” to open Workflow or BPM diagram.
                      2. Click on search icon to filter list based on workflow/BPM unique key to get all related sessions
                      3. Click on Copy icon to copy the aggregating key to your clipboard

                      Bug fixes

                      1. On earlier releases search items on multiple selections in PDF documents was not enabled. Please see notes on configurations in List of values.
                      2. Fixed issue with a display of conditions in a control group after modifying control ID.

                      Notes for Release 4.5.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      New features & enhancements

                      Enhancements to paragraph control

                      1. Added option for nested numbering, i.e. 1, 1.1, 1.2 etc.. with configuration
                      2. Added option to display text in columns (similar to news paper) using configuration

                      Note: this features requires activation. Submit ticket to our support to apply.

                      Enhancements to table control

                      Table control was added with:

                      1. Design options to control Font size and cell padding, Alignment
                      2. Automatically add prefix and suffix to cells
                      3. Improved responsive by automatically collapse rows in case table is wider then view

                      Connector data mapping enhancements

                      We have added new features for mapping of data objects from remote sources:

                      1. Conversion of numbers
                      2. Representation and format to numbers
                      3. Representation and format to dates

                      For more details see Data mapping and conversions.

                      Connector description

                      Descriptions for connectors have been improved to provide better visibility on the connector content.

                      1. Heading texts improved to include reference to objects in remote data source
                      2. Ability to add description on connector level

                      Data tables enhancements

                      1. Improved usage with format text switcher to display or hide text styling for clear view on content
                      2. Row editor is fixed for easier navigation
                      3. On paragraph connectors we added the ability to override border display. See more details in data tables

                      Faster SEAL document

                      SEAL API is used to create sealed (closed) PF documents without user intervention. We have improved this feature to response faster by 50%. This features requires activation. Submit ticket to our support to apply.

                      Salesforce package enhancements

                      We have added new methods to Salesforce package:

                      1. SEAL: Create signed documents
                      2. Delete: Revoke transaction

                      See more details in Salesforce guide

                      Apply signatures at bottom of PDF pages

                      Normally when using HTML template to produce signed PDF documents, signatures like any other form element are applied per relative position on the PDF result. With this release we have added the ability to create Signature controls that can be applied to the bottom of the signed PDF. See more details in Signature documentation.

                      This features requires activation. Submit ticket to our support to apply.

                      Bug fixes

                      1. On earlier releases landscape documents could be uploaded for which the result could have contain errors in signed documents. To prevent that, we have added an error response when landscape PDF document is uploaded with an API or agent application


                      Cloud migration

                      As previously announced, an upgrade to our cloud infrastructure (migrate to Azure) in production is planned at 23/4.

                      As a result of the upgrade our IP addresses will also be changed.

                      This is a list of current production IP and new infrastructure IPs:

                      SegmentCurrent IPNew Ips
                      Requests to https://app.cellosign.com, i.e. login, API request for new sessions
                      Requests from Cellosign for Outgoing requests are API, Webhooks, SMTP, FTP, SSO and all custom integrations that submitted from Cellosign to your infrastructure.
                      The new infrastructure includes only one IP that serve as a proxy for outbound traffic.

                      Please make sure to list the new IPs before the planned migration date 24/03/2023 to prevent service blockage.

                      As soon as the IP addresses have been whitewashed, please submit a service request to set up a joint inspection date.

                      Make sure the new IP addresses are enabled before the test. We recommend for a joint test as soon as possible.

                      Notes for Release 4.3.5

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      New features & enhancements

                      Temporary account lock

                      Prior to this change, five consecutive failed logins were locking a user account. Only user with project admin or above can release the account. While this is remain the default option, we have also added the option for a temporary lock.

                      With this option, you will be able to setup a lock policy:

                      1. Lock policy: Lock account after X consecutive failed logins. [That is the default policy]
                      2. Temporary lock to prevent login for X minutes

                      temporary lock based on two parameter:

                      1. After how many consecutive failed logins the temporary lock kicks in
                      2. For how long (in minutes) the account will be locked
                      What‘s next?

                      We advise you to review this change together with your organization security officer and choose appropriate lock policy for you.

                      Adhoc form permissions

                      Prior to this change, when a temporary session is created, permission defaults are applied to each field. In order to prevent errors in permissions, we have removed default permissions and leave it to the agent to define explicit permissions to each field.

                      When field is added without permission a warning is displayed for adding permissions “Agent allowed” or “Client allowed”.

                      Accessibility enhancements

                      Over the last minor releases 4.3.1 to 4.3.5 we have released various changes and bug fixes for accessibility.

                      Initial focus

                      Prior to the following change the initial focus was applied to START button. With this modification, the focus has been moved to Hamburger icon on the Top-Left corner in left-to-right forms and Top-right corner in righ-to-left forms.

                      Color switcher

                      We have removed “Normal” color toggler from accessibility menu. With this change when “Monochrome” is activated form colors will be mokdified

                      Preview texts

                      We have added texts to screen reader in order to describe the PDF document applied to preview.

                      Notes for Release 4.2.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      New features & enhancements

                      Salesforce integration

                      With this release we are very happy to introduce you with Salesforce integration to Cellosign. This feature opens up a world of new possibilities were the entire digital journey can be implementation with no APIs on the client can be carried out with APIs integration. Simply couple Cellosign and Salesforce, configure what data is connected for two ways integration.

                      For more information please visit Connectors and Salesforce documentation pages.

                      Geo location

                      Added ability for Geo coding client location that includes a visible map, inserting an address or location manually or automatically with Client GPS or IP when applicable. Read more

                      Passwords vulnerability check

                      In addition to the regular passwords complexities, two-factor authentication we have applied additional security layer that check passwords renewals and passwords for new users with an internal vulnerable passwords database. When a user applying new password, password will first match the complexity and length according to your organization requirements and than match the password with passwords known to be vulnerable.

                      Underline placeholder for empty fields

                      New design option added to entry fields. Checking this option will include an underline where input value is empty. This is specially helpful when you need the final PDF result will show an empty value. To set this option:

                      1. Click on template field
                      2. Click on Design tab
                      3. Check “Apply underline in result PDF when field has no value”

                      Note: This option is available for field of type: text, number, select, textarea, paragraph, date, pad, date, email, phone only.

                      Email on Archive errors

                      On previous version we have added a feature that post Email to configured recipients notifying them regards failed archive. Within this release we have incorporated meta data file that includes identical content and structure to data which was pushed through the API.

                      Note: We advise you not to use the meta data from email to your application from number of reasons:

                      1. Email servers are typically rendering files content, encoding etc
                      2. We can’t always be sure regards the failure reason so you may consider the meta data file as unsafe

                      As a result of the notes above we will not be able to support cases where meta data from email is failed to upload into your APIs.


                      1. #DEV-1052: Archive error notification in email are now posted with updated archive structure
                      2. #BUG-1173: Signature padding on HTML to PDF when additional field on same column is now fixed
                      3. #BUG-1351: Redirect URL at the end of session fail to redirect
                      4. #BUG-1477: Client form screen fail to render data fields but instead display fields id

                      Notes for Release 4.3.0

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this post you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      New features & enhancements

                      Updated Content Security Policy (CSP)

                      We have updated our security policy to prevent access from forms to unknown web resources.

                      Why is that important?

                      We are considering that any form that posted to remote client contain sensitive and valuable information (health, financials etc). By adding external resources to forms, such as image backgrounds from external URLs or PIXEL implementation such as google-tag-manager, the form is exposed to external Attack that prevent us from keeping you and your clients data safe.

                      What has been carried out on our side in that respective?

                      We have scanned your templates, checked and validated external resources and explicitly added resources that are secured to our CSP whitelist.

                      What should be done on your side?
                      1. Background images to forms using URLs must be avoided. Use base64 strings for background images. This is how to do it.
                      2. Case you require PIXEL support, please submit a ticket our support team. Add your PIXEL URLs to ticket for inspection.

                      Software upgrades

                      Software packages that are effecting remote client forms and agent application (co-browse) has been updated to latest release.

                      We have carried out comprehensive testing to make sure applications are intact. However, in case your templates includes Custom CSS and Javascript we advise to carry out tests to make sure your custom software works as expected. To see custom code, login to application console. For each template, open “Settings” and on the right pane click “Javascript” and “Stylesheet”, case the left pane is not empty, please double check your template at work.

                      Public page enhancement

                      As you probably aware, template and BPM processes can be launched using a public template. Typically public pages require an input to initiate a process. Up to this release, public page is presenting page with required input. With this upcoming release input requirements can be added to URL in a querystring format.

                      For example:

                      Open the this url. https://preprod.cellosign.com/public/02774a7724ae4211a903043bd4171c96. It display a page where you will be required to enter name, mail and phone number.

                      Alternatively, you can open this URL. All the required parameters are injected using a query string and the form will be opened instantly. Be advises that although this option is available use it wisely. Public pages with client data should be secured and posted to clients directly. DO NOT leave public URLs with client data out for grabs.

                      Apply user context to form

                      With this release you will be able to apply Agent context into form automatically. This can be helpful if you require Agent name,phone or email to appear on form automatically with no user intervention.

                      To do so, you will need to apply context as default values to field in a form. For example, you would like an agent email to appear on form automatically.

                      1. Add email field to form
                      2. On field settings add “$initiator.email” to default value.
                      3. Once new session is created the agent email will be displayed automatically

                      Note: It is advised to use this option when it’s required. Do not expose your employees data when not needed.

                      The following contexts are available for your disposal:

                      User login name$initiator.usernameTypically email
                      First name$initiator.first_name
                      Last name$initiator.last_name

                      Added “Table” element

                      Due to multiple requests, we have added “Table” element to our form builder.

                      For more details see reference to table in this guide.

                      Data tables enhancements

                      We have added new feature to data tables, that is the ability for data table cell to include input elements as well as static data.

                      When this is useful?

                      Let’s assume that you have an “Insurance proposal” that needs to be implemented. Your proposal might end up with hundreds or thousands of texts and input elements that are varied as our client engaging with the form, for instance, when “Second driver” is required, we want to show legal notice and inquire regards the potential driver(s).

                      One way of doing this is implement the entire data set within the form as it’s normally being done, this can be tedious when there are lots of form elements…

                      Another way is to implement it with data tables. With this enhancement, data table cells can include input elements as well as static data, so when client selects “Second driver” in the form, the entire set of texts and input will be displayed automatically, without the need to configure them in the form itself.

                      More details in data tables reference.


                      1. #BUG-1436: Date element accept wrong format when entered manually is fixed and now accepts manually entered values as configured in data time format options.
                      2. #BUG-1362: On previous releases, when file was added to Google drive through Archive integration, date-time stamp was added to file name. This has been removed and file name includes only the file name convention, without date-time stamp.

                      Notes for Release 4.1.84

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this blog post, you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      Other than routine maintenance and bug fixes, the highlight for this release is infrastructure for Connectors. In this release and the next releases to come we will deploy direct connections to applications and databases that will enable you to design end to end applications with no APIs.

                      NEW FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS

                      Data Tables

                      Think about it as a custom table hosted in Cellosign. You can customize it any way you want and connect it to template.

                      What it’s for?

                      Consider the option when you have large repository of texts that needs to be incorporated into business process either as initial value, as a condition to other selection or per user engagement. Up until now that way to handle this process would have required to configure fields and conditions inline the template.

                      In case texts needs to be incorporated into large amounts of fields and templates, this can be quite tedious. With this new feature you will be able to configure relational table with keys and data and use it in cellosign templates using our connector editor. This is specially become handy when you have extensive conditions to handle the texts and in case you have texts such as terms/legal that are expanded over large amount of templates, so you can keep it all in one place.

                      Configuring data table

                      To configure data table login to application and click “data sources” and “Tables”.

                      Click add table and define: table name, columns as instructed on screen. Click to add rows.

                      Eventually, you will have a data table with rows and columns.

                      Note that “key” type columns are designated for the connector in next step so you can search matching records.

                      Configure connector

                      On template editor click integrations on top pane and then “Connectors”.

                      In this screen you will see “Preset”, “Live”, “Submit” and “Post submit” for which our connectors will be integrated into.

                      “Preset” is the ability to get values from the table on session initiation, requires no user intervention.

                      “Live” will be configured when the connector require some of interaction from the user such as selecting value or click on a button.

                      “Submit” and “Post submit” are for databases and apps such as salesforce or Dynamics [that are coming up in next releases].

                      To configure connector to data table click “add” on “Preset” or “Live” sections.

                      1. Select data table you have configured
                      2. Set status “Active”
                      3. Define the lookup:
                        • keys from the data table [one or more]
                        • Equation [for data table equal only is applicable]
                        • To which entity to compare with: form field value, label [integration] or fixed value
                        • Add conditions as many is needed for the lookup
                      4. Define what happens if query return no results, one or more than one result
                      5. On “Live” you will need to configure how the connector is activated
                        • on “Change”: As the user types in. Select the field from the list to attach the connector with
                        • on “Click”: select a button from the form that will activate the connector
                      6. Finally map the query result into the form fields. which value from data table goes to which field in form


                      We have created a consolidated editor for all communications with a template. That includes:

                      1. Integration with Webhooks
                      2. Template integration to get data from remote source [See additional notes below]
                      3. Data tables described in the section above
                      4. Upcoming connector to Salesforce in Release 85 [next release]
                      5. Upcoming connector to Dynamics and Databases in R86

                      What it’s for?

                      Consolidation of connectors has been carried out to provide the user a complete 360 view on all inbound/outbound integrations with a business process.

                      What has changed for Webhooks?

                      Webhooks for template, on previous release, is configured under Template->integrations -> Webhooks.

                      With this change Webhooks can be now edited under Connectors view. The new view is also includes “implicit” webhooks by default.

                      What has changed for Template services?

                      Template services, previusly on Template->integrations -> Template services, has no migrated both UI and functionality to Connectors with webhook.

                      A new webhook type has been defined “WHEF_FORM_FIELD_CHANGED”. The new webhook, like any other webhook allow to define the endpoint for integration: url, methods and many more capabilities, on top of the previous implementation, such as authentication method, timeout etc.

                      Once defined, on the project resources, it can be defined per template as well by adding fields mapping and behavior, button click or field on change.

                      Form preview

                      We have added the ability to view form before submission. This is very useful feature when you required that the end client will see the final PDF view before submitting it.

                      To activate this feature, log in to template editor, click settings icon and tick “Show form before submission”. preview will be displayed with watermark so it cant be used as an evidence before actual submit.

                      Note: up to release 84, this feature was available in PDF or Hybrid forms. Starting this release this feature is also available in HTML forms as well.

                      Recipient password

                      To secure forms for online clients Cellosign has OTP, password and authentication functionality that can be activated on a template

                      Currently OTP and authentication are activated both globally and also on recipients level, meaning a template can be configure that first recipient requires OTP and second requires authentication.

                      We have modified password functionality to be activated on recipient level as well.

                      All templates carrying passwords functionality will be migrated with the new functionality.

                      Note: Make sure to double check on pre-prod or production rollout that templates are working correctly.

                      Extended recipients

                      We have extended the maximum capacity for recipients in template configuration.

                      Up until now max number of recipients per template was 7. With this enhancements there’s no limit on number of recipients that can be configured.

                      Legacy archive: depreciation notice

                      By the end of the year we will deprecate legacy archive method. The replacement for legacy archive is Webhook archive.

                      This is relevant for you if you are using archive in one of these ways:

                      1. Configurable archive in template settings
                      2. Use “archive_url” tag on integration

                      Please be aware that deployments with this feature will not be supported by the end of 2022. Feel free to consult our support for transition.

                      Other changes and Fixes

                      1. Tokens removed from web server response headers to reduce visibility on application information
                      2. Per WCGA 2.0 for accessibility best practice we have removed high contrast view and applied changes for better engagement on “Monochrome” view
                      3. Israeli ID validation now includes requirement for 9 digits

                      Notes for Release 4.1.83

                      Over the past weeks we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this blog post, you can see a list of what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed. Some of the highlights for this release are:

                      A) Visibility: We’re continuously investing lots of efforts to collect, provision and deliver to you quality heads up on errors. This release includes automatic notification on errors and ability to report directly from application console onto our ticket system while collecting valuable information that can save time on turn-around.

                      B) Consistency: Several changes has been made to ensure inbound and outbound data with external applications is exchanged timely and accurately. Both SMS and Email default providers has been replaced to provide consistent service. New services our complied with ISO-27001, ISO-27799 and GDPR standards.

                      NEW FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS

                      Errors notifications

                      As part of our efforts for consistency we have published a tool that will alert closed circle of application administrators to receive email notifications regards errors in business processes.

                      Errors may occur from time to time as result of incorrect process configurations, connectivity with 3rd party applications or issues with software. Rest assure we are constantly monitoring business processes on our monitors. When an issue occurs admins will receive an email with as much information as possible to extract  from Cellosign in order to complete process manually so valuable data will not be comporomised.

                      For example, a business process is completed, Cellosign is failed to transmit the product to an API [i.e signed pdf, attachments and metadata]. In this scenario Cellosign will deliver the signed document and metadata to admins in order to be archived manually.

                      We are constantly improving our visibility on failures and this feature is planned to be improved in every new release .

                      To configure admins to receive error notifications you will need organization or project manager privilege.

                      Log into Cellosign, on the left tool bar click projects and enter email(s) in field “Send logs and errors to this address” on “Messages” tab

                      We advise to add at least one recipient

                      Inline ticket submission

                      We have incorporated a ticket form within the application. Ticket can be submitted from two locations in the application:

                      1. At the bottom of the leftmost toolbar, click the headset icon
                      2. In transaction board, toggle a transaction and click the headset icon

                      We will collect as much information as possible into the ticket including the reporter contact details and post it to our support team.

                      Clear field toggle button

                      New functionality added to enable inline clear button in form.

                      1. Using this functionality requires opt-in per field (turn it on)
                      2. Clear button is enabled only when edit permissions are granted

                      To turn on clear button enter into field configuration -> Values & Display tab and toggle on “Show clear button”

                      Old browsers deprecation notice

                      Cellosign is designed to provide clean and smooth user experience both for agents and remote clients. As part of our efforts, we have started a process of deprecating old browsers, first in line is IE11. [Specific notice for IE 11 published at April 18th].

                      We are planning to deprecate more browsers down the line. Heads up will be published in advance.

                      For a remote client we will display the view below that will enable the client to capture QR code that carry the url provided and also a click to copy into other browser.

                      Default Email provider

                      We are in process for replacing our email provider from Mailchimp to Sendgrid. Over the last month we have successfully deployed Sendgrid service on our per-production and lower grade environments. Sendgrid proven to be more reliable in delivery and tracking.

                      You may test the new mail provider on our per-production service on your convenient. The service will be rolled out to production altogether with this release.

                      Specifically In case emails from Cellosign are transported to you by an organization mail server (i.e. Exchange) please make sure emails are not blocked.

                      Certificate change

                      During the upgrade of this release we will also replace our outdated certificate which due to expire on June 24th. New certificate is already installed on our per-production service. Should you require a CA file to flush it onto your ends please contact our support at service@cellosign.com

                      Other changes and Fixes

                      1. Templates listing is now ordered by Template name
                      2. Added the ability to release user from lock where the Authentication system is remote such as in OKTA, Active Directory or Azure Ad
                      3. Replaced SMS provider. we have deployed inforu as SMS provider which has been prove to be more timely and consistent service. The change is seamless and does not require any action on your end. you’re welcome
                      4. Per WCGA 2.0 for accessibility best practice we have removed high contrast view and applied changes for better engagement on “Monochrome” view

                      Notes for Release 4.1.82

                      First and foremost we are happy to announce that we have been certified for both ISO-27001 & ISO-27799. As you probably aware, certification process requires lots of efforts to make sure we are working and abiding to information security’ best practices and standards in order to keep your data safe.

                      Nevertheless, we haven’t slowed down with enhancements and over the last weeks, we have been working on improvements to Cellosign platform. In this blog post, listed what has been changed, updated, and/or what bugs have been fixed.

                      NEW FEATURES & ENHANCEMENTS

                      Client Identity Verification

                      CIV module authenticates remote client identity, throughout comparing an official document such as ID or Driving License with a liveness test and a live selfie . The entire verification process is completely automated and does not require an agent intervention.

                      Read more about this feature on this post.

                      Image Upload and Compression

                      First, for your convenient, we have removed upload limitation on image upload file size.

                      And couple of notes on this change:

                      1. All images uploaded to Cellosign are compressed and resolution is reduced to 1300px max (width/height)
                      2. Mostly after compressions, image file tends to reduce up-to 1Mb. Please be aware to set up your APIs in case your forms use lots of image uploads

                      OTP screen re-design

                      One time password screen for clients has been re-designed now includes more engaging UI, Send again and post OTP to other location buttons.


                      1. Transactions are now displaying list of destinations where invite posted to and not just the first destination
                      2. Accessibility: PDF files generated from Cellosign are now compatible to be read automatically with NVDA screen reader
                      3. Accessibility: Paragraph elements are now added with new attribute presentation used by assistive technologies
                      4. Accessibility: Improve Monochrome and High contrast for accessibility mode
                      5. Accessibility: Headings has been modified to adapt context hierarchy to headings:
                        • Page heading defaults to H1. Styling options moved to page style tab
                        • Section heading defaults to H2
                        • Template/form heading has been modified with shorthand “…” case template name is too long
                        • Logo on top is now hidden on mobile screen

                      Send a form

                      To send a form to the client from the agent’s interface, press the “Show Agent” button at the top of the screen and select a form prepared for you from the list. For more information about forms templates read here.

                      Enter the client’s email address or mobile phone number at the top of the screen and press “Connect” button.

                      At this point, when the client opens the link from the phone message or the email, you can both work together on the form.

                      Visit Screen sharing section for more information about the screen sharing option.

                      When the client sends the form (after all the mandatory fields have been filled in) you will receive the signed form by email.

                      For additional information about how to send a form in Cellosign application read here.

                      Initiate New Process

                      This option allows you to run existing published templates from the dashboard.

                      Select a template from the list and press Send.

                      The template will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details. Press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.

                      For more information see “Show Agent” section.


                      Values & Display

                      Show counter buttonsUse this option to display buttons that allow the user to increase or decrease the field value on click.
                      Counter stepsEnables skipping according to the specified value when pressed.
                      Default: 1

                      This is how the controller will be displayed on the user screen:

                      Types and Validation

                      Built-in TypesSelect data check from the list – ID number or company number. The controller will verify if the entered number is correct.
                      Minimum/MaximumThe controller will verify that the entered value is according to the values entered in Minimum and Maximum fields.
                      Field’s equation The controller will verify if the field value meets a condition against other field in the form. In case the field with compare with has no value to comparison will not occur. If comparison is required that make sure the field to compare with is required.
                      Error Message InvalidIf an invalid value is entered, the form will notify the client by default according to the control type, for example “Data is invalid”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.
                      Error if no value enteredIf no value was entered to the field, the form will notify the client by default according to the type of controller, for example “Missing signature”. Insert an error message that will be displayed instead of the default.

                      Conditional permissions

                      When checking conditions on a number type controller, the following options are displayed:

                      Greater thanIf the number controller is greater than the entered value.
                      Less thanIf the number controller is less than the entered value.
                      EqualIf the number controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
                      Not EqualIf the number controller is not equal the entered value.
                      EmptyIf the number controller has no value.
                      Not EmptyIf there is any value in the controller.


                      This option is under deprecation and it is disabled on new projects. Be advised that templates that include Javascript are not supported and you may also expect errors when imitating from an API.

                      A template editor comes with the option of customizing CSS and JAVASCRIPT.

                      Note: Templates that contain CSS and JAVASCRIPT code are not supported as part of the service’s maintenance and support.

                      Javascript component in the template can be used to generate various events: for example, integration with analytics systems for the purpose of measuring events.

                      Cellosign includes a test option when sending the form that does not depend on the out-of-the-box application, so it is possible, for example, to validate some data before sending the form.

                      To activate this validation, create a “custom_submit” function in the Javascript panel of the template editor to generate a relevant error message and return true or false, so the process of sending the form will stop.

                      As noted in the Stylesheet, CLASS or ID elements can be used at the controller level.

                      It is recommended to use native Javascript.

                      Note: each textual controller includes an option for REGEX Validation, so it can be used at the controller level without code. For more information see “Controller editor”.


                      How to empty Cache?

                      Using chrome browser:

                      1. On your chrome browser page, click F12.
                      2. Right click the refresh image:

                      A menu will open with 3 options.

                      3. Choose the 3rd option – Empty Cache and Hard Reload:

                      Client did not receive email or SMS. What to do?

                      Emails and text messages in Cellosign are posted through 3rd party services. In case a message was posted successfully from Cellosign and acknowledged by the provider, you will see a green check next to to recipient address in the transaction board. Green check means that message has been provider has accepted Cellosign request for posting a message to the recipient. We do not have the visibility if messages actually delivered to recipient or has been blocked somewhere on delivery.

                      Message block may occur for any number of reasons, such as, Phone that has no permit for text messages, company email that may receive message from known source.

                      In case your organization requires a complete visibility on messages delivery it is advised that you will integrate with service providers to gain access to full transaction trail. Please see SMTP and SMS integrations to connect with your provider

                      Client uploaded a file and I received a ".bin" file, why?

                      For security reasons, file that is uploaded into form is scanned and also a check for its identity is carried out. Cellosign process does not take the file extension for example “.txt” that was uploaded for granted but rather check that the file signature (“identity”) and calculate the output file extension. In some cases a file could be uploaded as “.txt”, “.pdf” for example but the archived document could be “.bin”. That is because the file carries binary identity, mostly octet-stream identity.

                      OK, so what do I do next? Since this file cannot go through Cellosign with the original extension contact your client to get the file in other mean.

                      PDF is generated with empty page. What to do?

                      Each block printed on a PDF includes a markup to clear and preserve space from the content above it. The block also takes into account the height it needs to preserve. Mostly this would work just fine as expected. However on large text blocks (Mostly with paragraphs and tables), in case that the block appears in top of the page please use the following class remove-clear on section level (As appear in the image) to prevent your text-block from “jumping” to the next page.

                      Client could not submit a form. What to do?

                      Step 1: check mandatory fields

                      First, check with the client if he has filled in all the mandatory fields in the form. If the mandatory fields are not filled in, the customer will not be given the opportunity to send the form.

                      In Cellosign, verification of the correctness of data is activated for certain fields.

                      Therefore, make sure that the mandatory fields are filled in according to the requirements. For example: ID field contains a proper 9-digit number, an email address in a proper format, a customer number in the accepted format, and so on.

                      In these cases, there is a red note under the field that the value entered to the field is incorrect.

                      Step 2: Check internet connection

                      If the client is still unable to send the form, it is recommended to check the Internet connection.

                      If the client’s internet connection is fine, there may be a problem with the application of the form.

                      Step 3: Check if submit size exceeded

                      Templates may include Image and File collection controls. Specifically files can get to 5Mb each. Assuming template has many controls to collect files and images, the entire submit might exceed Cellosign limit for maximum body size: On production the limit is set to 50Mb. On Pre-production environment the limit is set to 30Mb.

                      How to verify that this is the issue?

                      Open browser console and search for HTTP code 413 which implicates that this is indeed the problem.

                      How to resolve?

                      Reduce the amount of file and image collection and make sure to reduce the maximum weight allowed for each.

                      Step 4: Contact support

                      Please contact support in your organization, if issue is not resolved, your support should contact Cellosign support with the relevant details

                      If no problems were found in the form implementation, please contact Cellosign support.

                      Client entered the form, started filling in details and then the form disappeared. What to do?

                      The definition of the length of time in which a form can be filled out or a business process can be completed in Cellosign is determined by the implementer of the form, according to the definitions and needs of the organization.

                      The default form availability for a client is 48 hours, however for various reasons such as a time limit or on the other hand a complex form that requires complex input of fields and attachments, it is possible to extend or shorten the time that the form will be available for the client.

                      Every time we send a form to the customer, we send a unique link. If the defined period of time has passed, the form will no longer be available and it is required to send the form one more time, by sending a new unique link.

                      If the expiration of the form has not passed, the client should enter the same link again, and continue until the end of the process. All the details entered by the client and/or the agent will be saved in the form, until the end of the availability period of the form.

                      For more information about the expiration of the form read here.

                      If the expiration of the form has not passed, however the customer clicked the link again and the form still did not open, please contact Cellosign support to check or restore the form.

                      Client sent the form, but the form did not reach my email. What to do?

                      In this case there can be several options.

                      The first and most common possibility is that the customer did not actually complete the form submission process.

                      To verify that the client has indeed sent the form, check in the Processes screen, under “Submitted” column.

                      If no information (date and time) appears under “Submitted” column, it can be concluded that the client did not complete the process of sending the form at all, and therefore the form was not received by email. See the image below.

                      A second option is when the information appears under “Submitted” column, meaning that the customer did send the form. Please check that the email was not received in spam or another folder.

                      If an email was not received in spam or other folders, then the next option is to check in the application of the form.

                      In the process of creating the digital form, you can choose with each sending of the form who will receive a signed copy. Often the reason why a form does not reach the email is that the definition has been changed to another email or there is “no email” defined.

                      If this option has also been checked and rejected like all the other options, please contact Cellosign support to check or restore the form.

                      How do I know that the client has opened the form?

                      There are three ways to check if the client has opened the form:

                      • Verification from Dashboard.
                      • Verification from Processes screen.
                      • Verification online from the Show Agent screen.

                      Verification from Dashboard

                      In Dashboard screen there is a section called “Viewed” where you can see all the forms that were viewed by clients in last 24 hours.

                      In addition, in all the other sections there is a column “Viewed”, that is automatically updated with the date and time details once the client opened the form.

                      For more information about Dashboard read here.

                      Verification from Processes screen

                      There is another way to check if a client has opened the form, for any user with agent or project manager permissions.

                      In Processes screen there is a column with the title “Client logged in” and there you can check last date and time the client opened the form.

                      For more information about Processes window read here.

                      Verification online

                      A representative from the organization works in screen sharing with a remote person online. The work is done on top of Show Agent interface.

                      Once the client opens the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.

                      For more information about Show Agent read here.

                      How do I know that the client has submitted the form?

                      There are three ways to check if the client has submitted the form:

                      • Verification from Dashboard.
                      • Verification from Processes screen.
                      • Verification online from the Show Agent screen.

                      Verification from Dashboard

                      In Dashboard screen there is a section called “Submitted” where you can see all the forms that were submitted by clients in last 24 hours.

                      For more information about Dashboard interface read here.

                      Verification from Processes screen

                      There is another way to check if a client has submitted the form, for any user with agent or project manager permissions.

                      In Processes screen there is a column with the title “Submitted” and there you can check date and time when the client submitted the form.

                      For more information about Processes interface read here.

                      Verification online

                      A representative from the organization works in screen sharing with a remote person online. The work is done on top of Show Agent interface.

                      At the end of the process after the client completed and submitted the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.

                      For more information about Show Agent interface read here.

                      Client could not enter data into a certain field. What to do?

                      In Cellosign system it is possible to define permissions for each field separately, who is allowed to enter data into a certain field. Data can come from another system in the organization or can be entered by the agent or by the client or both, and so on.

                      First, need to check with the form implementer that the client is allowed to enter data. See the image below.

                      If it was defined that the client does not have permissions to enter data in a certain field, he will not succeed.

                      It can be said that in most cases where a client will not be able to enter data into a certain field, the problem is in the permissions of the specific field.

                      If the issue is checked by an implementer and indeed permission is given to the client and yet he is unable to enter data, apparently this is a malfunction. Please contact Cellosign support to check the form.

                      I exited the agent screen and I want to help the client to complete the form. What to do?

                      Agent screen can be opened again from Processes interface, for any user with agent or project manager permissions.

                      Press “+” next to the transaction that needs help:

                      After it press “Show Agent” button to open the transaction from the agent side:

                      For more information about Processes window read here.

                      How can I send a form to the client?

                      There are several options to send a form in Cellosign application:

                      Send a form from the Show Agent screen

                      Press the “Show Agent” button at the top of the screen and select a form from the list.

                      Enter the client’s email address or mobile phone number at the top of the screen and press “Connect” button.

                      At this point, when the client opens the link from the phone message or the email, you can both work together on the form.

                      For more information about Show Agent read here.

                      Send a form from the Dashboard panel

                      There are two options to send a form from the Dashboard:

                      Select a form from the list and press Send.

                      The template will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details. Press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.

                      Drag PDF file to the field or upload it by pressing “click here to upload” and selecting PDF file location.

                      By pressing “Send” button the file will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.

                      For more information about Dashboard read here.

                      Send a form from the Templates screen

                      Templates panel displays the list of templates related to the project. The page is accessible for users with “Project manager” and “Organization manager” permissions.

                      Go to the Templates screen, select a form template from the list and click the template name.

                      From the template toolbar press the “Show Agent” button to open the template in the Agent screen.

                      For more information about Templates read here.


                      Checkbox is a single selection option. Can be checked or unchecked.

                      It is possible to set an initial button value for the checkbox, “True” or “False”, which means that the form will open for the first time with the initial value marked.

                      Conditional permissions

                      When checking conditions on a checkbox controller, the following options are displayed:

                      SelectedIf the checkbox is checked.
                      Not SelectedIf the checkbox is unchecked.

                      Initiate Ad-Hoc Process

                      This option allows you to initiate Ad-Hoc process from the dashboard.

                      Drag PDF file to the field or upload it by pressing “click here to upload” and selecting PDF file location.

                      It is possible to delete the uploaded file by pressing “Delete” button and add description if needed.

                      By pressing “Send” button the file will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

                      For more information see “Show Agent” section.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.


                      A template editor comes with the option of customizing CSS and JAVASCRIPT.

                      It is allowed to use these options with caution and after performing the required comprehensive tests.

                      Note: Templates that contain CSS and JAVASCRIPT code are not supported as part of the service’s maintenance and support

                      Cellosign contains an option to produce CLASS (plural) in the elements: page, section and controller. Also, each controller includes a unique ID for which a CSS tag can be created.

                      Since Cellosign forms come by standard with accessibility components, to use CSS with caution to avoid overriding existing accessibility functionality. For more details see “Accessibility” section.

                      Additional highlights:

                      • Background images, icons, and media: It is allowed to load different backgrounds as “background-image” in CSS with a path to an external source, or use icons from an external source, but emphasis should be placed on the issue of copyright.
                      • It is not recommended to use a font face that is not part of the design content.
                      • Cellosign is served in a Bootstrap grid layout, it is recommended to generate CSS code in this framework.

                      Screen sharing

                      Cellosign system allows sending a template to the client and creating a common interface (client and agent) for filling out a common template. The interface allows the agent to view the values ​​entered by the client and the client to view the values ​​entered by the agent in real time. Each of them (agent, client) can add values according to the editing and viewing permissions given in the template.

                      The screen sharing option can be implemented in two ways, through the Show Agent interface or Processes interface.

                      In the Show Agent interface, the option exists by default and under the following conditions:

                      • Agent has sent the template (a timer indicator will appear next to the target box for sending the template).
                      • Client opened the link sent to him (a green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side in real time).

                      If both conditions are met, you can use the screen sharing option.

                      For more information about Show Agent interface read here.

                      In Processes interface the option exists in the actions screen under the specific transaction.

                      Press “+” next to the transaction that need to share:

                      After it press “Show Agent” button to open the transaction from the agent side:

                      Note: In Processes interface users with organization manager or project manager privileges can also open a client screen by pressing “Show Client” button and view or edit the template with client permissions.

                      For more information about Processes window read here.


                      SentAll the forms that were sent to clients in last 24 hours.
                      ViewedAll the forms that were viewed by clients in last 24 hours.
                      WaitingAll the forms that are waiting for clients in last 24 hours.
                      SubmittedAll the forms that were viewed by clients, completed and submitted in last 24 hours.
                      ExpiredAll the forms that were not completed and expired in last 24 hours.
                      FailedAll the forms that were failed in last 24 hours.

                      Under each section it is possible to perform search, filter by user and see the details of each transaction.

                      Show Agent

                      From this window Agent can run already existing template or create Ad-Hoc form with PDF file with or without recipients.

                      Select form to get startedSelect the existing template from the list to be run. Only published templates will be shown in the list.
                      For additional information about templates read here.
                      Enter number or email Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details.
                      Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
                      ConnectPress Connect button to send the form to the client.
                      Client TextAdd the text that will be sent to the client in the message with the link to the form.
                      Client CopyAdd the email address where to send the copy of the form after completion.
                      Upload FilePress the button to create an Ad-Hoc form. See below for more details.
                      Select TemplateSelect the existing template from the list to be used. Only PDF published templates will be shown.
                      DescriptionAdd the description of the form. By default selected template name will be added.
                      Recipients sequenceMark the check box to add recipients to the form. See below for more information about recipients parameters.
                      Attach file and postUpload PDF file by pressing “Choose file” button and selecting PDF file location.

                      After uploading PDF file the form will be opened. Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

                      The following controllers can be added to the Ad-Hoc form:

                      SignatureThis controller collects client graphic signatures. Signatures are embedded into the signed document in a way that it associate the signature with the signer.
                      TextThis controller allows to add any text to the form.
                      Signature & SealThis controller allows to combine a signature with the embedded company information.
                      Add fileThis controller allows uploading files of any type, unless limited by file type.
                      Add ImageThis controller allows uploading image files only. 

                      For additional information about controllers read here.

                      For each controller it will ask to select who is allowed to fill the field, whether it is required or not, background color [for signature, text and signature & seal] or display name [for file and image].

                      Example of image controller settings:

                      When the form creation is completed add phone number or email address of the client and press Connect. Timer will be started.

                      Once the client opens the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.

                      At the end of the process after the client completed and submitted the form the green indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen at the agent side for a short time.


                      When the “Recipients sequence” check box is selected the following fields will be shown:

                      Recipient NameAdd the name of the recipient. Default: recip1, recip2 etc..
                      Recipient DestinationAdd phone number or email of the recipient. When added it will be automatically copied to the destination fields [see example below]. Not mandatory, can be added or changed later.
                      Message to recipientAdd the text that will be sent to the recipient in the message with the link to the form.
                      Authentication requiredWhen selected the recipient will be asked to perform the authentication.
                      AddPress Add button to add more recipients.

                      When adding controllers it will ask to select which recipient is allowed to show or edit the field.

                      For more information about recipients read here.

                      Shared dashboards

                      It is possible to add new dashboards by clicking Add -> Create new dashboard.

                      Add the name of the dashboard and select the users’ permissions radio button.

                      Note: Shared dashboards feature requires activation. Please contact your CS contact for activation. Without the activation only dashboards for personal use can be created.

                      Personal useThe dashboard will be shown for the personal use only of the user that created it.
                      Shared with all project managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the project manager permissions under the same project.
                      Shared with all organization managersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users with the organization manager permissions under the same project.
                      Shared with all project usersThe dashboard will be shared with all the users under the same project: users with the organization manager permissions, project manager permissions and agent permissions.

                      Click the “Add Widget” and select the widget from the list.

                      Selected widget will be automatically added to the dashboard.

                      Each widget has it’s own settings that can be edited by clicking the gear icon.

                      The widget can be removed from the dashboard by clicking the trash icon.

                      Press Save button to save the dashboard and Delete button to delete the dashboard.

                      The owner of the dashboard can edit it by clicking Edit button or clone the dashboard by clicking Clone button.

                      Users that are not owners, but have permissions to use the dashboard can add it by selecting from the list and hide or clone the dashboard by clicking proper buttons.

                      About To Expire

                      This section allows you to see all the transactions to be expired.

                      Search options

                      It is possible to perform search or filter by expiration time. Default: 48 hours.

                      At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

                      Extend validity

                      Press “Extend validity” to extend the expiration time of the form.


                      In order to send reminders to the client select “Reminder” in the additional options menu. Add new destination or select an existing destination, add the message and press “Confirm” button.

                      Show Agent

                      Press “Show Agent” to open the transaction from the agent side.

                      For more information about “Show Agent” read here.

                      Show workflow

                      This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

                      Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


                      In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

                      The confirmation message will appear for approval.

                      Waiting For Me

                      This section allows to see all the transactions that are waiting for the user that is logged in to the system.

                      At the end of each line there is a menu with additional options.

                      Show Client

                      Press “Show Client” to open the transaction from the client side.

                      Show workflow

                      This option will appear only for the workflow and for the template with recipients.

                      Select “Show workflow” from the list to see the workflow status.


                      In order to delete the transaction from the list press “Delete” in the additional options menu.

                      The confirmation message will appear for approval.

                      Initiate New Process

                      This option allows you to run existing published templates from the dashboard.

                      Select a template from the list and press Send.

                      The template will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and add the relevant details. Press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.

                      For more information see “Show Agent” section.

                      Initiate Ad-Hoc Process

                      This option allows you to initiate Ad-Hoc process from the dashboard.

                      Drag PDF file to the field or upload it by pressing “click here to upload” and selecting PDF file location.

                      It is possible to delete the uploaded file by pressing “Delete” button and add description if needed.

                      By pressing “Send” button the file will be opened at the Agent screen.

                      Press “Add Fields” button to add controllers.

                      For more information see “Show Agent” section.

                      Add phone number of the client or email address where the client will be able to open the form and press “Connect” button to send the form to the client.


                      TextTitle for the radio button that will be shown in the form.
                      ValueValue of the radio button.
                      Default valueDefault radio button that will be selected upon sending the form.
                      Active iconThe icon that the user will see in the form when the radio is selected. In addition it is possible to define the color of the icon.
                      Inactive iconThe icon that the user will see in the form when the radio is unselected. In addition it is possible to define the color of the icon.
                      Delete [x] Delete the selected row.
                      Multi selectWhen selected the user will be able to choose more than one radio button in the form.
                      *If Multi select check box is marked icons will be ignored.

                      See below the example of radio buttons with icons:

                      When checking conditions on a radio type controller, the following options are displayed:

                      EqualIf the radio controller is exactly equal to the entered value.
                      Not EqualIf the radio controller is not equal to the entered value.
                      EmptyIf the radio controller has no value.
                      Not EmptyIf there is any value in the radio controller.


                      Widget typesFor rating radio buttons set the type to “Rating”.
                      Default: None
                      Inline BlockWhen selected the radio buttons will be lined up.
                      Display buttonsWhen selected the radio buttons will be displayed as list of buttons

                      See below the example of radio buttons with “Rating” widget type and “Inline Block” selected:


                      Custom errorDescription
                      Error when OCR failsOverride default error messsage when OCR module fail to parse uploaded image
                      Already sent errorCustom error when client try to post a token that is already submitted.
                      Error messages when malware detected on file uploadOverride default error when file from cleansing returns “malware detected”.

                      Note: OTP error, API error and Wizard page error are obsolete and not in use.

                      Messages settings

                      Post signed document to agentIf this option is checked, an agent that sent the action to the customer will receive a signed copy of the documents to their email address (PDF, Meta file and attached files). Archive failed messages also will be sent to this address.
                      Default: Checked
                      E-mail addresses to send signed docsPermanent email addresses that will receive signed documents (PDF, Meta file and attached files) from all the templates in the system. These addresses will be added in addition to the addresses defined in the template. Archive failed messages also will be sent to these addresses.
                      Send logs and errors to this addressPermanent email addresses that will receive system errors.
                      Client mail to reply e-mails toCompany’s email address for correspondence that comes out of the Cellosign application such as signed copies for customers.
                      The address is used as a reply to if the customer replies to the email.
                      Phone number/Text that appears as the SMS senderNumber or name that will appear as a sender in messages. The text should be Latin characters only, upper case and without spaces.


                      Supported browsers

                      Our current approach for supported browsers is blacklist and no whitelist. Blocking specific browsers and releases intends to remediate:

                      1. Popular browsers that are vulnerable or EOL with the limitation of popularity
                      2. Browsers or UA that known to be vulnerable
                      3. Browsers that does not make adequate use or no use at all to new technologies. Specifically use of cookies, local storage, recent CSS etc.

                      In the near future we intend to modify our approach to whitelist. In that event only specific browsers and versions will be allowed for service

                      What browsers are blacklisted?

                      Chrome80 or lower
                      Samsung Browser13 or lower
                      Firefox95 or lower
                      YaBrowser20 or lower
                      Safari15.3 or lower
                      Internet explorerAll version
                      Edge80 or lower
                      Opera67 and below

                      How to protect forms?

                      We are dedicating significant effort to safeguarding your data and your clients’ data. While some methods are fully covered by us, others require your attention. Below is a list of the protections we provide for forms.

                      Before we begin let’s clarify that we have a separate set of rules for “User” which are authenticated and authorized personnel whom are permitted to access Cellosign resources. Typically these users are connected to Cellosign through your organization IDM. (Azure Ad, LDAP etc..)Forms that needs to be filled by your users will require their authentication.

                      This page is about end-clients. Obviuous


                      What is a process on Cellosign?

                      A process in Cellosign is running a template to its destination and includes the filling of the form and its sending by the customer.
                      Running a template can be done in 5 ways:

                      1. Running a template by an operating system (integration)
                      2. Running a template by a system user
                      3. Running a template via an external link – from a website or portal (public)
                      4. With a multi-recipient process – a new process is created for each recipient in the process
                      5. With a multi-templates process – a new process is created on each template in the process

                      For every action in Cellosign there is an information line in the “processes tab”.

                      This screen shows all the processes performed in your projects according to a section of time, with the default when entering the screen being actions created “today”.

                      At the top of the screen:

                      • Panel for selecting a date range
                      • Free text search to find processes that contain certain text such as: phone number, email address or template
                      • A list of projects to select from in case you have more than one project
                      • If you have selected a project, you can also select a specific template
                      • An “Export” button that allows downloading all the processes selected by the searching criteria’s to an excel document

                      Below is an explanation of the data appearing in the processes panel:

                      • At the table header, the column names where the first column # can be used for arranging the table by ascending or descending order.
                      • At the bottom of the table, the number of columns in the selected section appears, as well as a navigator that moves to the following processes.
                      #A unique number of the operation in the system
                      CreatedDate and time the process was created [time the form was sent to the client]
                      ProjectThe project which the operation is associated to
                      DestinationThe recipient of the process: usually an email address or a phone number.
                      Note: the destination column is sometimes empty, in cases where the action was taken from an external system such as CRM or the action was taken directly from a browser and then no active sending action was actually performed
                      AgentThe name of the agent who created the process.
                      Sometimes when it comes from a computer creation [one created from CRM for example] the name of the system or a generic name will appear
                      ExpirationEach action created in the system has an expiration time, during which time the action will no longer be accessible to the representative and the end customer to whom the action was sent.
                      DeletedDate and time when the action was deleted. An action will be deleted given three possible cases:
                      – Expiration time has passed
                      – Customer sent the form and copies were also sent to the representative and customer or/and was compiled into the operational systems
                      – The agent or project manager deleted the process
                      Client logged in Last date and time the customer opened the form
                      SubmittedDate and time when the customer submitted the form
                      TemplateTemplate name
                      An indicatorGreen indicator: everything is fine
                      – Red indicator: error on the operation [see details further down the page]

                      Process details

                      Clicking on the green plus to the left of the process opens the process details screen and displays the process update actions:

                      This action will appear as long as the operation has not been deleted from the system. The buttons allow:

                      • Manual deletion of the process
                        • Open the form as client
                        • Open the form as agent
                        • Open a service call for support

                        Bellow them, we have five panels contains the process data, detailed below:


                        Displays the process IDs and form processing information.

                        Client View Doc Date and time when the form was viewed by the end client.
                        Note: This is a different documentation than “client logged in”. The information indicates that the form has been fully opened in the client’s browser and that the form is ready for an update operation.
                        Doc GeneratedDate and time of creating a digitally signed file.
                        Doc StatusThe status of the doc created. ‘true’ if a doc was created. empty if not created yet.
                        TokenA unique identifier of the operation in the system. Used as a unique identifier for the form sent to the client.
                        WorkflowIf the action is part of a business process that includes several actions, this content is the unique identifier of the process in which this action is included.
                        RecipientThe number of the recipient during the process. [if this action is part of a process].


                        If there is a connection [integration] between Cellosign and the CRM system in the customer organization, this panel will show the details of the process archive, after the form has been sent and processed.

                        PostedDate and time when the archive was created (the process product is sent to the core system).
                        Doc NumberDocument number, if received as a response from the core system in exchange for a successful archive.
                        Archive StatusThe status of the archive. ‘true’ if a doc was created. ‘false’ if failed.
                        Archive Failed Error The archive error as received from the core system.

                        Mail to Agent & Mail to Client

                        If copies of signed forms are sent to the email boxes of the organization or the client, their details will appear in these panels.

                        Agent/Client MailMail address of the agent/client.
                        Note: in the template without recipients, when entering the email, a copy of the form will be automatically sent to the client after completion.
                        PostedDate and time of sending.
                        Post StatusThe status of sending. ‘true’ if a doc was sent. ‘false’ if failed.
                        Note: this status indicates if the mail was sent from Cellosign but was not necessarily received at the mail address.
                        Post Failed ErrorError description, if the error failed and was reported to the Cellosign application.


                        A date controller type allows to select a date or a date and time. When accessibility is activated, the date is hidden and only keyboard input is allowed.

                        Add “$now” to default value in order to inject the date (or date time) that the transaction has been created into the field.

                        Select the “Add Time” check box to add both date and time. By default the checkbox is unchecked.

                        It is possible to apply limits on the minimum and maximum date.

                        In the example above, the date controller will allow dates that are less than one month older than today and less than tomorrow.

                        If we want to apply birth date selection and make sure the age is at least 18 years, we will enter “-18” in the “Maximum date” in the “Years” field.

                        “Date format” field is used to choose the date and time format.

                        When checking conditions on a date type controller, the following options are displayed:

                        Greater thanAfter a date
                        Less thanEarlier than a date

                        Input control for validation accepts a format to calculate future or past against current date, for example make sure that contact is at least 18 years old. In the example above the parameter is set to “-18y”. As result, the dependency will be activated if the value in the date field is earlier than 18 years ago.

                        The possible values ​​for this field are: “y” for year, “m” for month, “w” for week and “d” for day, all in positive or negative values.

                        User experience

                        Date and time needs to be actively selected. To capture current date and time, user requires to select “Now” or “Today” (when time is required as well). Default selection time is “00:00”

                        Custom PDF template

                        In the HTML template it is possible to configure a unique header and footer for final PDF file under “Custom PDF template” section.

                        Custom header configurationWhen set to ON header editor will be opened.
                        Custom footer configurationWhen set to ON footer editor will be opened.

                        Header and footer have the same editor settings and the description below is relevant to both of them.

                        The editor supports different design tools such as:

                        • Text style, format and size
                        • Text and background color
                        • Bold, Italic, Underline
                        • Ranked and numbered lists including indents
                        • Direction and alignment of the text
                        • Links (website addresses / emails), etc

                        You can enter directly in the content editor by writing texts.

                        Header and footer configuration can use dynamic content from the form and project dataset such as name, logo.

                        Use the Placeholder button to attach values from project parameters, print parameters or template fields into header or footer.

                        Use the Barcode button to add the barcode to header or footer based on the value of the selected source field from the template.

                        It is possible to use the project logo and the template image in header and footer or to upload your own image.

                        When uploading the image first choose the file from the selected location.

                        Then go to Advanced tab and set width, height and alignment settings.

                        Click the Preview button to see the example of the page with your header and footer configurations.



                        Accessibility statement

                        An accessible website is a website that allows people with disabilities and older people to view a web page with the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as other user. About 20 to 25 percent of the population encounter difficulties using the Internet and may benefit from more accessible Internet content. We at Republix believe in and works for equal opportunities in the Internet space for those with various disabilities and/or who use assistive technologies to use a computer, tablets and mobile devices.

                        Website accessibility

                        The site provides the general public with accessible content as much as possible. We work to update and implement the accessibility rules as much as possible, in accordance with the principles of the accessibility standard.

                        Republix form content are tested with NVDA screen readers on top of the following browsers on their latest editions


                        This website complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights Regulations for people with disabilities (accessibility adjustments to the service), the website complies with the recommendations of the Israeli standard [5568] for content accessibility on the Internet at AA level.

                        How to browse the site with accessible mode

                        Open the menu at the top of the page and toggle on “Activate accessibility”.

                        When activated, form entries and texts will display a distinct border when elements are on focus.

                        You can navigate forward using the TAB button. To navigate back, press the SHIFT + TAB key combination.

                        To get the best browsing experience with screen reader software, we recommend using the latest NVDA software.

                        Changing colors

                        From the top menu toggle :Monochrome” to change the site’s colors for for comfortable and easy reading.

                        Known issues

                        There are currently no known accessibility issues on the site.

                        Did you encounter a problem with the site?

                        Please submit a ticket to our support team and we will be happy to help.


                        Cellosign is an accessible product in AA standard.

                        However, in order for the forms and business processes to be accessible to the end users, a number of basic rules must be followed.


                        Each visible (not hidden) controller in the form should have a field label and an additional description if necessary.

                        Note: in Paragraph controller, if you use copied content, make sure that the “design” is not copied as well. Before pasting the content, you must first transfer the content through the Notepad software, which will clean the CSS styling, and then you can paste the text into the content editor.


                        For the uploaded images, you must enter a value for accessibility, a text indicating what the image is, for example:

                        • In the case of a logo: the logo and company name must be specified.
                        • In the case of a signature image it must be stated: “the signature of” and the full name of the signer and his position.
                        • In the case of inserting images in the integration, an “Alt” tag must be applied to each image that is uploaded to the form.

                        Headers labelling

                        Emphasis should be placed on the structure of the document in terms of headers. The reference to headers labelling is very similar to the implementation of a document in WORD for example.

                        See the example below.

                        When using the header labelling as shown in the example, the end user’s browser will automatically adjust the text size, without further intervention.

                        Should try to avoid using a specific font size and leave it only for exceptional cases.

                        HTML developers can use a code editor to make additional labelling as shown here.


                        The rule of thumb for color is maintaining contrast.

                        Cellosign application for the end user comes with a built-in accessibility menu that also includes contrast, keyboard support and more. However, the starting point of an initial display for the form is to maintain a contrast of colors, for example dark text on a light color.

                        In the picture here, the implementation of the colors is not correct since there is no high contrast between the background and the text. As a general rule, try to avoid different backgrounds than the default.


                        Links in a paragraph field must be labelled according to the type of link.

                        • For a link to a website, select the text, click on the link icon, select “URL” and enter the desired address, for example: https://support.cellosign.com/.
                        • For the link to send an email, select the text, click on the link icon, select “E-mail” and add the address for sending an email, for example: support@cellosign.com.


                        In the Cellosign template, it is possible to implement CSS tags for use in the form elements. This option is open for the implementers with appropriate knowledge. Here are some highlights:

                        • The use of CSS is under the responsibility of the customer.
                        • We do not provide support for changes made to this component for accessibility or in general.
                        • Do not use image elements for backgrounds.
                        • If changes were made to the colors of the components, it is recommended to use a contrast test to make sure that the changes did not affect the accessibility of the form

                        Client side

                        In order for the clients to activate the accessibility of the received form they need to open the “Support and Accessibility Menu” from the top corner of the form and mark the “Activate accessibility” check box.

                        Privacy statement


                        This privacy statement (“Statement”) applies to Republix Ltd. which develop and operate the Cellosign system (together “Company” “we,” or “us” and the “System”).

                        The security and privacy of your information are very important to us. Whether you are using one of our services as a cust-omer, potential customer, or just visiting our website, we want you to trust us with managing and protecting the information that you provide us with. We have prepared this statement to explain more about who we are and how we collect and manage your information.

                        This site is a general audience site which is neither designed nor intended to collect personal information from children and/or minors. In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of the law, children under the age of 13 should not provide use this site or the System.

                        By using any of our products or services (including our website) and/or by agreeing to this Statement, e.g., in the context of registering for any of our services or by any other means, you understand and acknowledge that we will collect and use Personal Data as described in this Statement.

                        It is important to note that this statement applies only to the data which is being collected and processed in our website by the company. Cellosign System is a product of the Company, which allows Company’s customers to easily create and manage forms for the collection of data. It should be emphasized, that the Company is not the owner of such data, is not allowed to use any of this data and has no control regarding the use of this data. Any inquiry or complaint regarding the data collected by any form in the system should be addressed to the relevant company/organization which is the owner of the data.  

                        Who we are and how can you contact us

                        Republix Ltd.

                        Kibutz Kefar Szold,

                        pob180, 12230


                        Phone +972 -525-794-833

                        Email Info@Cellosign.com

                        While you are visiting our website, we might collect some information about your use in our website for our purposes, as set forth by this Privacy Statement. Therefore, and with regard to any such Personal Data collected, we are deemed as the Controller for GDPR purposes.

                        Questions, comments, requests and complaints regarding this Statement and the information we hold are welcome and should be addressed to us by using the contact details above. All requests will be dealt with promptly and efficiently.

                        You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the relevant supervisory authority for data protection issues. however, we will appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the authorities, so please feel free to contact us in the first instance.

                        Information we may collect from you

                        “Personal Data”, or personal information, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified.

                        We collect Personal Data from you voluntarily when you provide such Personal Data to us, or via our services and websites with which you voluntarily interact.  We may also obtain such Personal Data about you as may be provided to us in the course of our legitimate business activities.

                        You do not have to provide us with your information, but in some cases, if you do not, it may mean that you are unable to use our services.  For example, we may be unable to complete a requested “contact form” inquiry, unless you’ll provide us with your contact details.

                        When you use our website or services and choose voluntarily to provide us with your information, we might collect and process the following information:

                        • Identity Data – including full name, username or any similar identifier, title, date of birth and gender and any other information provided by you upon your sole discretion.
                        • Contact Data – including email address and telephone numbers.
                        • Usage Data – includes information about how you use our website and services.
                        • Technical Data – includes internet protocol (IP) address, the device you are using, browser type and version, screen resolution, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the devices you use to access this website.
                        • Marketing and Communications Data – includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and our third parties and your communication preferences.

                        We also collect, use and share Aggregated Data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your Personal Data but is not reveal your identity.

                        How is your Personal Data Collected

                        We use different methods to collect data from and about you, including through:

                        • Direct interactions – You may give us your Identity, Contact and Financial Data by filling in forms (e.g. “Contact Us” or “Newsletter Subscription”, etc.) or by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise.
                        • Automated technologies or interactions – As you interact with our website or any other system operated by us, we may automatically collect Personal Data (please refer to the description below, under “Cookies Usage”).
                        • Third parties or publicly available sources – We may receive Personal Data about you from various third parties and public sources, e.g.: advertising and social networks, analytics providers, search information providers.

                        Cookies Usage

                        Like many other websites, our website may use Cookies or Other Technologies (such as “pixel tags”, “web beacons”, links in emails, JavaScript, device IDs assigned by Google or Apple, or similar technologies, collectively “Other Technologies”). Cookies are a small text file that is placed onto an Internet user’s web browser or device and is used to remember as well as obtain information about that party. Cookies and Other Technologies allow us and third parties to obtain information about your visits to our website, including to analyze your visiting patterns, and to deliver online and mobile advertisements, messages, and content for us and others that are specific to your interests. In addition, Cookies may be used on the site in order to improve your experience.

                        We may use various types of Cookies:

                        Essential Cookies – which are necessary for the site to work properly;

                        Functional Cookies – designated to save your settings on the site – your language preference or other view preferences;

                        Session Cookies – used to support the functionality of the website – such Cookies are stored only temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted from your device when you close the browser.

                        Targeting Cookies – these cookies are used to collect information from you to help us to improve our products and services as well as serve you with targeted advertisements that we believe will be relevant to you.

                        Social networks Cookies – Social Plug-In Cookies (e.g. Facebook) enabling sharing of information with your social networks accounts to be smooth and seamless.

                        Analytics Cookies – give us aggregated information which enables us to improve the way our